You're certainly correct, except that you don't understand that there is no message of good hope in the Bible.
The Bible is a recurring prophecy that comes to pass at the end of every Age. It's as dark as read as there ever was. It's nothing more than an eschatological prophecy from beginning to end.
Then, you need to consider that the Bible is written so that only those that need to understand it get it. There has never been a valid translation of the ancient texts until recently. The book is written in hermetic script. You must have information to put in to it in order to get a valid understanding out of it.
You're correct in you assumptions that the names have been changed. That's because it's come to pass three previous times on this earth, and we are the fifth "earth". It will also remain a valid text on the next earth and the one after that and the one after that.
So, I hope this helps you find understanding.