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The Book of Revelation.................


Well-Known Member
quote=URAVIP2ME;1839652]Isn't Proverbs 25:2 talking about personal matters?
I dont see where you would just limit this to personal matters, even in the whole context of that chapter.

Amos 3:7 -God will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. (Jesus fit that description and Jesus did reveal to us about the future)

Doesn't Jesus make it known at Matthew (11:27) that through him God will be revealed? John (15:15) what Jesus heard from his Father he made known to his followers?

Yup it is revealed to HIS servants, His chosen, His elect, but not to the multitudes or the rest of the world.

Didn't Jesus explain those illustrations?

Some, but not all. And even on some explanations of parables Jesus used a parable to explain it.

Prophets of doom? Isn't it science with its Doom's Day Clock with its hands nearing striking the dark midnight hour that are the real prophets of doom, doom and gloom?

Its also these preachers and scholars and theologians and authors out there of books like the left behind series and Hal Lindsey who "prophecy" about what Revelation means. I tell you the truth, they have no clue. Oh throw in the Preterists and thier counterparts and all the rapture believing people also. The list goes on and on.
How is learning righteousness doom and gloom? (Golden Rule)

What was it like originally in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve had perfect health in mind and body. Never sick . Plenty to eat and if they kept their righteousness they would be well and alive today.

That is the assumption, but that is not what the bible teaches. Adam and Eve were created spiritually weak, hence Eve sinned well before she even took a bite of that apple. God created them and the circumstances and the serpent so that they would eat the fruit and "fall". Think about it. If everything was perfect in the garden and all Adam and Eve knew was good, was they "like God" yet? No. Remember only until they ate the fruit did God SAY that they were "LIKE US to know good and evil"

Isn't Revelation (21:3,4) like a beautiful description of that original Garden of Eden? Like in Eden there was no sorrow, pain, outcry or death. Revelation (22:2) says there will be healing or curing of the nations. Wouldn't that mean earthly bliss for us?

Ehhhhh, maybe. My memory may be slipping right now but where does it say that there was no sorrow, pain or outcry in the garden. Death had to be already there because animals dont live "forever". The death had to be spiritual death--which may have in consequence brought physical death. But yes it will be on earth all the healing, not "in heaven".

Isn't that the fulfillment of the promise or guarantee to Abraham (Genesis 12:3; 22:17,18) that the time would come when all families of the earth will be blessed, and all nations of the earth will be blessed ?

Yeah i suppose at the consummation of the ages, on the Last day when God will be all in all.

Jesus millennial reign, or 1000-year rule over earth will Not be marked with doom and gloom. Jesus, as 'Prince of Peace', will usher in Peace on Earth toward all men of goodwill.

Almost everything in Revelation is a symbol of something and not literal, see the first two verses. 1000 year rule is a symbol and not literally 1000 years. Not doom and gloom but for those resurrected in the resurrection of the wicked it will not be pleasant UNTIL all the "inhabitants of the world learn righteousness" [Isa 26:9]


Veteran Member

Yes, a lot of Revelation is symbolic. John saw Revelation in very vivid pictures or visions. Often corresponding verses help show the difference between actual or not.
Why do you say the 1000-year rule of Jesus is not literal?

In the Garden of Pleasure aka Eden in the Septuagint Hebrew for garden (gan) and Greek paradeisos, and English: paradise. Hence the paradise Garden of Eden. Genesis says all God created was very good! Eden would have been a garden of delight. Scenic fruit trees providing beauty for our eyesight besides eating food to satisfaction- Gen (2:9,15,16). Even soil was watered by the waters issuing out of Eden- Gen (2:10).

Today most animals die from disease or harm. (Isaiah 11:6-9) There is no record that animals in Eden died from disease or from hurt. However, their death would show Adam and Eve what death really was: The opposite of life. They could see and understand that when disobedient to God their prospect for everlasting life would end. Eve knew this according to her reply to Satan at Gen 3:3. We see birds all of the time, but we do not normally or usually see dead birds under natural conditions taking place. So it could have been the case that people in Eden would not have just seen dead animal remains lying around. Like birds disappearing unseen so too that could have been the case in Eden.

