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The bible is a poor source for moral guidance


Veteran Member
How does one define "murder" in this context?

Murder today is killing that's against the law; such laws having been established by the governing body of a society. In ancient times murder wasn't so narrowly defined, but simply the killing of another person without justification or a valid excuse. Of course this is far more subjective, leaving the justification or excuse open to question: therefore, it might not be accepted by everyone.

Is there some universal definition which applies for all time,
As explained above, No.

or would it be based on the secular laws in existence at the time and place an alleged murder was committed
Actually, secular or religious laws, and where; yes it would.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Let's start with the jesus story. It says the sins of the guilty (all humanity) can be absolved by punishing the innocent (Jesus). Is that moral ?
God was not "punishing" Jesus. Jesus readily accepted the assignment God gave him, "to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28) Without the ransom sacrifice of Jesus perfect human life, I believe all of us would still be under the condemnation Adam brought upon his offspring. (Romans 5:12) Love moved God to provide the means to grant obedient men, women, and children everlasting life, as Jesus himself explained at John 3:16. And loved move Jesus to serve as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) I am convinced Jesus is not God, but God's Son.
God was not "punishing" Jesus. Jesus readily accepted the assignment God gave him, "to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” (Matthew 20:28) Without the ransom sacrifice of Jesus perfect human life, I believe all of us would still be under the condemnation Adam brought upon his offspring. (Romans 5:12) Love moved God to provide the means to grant obedient men, women, and children everlasting life, as Jesus himself explained at John 3:16. And loved move Jesus to serve as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) I am convinced Jesus is not God, but God's Son.

If jesus readily accepted being tortured and killed, why did he ask "father, why have you forsaken me" in his final words before death ?

So god required HIS own death as ransom to end the condemnation HE imposed on all future generations of humanity because two people, in the beginning displeased him. That sounds both unnecessarily dramatic and bloody. Couldn't God have just snapped his fingers to lift his curse ? But it is also unfair to punish future generations of mankind and to kill jesus for the "sins" of two people. Once again, the bible teaches the innocent are to be punished for the acts of the guilty. That is not moral.
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Well-Known Member
According to.... Who ?

What is your intent, to be in agreement with all the scriptures how they've always been taught by natural minded mankind by creating an image and definition of God, to show others objective truth, to seek a common ground for all, to seek the deeper spirit behind the scriptures, to discredit God, to discredit the scriptures, to inflate an ego?

What's in your heart, friend? Love and peace?


Veteran Member
There is a constitutional right to freedom of belief, it does not mean that any religious practice is ok. Beliefs and practices are different,
Oh. I thought it just said freedom of religion without specifying what form that freedom may take.
What is your intent, to be in agreement with all the scriptures how they've always been taught by natural minded mankind by creating an image and definition of God, to show others objective truth, to seek a common ground for all, to seek the deeper spirit behind the scriptures, to discredit God, to discredit the scriptures, to inflate an ego?

What's in your heart, friend? Love and peace?

Exploring and promoting the truth.
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Well-Known Member
Very interesting take. Can't say I've heard it before. I'd love to see you expound on it. :)

Thanks for the reply, friend. I'll do my best to expound what I've said in natural terms.

I'll start by a testimony. My heart was absolutely disgusted by the things of the Hebrew Scriptures. This wasn't the God that was molding me within. The incest, the murder of children, the rape, the destruction of men and women, two literal humans being responsible for all of mankind, God creating imperfext humans and admitting to messing up and flooding the world, the horrendous bias between literal men and women, women being viewed as disgust, all of the divide and hate in the world by the same "religious" folks, the sick and twisted things done to literal animals, etc.

Rather than just make excuses and continue with the world of doctrines and theology that made no rational sense and was nothing of love and showed severe respect towards persons, or just blame God, or deny the scriptures, I brought myself to the extreme low through meditation and stillness and openness of mind with the attitude, "Here I am God, teach me, everything I think I know, destroy it and bring me lower, decrease me and increase you, and teach me your ways even its myself against the world."

