What problem do you see there?<<
One needs to know what characteristics a living organism has to explain how it became something without the characteristics not in the gene pool of its parents.
What laws of genetics? What genetic law could prevent DNA from becoming more complex?
This is not about DNA being complex. That is a proven given. This about how the offspring can acquire a characteristic not in the gene pool of its parents. Do ydou believe the fdirst life form was a single-celled something?
You'll need to alert the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) and the NAS (National Academy of Sciences). They seem to think otherwise. Why do you suppose that is?
I can't evaluate it without knowing exactly what they said and the evidence they provided to verify it. Give me that info and I will gladly give you my answer.
How did you come to this knowledge of what is impossible - knowledge that apparently still eludes the scientific community? How could it be that some lay people would know more about science than the community of experts in the field?
Do you really think lay people do not have the ability to read and understand scientific concepts without having a science degree? Also there are Christian scientists who reject evolution and they do it with science. In addition, evolution scientist never offer the scientific evidence for what they say.
The opposite is self-evidently true. Lifeless molecules are organizing themselves into living cells by the millions in your own body right now under the direction of other lifeless molecules.
First they did not cause my life. Second living cell contain molecules but the molecules are not living any more than the atoms in my body are living.
Do you consider a god - lets say your god - to be a living organism? Some people claim that He is a living god. Do you?
God is living but He is not an organism. He is Spirit.
...nor are you to break any bone of it----coming to Jesus, when they saw He was dead, they did not break His legs---for these things came to pass to fulfill the Scripture, not a bone of Him shall be broken.