Yes, we know Satan's lie at Gen 3:5. Jesus identified that 'snake in the grass' so to speak, with serpents, vipers at Matthew 23:33, and called Satan 'the father of the lie'- John 8:44.
So, Satan boldly lied that they would be like God. Doesn't 1st Tim 2:14 show Eve was deceived by Satan's lies to her?

Yes, besides science with its Dooms Day Clock, preachers like the religious leaders of Jesus day preach beyond what is recorded in Scripture. Like the Pharisees they teach oral tradition or customs handed down that is not found in Scripture. Mark 7:7; Matt 15:9. That is why Jesus pronounced many 'Woes' against the religious leaders and his reasons why at the 23rd chapter of Matthew.

You are very right, not limited to personal matters. Ephesians (1:9,10) God does make known the secret of his will according to his good pleasure... in the fullness of times....

So it wouldn't mean God does not reveal, but reveals progressively or gradually.
Details of Genesis 3:15 was not know at that time, or even Abraham's time.
(compare: Gen 12:3; 22:17,18; 17:7; Hebrews 6:13-15; 11:8-10)

So God's secret or mystery was revealed slowly through a series of covenants or contracts and are like a binding legal guarantee or iron-clad agreement.
See Hebrews (6:16-18). Also Gen (17:2,4). Everlasting covenant -Gen (17:7). Covenant of circumcision -Gen (17:10); Rainbow covenant -Gen (9:9,12,13) besides the law covenant with Israel, the Davidic Kingdom covenant, and New Covenant of Luke (22:20). See also Galatians (3:16,17; 4:4)

God's hidden wisdom (1 Cor 2:7) would be unveiled or revealed as Daniel (2:28) says in (12:4,9) at the time of the end of badness on earth (fullness of times) when Scriptural knowledge would be increased. Now manifest (Col 1:26) Matthew (25:40).

We can now search or research the deep things of God.... and have the mind of Christ (1st Cor 2:10,16; Acts 17:11)
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Well-Known Member
Why do you say the 1000-year rule of Jesus is not literal?

First because its in a book that is symbolised. Second there are other scriptures that show that it could be shorter or longer and sticking with the definiton of ages/ age-during [aions/aionis] and these other scriptures we know that it by definition means an indefinte amount of time, yet since it does say an "exact number" it further confirms that Jesus will hand over the Kingdom to The Father so that God will be all in all.

In the Garden of Pleasure aka Eden in the Septuagint Hebrew for garden (gan) and Greek paradeisos, and English: paradise. Hence the paradise Garden of Eden. Genesis says all God created was very good!

Think about this, was it very good or very good for the purpose what it was made? Remember satan [the serpent] was in the garden and was made. Man/woman were in the garden yet they still had a carnal mind [hence Eve sinned before ever eating the apple]
Eden would have been a garden of delight. Scenic fruit trees providing beauty for our eyesight besides eating food to satisfaction- Gen (2:9,15,16). Even soil was watered by the waters issuing out of Eden- Gen (2:10).

I beleive this could be

Yes, we know Satan's lie at Gen 3:5. Jesus identified that 'snake in the grass' so to speak, with serpents, vipers at Matthew 23:33, and called Satan 'the father of the lie'- John 8:44.
So, Satan boldly lied that they would be like God. Doesn't 1st Tim 2:14 show Eve was deceived by Satan's lies to her?

The thing is that Satan mixed in a lie with the truth. He told them that they would not die [lie, both spiritually and physically] yet told them some truth [in that day you will be like God]. This is what satan, the subtle serpent, does and is [as in Gods words in Genesis] "very good" at. Even God says that they had become "like one of Us" and as another of many other witnesses we are told that "we will [not now but all at the consummation of the ages] be like Him" [Jesus].

See a lie mixed with truth.