I already knew physical objective truth, and earnestly desired spiritual objective truth. One truth in spirit for all.

God could only be known internally and within, and not externally or with false perceptions or images created in my mind, as a literal guy up in the sky somewhere or whatever else.

The entire scriptures have to do with a human and God, and all within and happening internally. Realized nothing outside of a human can change, it all has to occur and transform within. The brain, the heart, the mind, and body. Only place change can occur and things all mankind have in common.

The creation story didn't make sense, scientifically impossible as is, what would God care for a human to know how the universe was made in a few days, a bunch of trees and fruit growing on the literal earth, Cain's wife coming from nowhere and incest, etc. Sought for truth at all costs even the painful process of defeating my ego and everything I thought I knew. My own knowledge or any natural man's knowledge would be false. Things of the natural man when it comes to scripture are outward and literal, things of naturally man's nature and not of the spirit which is within.

In the beginning, is the beginning of the creation of the human, not the universe. God created the heaven (brain) and earth (physical human's literal body of matter)
God said, let there be light and there was light. (Life/spirit)in human. The light that lightens every man that comes into the world. (Life/spirit)
The human body was dark and without form and void.
Light: humans higher nature.
Darkness: humans natural, lower nature.
The firmament dividing the waters from the waters is the brain. (Heaven)
Human body is composed of like 50-80% water)
All of the fruit and good seed was of God, all within the human upon being created. Knowledge of good, like a little child with no experience of the rudiments of the world, and their surroundings, no knowledge of evil within them.
The two great lights are the sun (eastern hemisphere of brain) and the moon (Western Hemisphere of brain).
Ie: Joseph making the sun and the moon stand still through a still mind of meditation and destroying and conquering his evil desires and emotions and thoughts.
The stars are the 12 cranial nerves around brain, the 12 legions of angels all humans have.
Fowls, cattle, creeping things, whales, etc are all metaphors for thoughts, emotions, desires, knowledge, etc... All after God's kind, food fruit within the human.
The human was blessed and given dominion, free will/choice over these thoughts, desires, emotions, and knowledge.
Being fruitful and multiplying is one's brain creating a vast network of ever expanding knowledge, etc. The human creating. Being a vessel to carry out God's creation.

The human body was all created and everything inside, just lacked a soul/ conscious (US) to
dwell within it.

The heart is Eden, with the four rivers flowing from it. (Four chambers) All good seed of God.

Triune brain:
Adam:conscious (neocortex)
Serpent: thinking mind (reptillian brain)-ancient and oldest part of brain.

Adam would be our conscious selves impregnating our subconscious/unconscious selves with a seed of knowledge. Our subconscious selves are the mother of all living to us, which births our realities.

A child isn't literal but a seed of knowledge that is stored in the brain and grows and matures into "men and women." Either good seed or evil seed that takes a hold of us. Multiplying into networks and vast networks of knowledge. Good seed murders evil seed and evil seed murders good seed. (Cain murdering Abel and the human being in the land of Nod- unconscious and separated from God.)
The human mind becoming fractured.

Father would be the spirit.
Mother would be the physical body.
Husband would be the conscious (our higher nature) and wife the subconscious (our lower nature.)
Eastern hemisphere and Western Hemisphere of brains. Two becoming one.

When God is destroying and murdering children and men and women, it's the destruction of the evil seed within the humans' brain, mind, heart, body. The kingdom(s) of evil within the human. Rape is a poor english word used. Would mean to have control over, dominate one which our evil emotions, thoughts, desires, selfish gratifications do. They give birth to more and more within us. The destruction of ones created world within by the coming of the cosmic life saving energy of God released through the brain and into the body. (Knowledge of God) for Christians it's the Holy Spirit, others Kundalini, etc.
Abraham and the east and west reference. Jacob finding God and being awakened at the place of Pineal, the gland located right in the middle of the east and west hemispheres of brain and his natural nature becoming "Israel" a spiritual man. 12 cranial nerves camped around tabernacle in perfect harmony.
Light coming from tribe of Judah (186,400) on the East.
The house of God, the tabernacle of God, the temple of God is all in the brain. First heaven being the outer court, third heaven being the holy of holies.
God is the husbandry and the human is the wife(woman) . The unclean/natural one needing awakened.
The reason we can be so imperfect in a perfect universe is because of the physical body we reside in. It's not our own. It is our vessel in which the spirit manifests itself in to carry out creation.

