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The bible and gays


Veteran Member
The bible is against just about everything you can think of, it doesn't like anyone having fun in life, it wants to make you sour and sad, it is said that Jesus never laughed, how sad for him.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I haven't read the bible in a while so forgive me if I'm mistaken.
Isn't there only one section of the bible (in it's original language) that explicitly states "God"s stance against homosexuality.
I believe it was Leviticus 18 or 20 or both or neither, lol.

But depending on your standpoint, the bible is against a lot of things. Like, a lot of things.
If I'm correct, and the homophobia originates only in Leviticus, then shouldn't one follow all of Leviticus if they are to stand against homosexuality?
Moving on to your actual question.
Why is the bible homophobic

Who knows. "God works in mysterious ways", right?
If God, for some odd reason, has something against two men or two women loving each other, who are you to question it?
It obviously doesn't make sense. It's very pointless to even make a big deal out of it since it doesn't change who a person is.
But, for some reason, there is this rule that a homosexual, with their respective urges, must adhere to if they wish to not burn for eternity.

Long story short, the Abrahamic God is a bully with overly demanding and, more than seemingly, pointless standards.
The Bible is supposedly to save us, and it saves us by forcing us into things.
Things that an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being supposedly supports for some unknown reason.
Even though said being is all powerful and all knowing, it still decides to make people follow overbearing rules so they can come chill with him up in the clouds?
Even though it could easily make everyone's lives so much easier while still granting free will, it refuses.

So why does God hate gays? I don't know.
I also don't know why I can't wear mixed fabric, eat shellfish, eat pork, or love who I want.
I don't know why all women have to be punished because one stupid one listened to a talking snake.
Nor do I even comprehend why owning and beating other humans is okay with an all loving God.
I can't even begin to explain why an all powerful and all knowing GOD would be jealous of anything.

I can go on all day, but I'll end my rant here (before I say something that gets this comment taken down).


yawn <ignore> yawn
[QUOTE="Leo613, post: 4396836, member: 5663 r u saying the bible is not eternal[/QUOTE]

That is putting it quite charitably.

The bible doesn't even exist really. The closest thing is what someone thinks it is, and what that means.
I have several different Bibles, from KJV to "The Good News Bible(dumbed down edition) to the NIV. They all mean different things to different people. So there is no Bible, except in someone's subjective opinion.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Why is the bible homophobic

They were trying to separate themselves culturally and physically, and the Babylonians engaged in very sexual, including homosexual, temple rituals. They thought God would only bless them if they stayed separate, so anything that resembled what the Babylonians did was classified as "unclean."


yawn <ignore> yawn
It's not like every moment of Jesus' life was recorded in there.

This is obviously true.
Everything that the Gospel authors claim about Jesus Christ could be condensed into a week or two of real time.

Jesus may have said," Leave the gay people alone, they aren't hurting anything! They are how Heavenly Father will deal with population problems in 2000 years."
But the people who eventually got around to writing the Gospels forgot to mention that, like most of whatever Jesus preached.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the bible in a while so forgive me if I'm mistaken.
Isn't there only one section of the bible (in it's original language) that explicitly states "God"s stance against homosexuality.
I believe it was Leviticus 18 or 20 or both or neither, lol.

But depending on your standpoint, the bible is against a lot of things. Like, a lot of things.
If I'm correct, and the homophobia originates only in Leviticus, then shouldn't one follow all of Leviticus if they are to stand against homosexuality?
Moving on to your actual question.

Who knows. "God works in mysterious ways", right?
If God, for some odd reason, has something against two men or two women loving each other, who are you to question it?
It obviously doesn't make sense. It's very pointless to even make a big deal out of it since it doesn't change who a person is.
But, for some reason, there is this rule that a homosexual, with their respective urges, must adhere to if they wish to not burn for eternity.

Long story short, the Abrahamic God is a bully with overly demanding and, more than seemingly, pointless standards.
The Bible is supposedly to save us, and it saves us by forcing us into things.
Things that an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being supposedly supports for some unknown reason.
Even though said being is all powerful and all knowing, it still decides to make people follow overbearing rules so they can come chill with him up in the clouds?
Even though it could easily make everyone's lives so much easier while still granting free will, it refuses.

So why does God hate gays? I don't know.
I also don't know why I can't wear mixed fabric, eat shellfish, eat pork, or love who I want.
I don't know why all women have to be punished because one stupid one listened to a talking snake.
Nor do I even comprehend why owning and beating other humans is okay with an all loving God.
I can't even begin to explain why an all powerful and all knowing GOD would be jealous of anything.

I can go on all day, but I'll end my rant here (before I say something that gets this comment taken down).

The God of Jesus isn't against anything Humans do. His God doesn't judge anyone.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you found a way to immediately confuse me. I'm afraid I do not comprehend, care to elaborate?

It is written that Jesus said his God lets its sun shine and rain fall on the good and the evil and the just and unjust. So his God isn't against anything humans do. Jesus' God is amoral. Matthew 5:45: and John 5: 22.
Churches will never ever teach those sayings of Jesus because they would go out of business.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
It is written that Jesus said his God lets its sun shine and rain fall on the good and the evil and the just and unjust. So his God isn't against anything humans do. Jesus' God is amoral. Matthew 5:45: and John 5: 22.
Churches will never ever teach those sayings of Jesus because they would go out of business.

Well, I'm a snarky person so you'll have to forgive my response.
So what? It's very well known at this point that no God is never willing to intervene in anyway that would prove they exist, or at all.
The Abrahamic God especially. He doesn't do jack crap about anything.
So just because he treats everyone fairly before they die it doesn't mean he's yay or nae, just neutral.

It's God's personality, his overbearing rules, and his immoral judgement standards that I take issue with.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a snarky person so you'll have to forgive my response.
So what? It's very well known at this point that no God is never willing to intervene in anyway that would prove they exist, or at all.
The Abrahamic God especially. He doesn't do jack crap about anything.
So just because he treats everyone fairly before they die it doesn't mean he's yay or nae, just neutral.

It's God's personality, his overbearing rules, and his immoral judgement standards that I take issue with.

No God has ever made any immoral judgments or rules. People only do that then claim some God told them, then you believe it. Your last sentence proves you believe it.