Last I heard christianity is in rapid decline in educated countries?
Man has always been corrupt and the bible formed a corrupt way to manipulate as many as would fall for its entirely man made content.
NET translates heart as mind
(cf. KJV story book)
Though it becomes discussing story book tales for the sake of open discussion I will quote some points borrowing from
(Re: Ezek. 28:13-15) (Full response at
- This passage nowhere mentions the terms "devil", "satan", or "fallen angel". The argument in support of a "fallen angel" interpretation, is therefore, an inferred argument.
- The anointed cherub (accepting the A.V. translation)2 is identified in the passage, but not with a rebel angel: "Son of man, say unto the prince3 of Tyrus . . ." (vs. 2). In chapters 26 and 27 prophecies recorded the then impending doom of the city of Tyre.
- Some questions require answering:
- In chapters 26 and 27 of Ezekiel's prophecy the destruction of Tyre is recorded - and literally enough, since today the site of ancient Tyre is like "the top of a rock . . . a place to spread nets upon" and has never been rebuilt. (Ezek. 26:14). The remainder of chapter 28 is a prophecy directed against Sidon and the future restoration of Israel. Why, in this context, would the prophet introduce a "revelation" about the origin of Satan?
- If Satan is a rebel angel, why is he called "a man"? (vs. 2, 9 R.S.V.).
- Does Satan the devil really traffic in riches - gold and silver? (vs. 4, 5). Is not his concern for humans?
- It is said by J.W.'s that Satan rebelled "because of developing a greed for power over mankind."4 But how is this to be squared with vs. 4, 5 "and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches"?
- Since Jesus stated that angels do not die: "neither can they [children of the resurrection] die any more: for they are equal unto the angels' (Luke 20:36), how is Satan to die "by the hand of strangers" (vs. 10), to be devoured by fire and brought "to ashes" (vs. 18), and "to be no more for ever" (vs. 19, R.S.V.)? . . . . . . . . . . . .You also seem to have avoided the fact that the Hebrew Term ' Satan ' is NOT a proper nameIt simply means ANY Adversary. Male or Female or Neuter gender. Good or BadCheers!
Right, Satan [nor Devil] is a proper name. Satan means resister and Devil means slanderer. Angels do not die a natural death only by destruction as Satan the devil is not death proof but will be destroyed by Jesus according to Hebrews 2:14 B. Satan is a sinner and all sinners die. We from Adamic death and Satan from the destruction of second death of no return..
Genesis 3:15 Jesus deals Satan a fatal death bruise to his head.
Was the king of Tyre was in Eden? No Was the king of Tyre a covering cherub (angel) in Eden. No. So those references are toward Satan.
You have heard right about so-called Christianity decline.
It is out of date to call Christendom as meaning 1st Century Christianity.
The realm of Christendom has watered down Scriptures and the people are drying up. 2nd Tim 3:5,13 just a form or facade of godliness.
People of the earth are likened to many waters at Rev 17:2,15
[like the restless sea of mankind- Isaiah 57:20]
and just as the water of the river Euphrates was dried up before the fall of ancient Babylon, so too the waters or religious people will dry up, decline.
- Rev 16:12; Jeremiah 50:38; 51:36,37
Right too about Biblical corruption.
Jesus said it first at Matthew 7:15 to watch out for religious wolves in sheep's clothing.
Luke also warned -Acts 20:29,30- about false wolf-like clergy starting back at the end of the first century.
This ties in with Jesus illustration of the Wheat and the Weeds [tares] how they would grow together until the harvest time of separation. False weed-like Christians would be among the genuine wheat-like Christians throughout the centuries until the time of Matthew 25:31,32 when Jesus separates the sheep [wheat] to his right hand of favor.