Very interesting video, thanks. In your original post though, you didn't clarify the this very unique type of cannabis that doesn't typically get someone high. The problem is, most people don't use it for true medical needs, but simply to take the edge off of life. I can understand if someone's brain us very overactive and that cannabis helps them to feel a little more normal. I definitely can understand the draw of anything making you feel better. But what price will be paid because of it? Obviously the little girl and some of the other's in the video truly needed it, but their body's were over reactive in the first place. What happens when most people, like the people who were smoking in large crowds and singing it's praises? I just saw a bunch of dumbed down people wanting a bonding experience with other people doing a drug that, in my opinion takes the place of a spiritual need. Certain drugs provide a natural high that causes us to only care about the present and not on spiritual regeneration. Sure, they can put us in a state of spiritual reflection at times, but habitual use in my opinion robs people of the ability to connect more with God and grow mentally and spiritually as God intended for us. I just see alot if people forfeiting their spiritual destinies and any greatness that goes with that for something that makes them think that all they need on a daily basis in this life is their high. I'm subject to wanting that high just like alot of people, but I know it can easily deceive us into thinking that's all there is in life.
I totally agree with you. Those strains of cannabis that get you high shouldn't be used by serious practitioners of the Bible. But, the high CBD strains that don't get you high and are very good for you, should be used regularly by believers in my opinion. Those strains are obviously a gift from God that shouldn't be overlooked. Dr. William Courtney says we should use them regularly in his video. I think this is good advice.