The animals being sacrificed are not literal animals but the humans' carnality being sacrificed. We are the beasts and animals of the flesh. We are the leper, the lame, the blind, etc. The altar we build to God is nothing outward or vain, it's all internal and within, the state of our hearts and minds and being clean/pure. Of love.
The blood is within all humans' and not literal animal blood and guts flung around all over the place. It all occurs within.
Being a widow and fatherless is a human separated from God.
Leaving Egypt is leaving slavery to sin. Sinner set free. Passover and all of the feasts occur within the human.

All of the money references aren't literal money, it's metaphorical for that there is a price to pay for our actions. We reap what we sow. The natural man can only perceive literal things, literal marriage, literal children, literal men and women, literal land being holy, literal animals, literal murder and destruction, literal sex.
When it comes to God, it's spiritual things and universal, one objective truth and its all what we have in common. no respector of religion, race, female or male, young or old, color, etc. Everything is just and equal and balanced with God. It's what we all have in common which is all within. One can never find or know God externally, we all can within ourselves. Know oneself and our divine nature. Everything else becomes automatic.
Ourselves and our own control is our own worst enemy. We sit a top our thrones and need brought low and humbled.
The allegory for the brain in the Hebrew Scriptures is beautiful, especially the tabernacle. It gets pretty deep spiritually.
It's all about the human and God and finding and experiencing God within, and it's love, peace, bliss, and oneness.


Veteran Member
It would not be moral were Jesus simply a human being, but it is moral to the point of demonstrating sacrificial love , because Jesus is GOD the Creator who chose to come in the flesh and take upon Himself the sins of the world to redeem fallen humanity.
Is that even that big of a price to pay for God? I mean, if God is omnipotent, couldn't he have figured out an easier way to accomplish this?


Active Member
Is that even that big of a price to pay for God? I mean, if God is omnipotent, couldn't he have figured out an easier way to accomplish this?
Unless finding the easiest way to accomplish the goal was not God's highest priority.
A fence around the tree would have been easier.
A guard dog to chase away the serpent would have been easier.

What if the most important thing, to God, was something else ... like His Glory.
How does Jesus help God's Glory?
Ask Him (I am not the keeper of God's motives.)


Veteran Member
Unless finding the easiest way to accomplish the goal was not God's highest priority.
A fence around the tree would have been easier.
A guard dog to chase away the serpent would have been easier.

What if the most important thing, to God, was something else ... like His Glory.
How does Jesus help God's Glory?
Ask Him (I am not the keeper of God's motives.)
But, do you really think God is that petty? I mean, why would he care about his own "glory?"


Veteran Member
Unless finding the easiest way to accomplish the goal was not God's highest priority.
A fence around the tree would have been easier.
A guard dog to chase away the serpent would have been easier.

What if the most important thing, to God, was something else ... like His Glory.
How does Jesus help God's Glory?
Ask Him (I am not the keeper of God's motives.)
I just find it hard to believe that God would care about his own Glory. Wouldn't he be more interested with our own well-being more so than his?
It is unlikely that is your goal given your posts.
Promoting YOUR truth and casually dismissing any contrary claims with an army of rhetoric seems more accurate.

So, if you think you have something to contribute to the discussion beyond "you are wrong and bad", please do.

Show me where the points I make are not valid.


pro scapegoat
Oh. I thought it just said freedom of religion without specifying what form that freedom may take.
Freedom of religion means that you can be a member of any religion you wish. Religious practices are not covered in that law. In fact many religious practices are illegal.