Veteran Member

A thousand years are mentioned repeatedly in Rev chapter 20. So from a Scriptural standpoint that thousand year judgment day or millennial day can equate to 2nd Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4. 2 Peter 3:13 is dealing with the same time frame as Revelation.

Yes, Eve sinned before eating the forbidden fruit because she had to first touch it before eating it- Gen 3:3 B. Both verses Gen 3:5,22 "like one of us". In what way like God?
It continues to say in knowing good and bad. Jesus, unlike Adam and Eve, did not choose the bad or evil. Adam and Eve self-determined what was good or wrong for themselves instead of listening to God as Jesus did. Their independent standard of right and wrong did not meet with God's approval as verse 23 shows God expelled them from the Garden with its tree of life. That way Satan could not direct A&E to eat ever again from that tree of life.

Yes, the serpent was made. He made himself into a Devil a slanderer, a Satan a resister of God. James (1:14,15) explains how he self-made himself into an opposer of God.
So Satan was not created as a Satan. He turned himself into that. -Ezekiel 28:13-19

Angels were created first and are of the spirit realm. People were created after the heavenly realm and are carnal or physical creation. Kind of like 'God&Son' were expanding the family business of creating. First creating the invisible realm then branching out to creating the tangible or visible fleshly physical created world of mankind.

Revelation does inform about those that are redeemed or bought from earth to work with Jesus in heaven have jobs as kings and priests- Rev 5:9,10. Kings taking care of governmental duties, and priests taking care of spiritual responsibilities. -Daniel 7:18,27.

Those sheep-like ones that are alive when Jesus comes in action (Matt 25:32) remain alive with the prospect of eternal life in view. Those already asleep in death's deep sleep will awaken from the dust of the ground (Daniel 12:2) on resurrection morning will also have the prospect of everlasting life in view. -Isaiah 25:8; 26:19. Jesus ransom sacrifice frees or acquits them from sin (Romans 6:7) with the only exception of Matthew 12:32; and Hebrews 6:4-6.

Matt 20:28 B. Ecc 9:5; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4; John 11:11


Active Member
First because its in a book that is symbolised. Second there are other scriptures that show that it could be shorter or longer and sticking with the definiton of ages/ age-during [aions/aionis] and these other scriptures we know that it by definition means an indefinte amount of time, yet since it does say an "exact number" it further confirms that Jesus will hand over the Kingdom to The Father so that God will be all in all.

The book is full of symbols, but the time means something.

It is called Judgement Day in some scriptures. Why is it called Judgement day when it is 1000 years though? Because according to 2 Peter 1:8 However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

So therefore it is a literal 1000 years and then after that time Jesus hands the Kingdom back to Jehovah because in Revelation 21:5 we read: And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also, he says: “Write, because these words are faithful and true.”

The one seated on the throne is God not Jesus.

Think about this, was it very good or very good for the purpose what it was made? Remember satan [the serpent] was in the garden and was made. Man/woman were in the garden yet they still had a carnal mind [hence Eve sinned before ever eating the apple]

Satan was made as a perfect Angel. He corrupted himself allowing desire to grow in his heart, thus the reason why we are also warned against allowing desire to grow in our hearts as at James 1:114-15: But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death

Satan then twisted the truth and then cultivated desire in Eve to eat of the tree, when she knew she was not to eat the fruit of that tree.

The thing is that Satan mixed in a lie with the truth. He told them that they would not die [lie, both spiritually and physically] yet told them some truth [in that day you will be like God]. This is what satan, the subtle serpent, does and is [as in Gods words in Genesis] "very good" at. Even God says that they had become "like one of Us" and as another of many other witnesses we are told that "we will [not now but all at the consummation of the ages] be like Him" [Jesus].

Yes very true, satan lies with the truth. Adam and Eve were like God in knowing good and bad. but it is as much what he said but also how he said it. He used a question to draw the response and then used his twisting of truth, to get Eve to eat the tree, thus the reason why she told JEhovah that the serpent had decieved her.

