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The bible and gays


Veteran Member
Yes, following what the Bible says may cause you to miss the fun of sexually transmitted diseases, broken families, abandoned children, abortions, unwanted pregnancies, emotional turmoil, and other fun things. As to Jesus never smiling, the Bible shows Jesus experienced great joy. (Luke 10:21) I believe his joy will last forever, unlike the fleeting enjoyment of wrongdoers. (Hebrews 12:2)
You don't need the bible to know better, just because those who don't believe in your religion, doesn't mean their stupid, you don't own the monopoly on being intelligent, in fact its usually the opposite with religion.


Well-Known Member
Well, there probably isn't any to quote. You said "His God doesn't judge anyone" and I provided examples where he does. Now what, time for a gin and tonic?


Jesus didn't say his God was the writer of Proverbs.


Active Member
Jesus didn't say his God was the writer of Proverbs.
Okay. He also didn't say he ate his curds and whey. So what?

You, YOU said "His God doesn't judge anyone" and I provided examples where he does. Here, I'll even repeat myself for your convenience. *sigh*

Proverbs 6:
16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,​

Just what is it that's cranking your engine here, Awoon; that you were wrong and don't have the cojones to admit it?


Well-Known Member
Okay. He also didn't say he ate his curds and whey. So what?

You, YOU said "His God doesn't judge anyone" and I provided examples where he does. Here, I'll even repeat myself for your convenience. *sigh*

Proverbs 6:
16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,​

Just what is it that's cranking your engine here, Awoon; that you were wrong and don't have the cojones to admit it?



Active Member
I found it interesting that you said "we humans made that choice". Last I checked, your grandparents choices isn't your own.
When Adam and Eve made their poor choices it effect the rest of humanity. Just like if a person makes the choice to drink and get behind the wheel of a car their actions can effect other people.


Active Member
Great choice. Kind of like putting a gun to someone's head and saying "Okay, you have a choice, either you believe everything I tell you to believe, or I shoot you in the head".

Not a choice so much as a threat.
It is not a treat. People might see it as one but it is not. God does not force anything on anyone. He gives you free will. If you choice to not have Faith in him and let him into your heart then you made your choice not to accept him as your savior. Believe it not he does not want to force anyone to believe in him. If he did he would of made free will


Active Member
You do understand that morals are a subjective thing, correct? There is no such thing as someone/something that is factually "holy" or "evil".
It's all just opinions. So, in my, and much of the modern worlds, opinion - a lot of what God deems moral is immoral.

Or is owning people, supporting a patriarchal society, murdering babies, and committing rape and mass murder, moral to you?
That's in the bible, btw. So is pedophilia and a few other things. They have all been condoned at sometime or another there.
First off, of the things that you have mentioned are in the Bible, you neglected to give the context for any of those things; whether they were spoken against, whether they were good or bad from some opinion other than your own, and if they were allowed, what were the conditions involved. You said nothing concerning man's agency and whether God would allow men to create conditions detrimental to themselves. All you did was make sweeping assumptions that if it was in the Bible, then God is in favor of it. Please provide examples for rebuttal.

Secondly, you say that all morality is subjective without considering what the reality of a God might mean for that statement. If there is a God and He has existed for all eternity, then it is likely that His moral code has also existed for all eternity. You might also consider that God would not be arbitrary or capricious and that He abides His own laws. This would tend to make His moral laws objective rather than subjective.

You might also consider that if God has existed for all of eternity, that would suggest that we are not His first creation and we won't be His last. This also would tend to suggest that His laws are objective since they would apply equally to all of His creations. It also suggests that He just might have a better grip on what is in the best eternal interest of man than man does. You might consider that you do not know what God's eternal desires are for His children.

You are at best using a lame attempt at suggesting that if God is in favor of all these "bad" things, there must not be a God and therefore homosexuality is ok.


When Adam and Eve made their poor choices it effect the rest of humanity. Just like if a person makes the choice to drink and get behind the wheel of a car their actions can effect other people.

Why should their stupidity and actions affect the rest of humanity? A drunk driver hits another person's car. Let's charge them both with a DUI...


