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The benefit to believers in Eph 2:8 !


Premium Member
Hi to all , and this Op will rage on through all time , until the Departure/Rapture , and this is OSAS .

This is just one of many proof of OSAS !!

Eph 2:8 reads , For by grace you are Having Been Saved through faith , and it is the Gift of God .
That's great. It is not secret that god can forgive whoever for whatever reason. That doesn't mean one doesn't still have the ability to squander the gift given. There is always still much to do and a long life to live even if you were saved from the time you were in the womb and living righteously should be part of that journey.


Veteran Member
Saved from the womb, or rather saved from the time of dedication and baptism?

However, according to Hebrews [6 vs 4-6], it is possible to become 'unsaved'.

Does God forgive the unforgivable sin?
-Matthew 12v32


Well-Known Member
Hi to all , and this Op will rage on through all time , until the Departure/Rapture , and this is OSAS .

This is just one of many proof of OSAS !!

Eph 2:8 reads , For by grace you are Having Been Saved through faith , and it is the Gift of God .

#1 , Having Been Saved , is in the Greek Perfect tense , passive voice and a Participle .

#2 , The Greek word SOZO/SAVED , means Past Action which points to the past action of when you were saved ,

#3 , The other part of the Perfect tense is the Continuing part and is always in the Present tense and continues to your death or Rapture .

#4 , The Passive voice means that God did the saving and NOT you !!

#5 , The Participle , is why the translation is , " having been saved " !!

This then means OSAS , forever , dan p

dan p,
The Bible does not put in one place all the information pertaining to any subject. One thing about a subject is mentioned in one place another place something that qualifies, modifies, or complements what was written.
In the case of Eph 2:8, being saved is a condition of acceptance by God as worthy of Grace or undeserved kindness, which is being in a saved condition. Other scriptures tell us that we must endure until the end to be saved, Matt 24:13.
The reason it is called a gift, is because no person could do enough to deserve everlasting life, so no matter how hard we try we cannot EARN everlasting life. If God sees that we are trying He will grant it to you as a gift. Qualifiying scriptures are found in James 2:14-18, 20-22, 24-26.
The idea of once saved always saved is a very circean, meaning a very dangerous, maybe even fatal belief. The Bible speaks of many people who were in a saved condition who fell away, some were even killed because of falling away, 1Cor 10:1-6, 8-12, Remember the whole nation of Israel was in a saved condition, by being in a covenant relationship with God, Isa 43:10-12. Notice that here we are told that we should be careful, who are standing, that you do not fall. Consider 2Cor 13:5.
You actually have to think of, just one person, to realize the idea of one saved always saved is totally false. Contemplate the case of Judas Iscariot, who was not only in a saved condition, but in the innermost circle of saved ones. Judas fell away and became a traitor to Jesus, and lost his saved condition, John 17:12, Matt 26:21-24, Acts 1:20.
One other case is worthy of mentioning is recorded at 1Tim 1:18-20. Here the falling away was like a SHIPWREAK of their faith.
Read the case about the man who was in a saved condition who committed fornication with his stepmother, and was removed from the congregation, 1Cor 5:1-13, Matt 16:19.