Also the reason why satan is called the father of the lie.

See a lie mixed with truth.
..these preachers and scholars and theologians and authors out there of books like the left behind series and Hal Lindsey who "prophecy" about what Revelation means. I tell you the truth, they have no clue. Oh throw in the Preterists and thier counterparts and all the rapture believing people also. The list goes on and on.

People have a problem in taking things far too literally in the book. Does Jesus have wool? Are "horses" being stabled in Heaven ?


Veteran Member
People have a problem in taking things far too literally in the book. Does Jesus have wool? Are "horses" being stabled in Heaven ?

True that the book of Revelation is highly symbolic described in very vivid word pictures. Revelation reveals a revealing, a revealing of future peace on earth). By comparing things such as the animals in Rev 13:2 with Daniel chapters 7:3-7; 8:3-8, 20-25 helps discern the symbolism.

Revelation chapter 6 [4 horsemen] ties in with Matthew chapter 24; Luke chapter 21; Mark chapter 13.

Chapter 6 starts with the first of six seals being opened and shows Jesus in verse two is 'crowned'. That means at this point Jesus is the crowned acting or active king of God's kingdom, and that the establishment of his being crowned king in heaven is followed by a period of time on earth that is marked by 'increased woe' for earth and its inhabitants. (Rev 12:9,12)

The crowned Jesus on the white horse is followed by riders seated on the those different-colored horses that represent or stand for food shortages and pestilences and death and war happening on earth. Jesus (Psalm 110:1) conquers in the midst of his enemies. It is Jesus enemies that are causing a lot of earth's problems. Before the end of all badness comes on earth, first the good news of God's kingdom is being proclaimed earth wide,
and then the words from Jesus mouth will be as sharp as an executioner's sword to get rid of the wicked troublemakers (Isa 11:4; Rev 19:11,14,15),
then Jesus ushers in world-wide Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.
Revelation's happy climax.


In my opinion, the most accurate, meaningful commentary on Revelation is "The Apocalypse" by E.W. Bullinger. What I have read on these posts falls short of the truth.

You can down load it from http//philologos.org


Politically Incorrect
Let me rephrase my question. When was Revelation written as compared to the other NT books and gospels?

Hi, we don't know exactly when it was written but it came to public knowledge around 95 CE and deals very much with what was going on in the first century. After a great deal of study I think it could actually have been written as early as 70 CE. There is no proof it was written by the Apostle John, but the theme within it really points to him and scholars make a point of how crude the Greek is compared to other refined writings of the time.


Politically Incorrect
In my opinion, the most accurate, meaningful commentary on Revelation is "The Apocalypse" by E.W. Bullinger. What I have read on these posts falls short of the truth.

You can down load it from http//philologos.org

Hi, Bullinger is full of it because he a sympathizer of the Catholic Church and his study, while in some parts is scholarly, is in total denial of what the prophecy is saying.Craig


Politically Incorrect
The word "lord" used in Mt (7:21) is the greek word "kurios" and can mean king, owner, ruler, master, mister, sir, or god. In the passage Jesus clearly makes a distinction between himself and God, "but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven".

Why do you think he is referring to himself here instead of God?

Jesus is quoting Dt (6:16). Meaning tempting him is like trying to tempt God.

Again, why do you think Jesus is referring to himself in these passages, there's nothing to indicate he is.

And if you continue reading the passage it says...
Once more he asked them, “Who are you looking for?” And again they replied, “Jesus the Nazarene.”
8 “I told you that I am he,” Jesus said.
Jesus confirms that he is Jesus of Nazarene, not God.
More of the like passages in John...
(6:48) I am the bread of life.
(10:11)I am the good shepherd.
(15:1) I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower.
None of them mean he is God.

This statement certainly does not refer at all to Jesus being God. This Jew asked Jesus this simple question not because he didn't think Jesus knew the answer. All Jews in those days knew the most important commandment so he wanted to see if Jesus gave a blasphemous answer.