Active Member
So now your sins affects your children?
First off I don't have kids but I can speak from experience yes it does. Jack was an acholical who aboused my mom when she was pregnant with me. Cause of what he did to my mom I had health issues I have dealt with my whole life and had to overcome so I am living proof that yes your sins do effect your kids


Active Member
First off I don't have kids but I can speak from experience yes it does. Jack was an acholical who aboused my mom when she was pregnant with me. Cause of what he did to my mom I had health issues I have dealt with my whole life and had to overcome so I am living proof that yes your sins do effect your kids
I forgot to add they can also effect a person marriage and daily life. Sin equals death


First off I don't have kids but I can speak from experience yes it does. Jack was an acholical who aboused my mom when she was pregnant with me. Cause of what he did to my mom I had health issues I have dealt with my whole life and had to overcome so I am living proof that yes your sins do effect your kids

You had health issues because your mother's womb was damaged during pregnancy not because of Jack's alcoholism. Jack could of been an alcoholic and never laid a hand on your mom. If Jack was an adulterer, robber, murderer etc, it would of had no affect on your birth either.


Active Member
You had health issues because your mother's womb was damaged during pregnancy not because of Jack's alcoholism. Jack could of been an alcoholic and never laid a hand on your mom. If Jack was an adulterer, robber, murderer etc, it would of had no affect on your birth either.
Yes it would. Do you know anything about alcoholism? There are babies born sick all the cause of it. So yes it does effect the kids


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
First off, of the things that you have mentioned are in the Bible, you neglected to give the context for any of those things; whether they were spoken against, whether they were good or bad from some opinion other than your own, and if they were allowed, what were the conditions involved. You said nothing concerning man's agency and whether God would allow men to create conditions detrimental to themselves. All you did was make sweeping assumptions that if it was in the Bible, then God is in favor of it. Please provide examples for rebuttal.

For starters, I do not need to provide context. The book is there for everyone to look it up in. For free. There's also google.
This is an argument I've been in 30 times by now. It got old.
I'm sure you know the contexts of which I spoke, feel free to provide them if you think I'm wrong. If they don't fit the verse I meant then I'll correct you.
Otherwise, I refuse to engage in discourse on the subject of "where exactly in the bible did it say this". I have neither the time nor the feeling to do so.

Secondly, you say that all morality is subjective without considering what the reality of a God might mean for that statement. If there is a God and He has existed for all eternity, then it is likely that His moral code has also existed for all eternity. You might also consider that God would not be arbitrary or capricious and that He abides His own laws. This would tend to make His moral laws objective rather than subjective.

Subjective. Morals. Morals are subjective. Things that are subjective are based in opinions.
There is no such thing as something that is objectively moral. Give me an example and I'll give you a rebuttal.
If whichever Gods laws are objective then they are not moral. Simple as that.

You might also consider that if God has existed for all of eternity, that would suggest that we are not His first creation and we won't be His last. This also would tend to suggest that His laws are objective since they would apply equally to all of His creations. It also suggests that He just might have a better grip on what is in the best eternal interest of man than man does. You might consider that you do not know what God's eternal desires are for His children.

I can't even begin to dignify this with a proper response. Someone else save me the headache, please.

You are at best using a lame attempt at suggesting that if God is in favor of all these "bad" things, there must not be a God and therefore homosexuality is ok.

Um, no. I'm saying that if this God exists, he sucks. He allows unbearable suffering, starvation, horrible sexual acts, and the owning of other people.
He chooses to be a bystander to all human made atrocities when he could easily make one or two changes to fix them all.

He could do them while allowing free will still, as well. He could make humans with abilities, he could have made our bodies in a way that they are unable to be tortured, he could have created women so that they wouldn't die from childbirth, he could prevent kids from being born only to die painfully, he could make it so humans cannot starve so easily, he could have made our bodies so that they cannot be sexually assaulted and abused.

He did none of those things. Instead he made us weak little sacks of meat that are easy to abuse and kill.
The way I see it, the God of the bible just went ahead and made some living puppets because he got bored.
Then he got bored again and left them to their own devices. Hardly worthy of any sort of respect.
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Woke gremlin
It is not a treat. People might see it as one but it is not. God does not force anything on anyone. He gives you free will. If you choice to not have Faith in him and let him into your heart then you made your choice not to accept him as your savior. Believe it not he does not want to force anyone to believe in him. If he did he would of made free will
When you give someone a choice between doing what you tell them to or not, but tell them that not doing what they tell you to will lead to terrible consequences, that is called a threat.

If God truly believed in free will, they wouldn't punish us for using it. The God you describe is nothing but an ignorant bully.