Yes. He could have said just once, "I am Yahweh".

They didn't know who he was, otherwise they wouldn't have had him crucified. They thought he was a blasphemous peasant. The Jews were expecting the messiah to be a mighty king as the scriptures prophesied.

Hi,For someone who follows Baal you have struck upon the theme of Revelation. That would be the preaching of a false doctrine. It would be about the Christian church being taken over by the mythmakers and people who never knew Jesus nor do they represent him properly. I consider your argument here to be right on track. Jesus is not God and He doesn't really claim this in the Gospels. The Gospels are propaganda pieces, and while it appears they have some historical accuracy, they are mostly the product of the religious politics of the authors. Keeping themselves safely anonymous.Craig


Politically Incorrect
John's Revelation. I would be happy to discuss this with folks that are not clear on this book. Tribulation? Resurrection? Seals? Trumpets? Etc.

What questions would you have?

[Plenty of views - no questions. Guess everyone gets the book. Good]

Hi,Maybe the reason why there aren’t many questions is because they really don’t know Revelation at all. I haven’t read all of your posts but so far your claims are somewhat off track. I am sympathetic because when I started putting it together there was a lot to be confused about. Let me start with the OT prophets. The only connection with them and Revelation is that the author of Revelation was using the same traditional language of the prophets. The subjects are quite different however. My favorite example would be how Hal Lindsey tries to co-opt Ezekiel into his woefully lacking interpretation of Revelation. Ezekiel was finished when Cyrus brought back the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Daniel, who is often co-opted because Revelation uses the substitute word beast, was finished in 66 CE with the destruction of the Temple and the diaspora.Revelation is concentrating on the newly formed Christian church in the first century. This is the subject of Chapter 13. People may rail at my exposition in my thread on Debunking the Antichrist Myth, but so far, no one has provided any compelling argument to refute it.Craig


Politically Incorrect
What is the 'revealing' that messiah is bringing to mankind?

what is the knowledge that will make each aware with 'understanding'?

Since Jesus did not finish the jewish prophecies, how will messiah raise the fathers to the flesh?

The revealing would be the false doctrine of the forming Christian Church in the first century and the fulfillment of the predictions in Revelation.Simply understanding the theme of Revelation will open Christian eyes.Raising the fathers to the flesh is myth and is not really how the prophecy is to play out. Revelation has been doctored and there are additions that are written by the Judaizers. People have to quit looking to Revelation to fulfill OT prophecies.Craig


Politically Incorrect
Tumbleweed - I'll post what Bullinger says...he places the writings of Peter at 60 AD. He says they cannot pinpoint 1John.

Here is a link to the bullinger bible you might find very useful with his comments. As far as when the writing are it seems that OT writings are just as needed and valid as any of the writings sicne they are all truthful and some yet to have happened.

Here is the link -

The OT prophecies have been fulfilled. This continual projecting of these prophecies into the future is the product of denial, that being the fact that they weren't fulfilled the way people would like them to be fulfilled. People prefer myth over the facts.Craig


Politically Incorrect
Millennial Temple Order of Service

Since there is going to be a physical temple built in the land of Israel, as the book of Ezekiel expressly shows, then there demands an order of service for what needs to be done in this temple. These ordinances, statutes and laws are specifically written out in Ezekiel chapters 43-46, and will now be shown in this section in the order written in Ezekiel:

1) Ezekiel 43:18-27 specifies the ordinances for Consecrating the Altar
2) Ezekiel 44:1-9 specifies the laws of Admittance into the Temple
3) Ezekiel 44:10-31 shows ordinances for Ministers of the Temple
4) Ezekiel 45:9-14 discusses laws of Economics in the Temple
5) Ezekiel 45:13-16 specifies the Ordinances for the Prince
6) Ezekiel 45:17-46:15 discusses the Worship System in Keeping the Feasts
7) Ezekiel 46:19-24 discusses the Preparation of Offerings

rev 21 2and I, John, saw the holy city -- new Jerusalem -- coming down from God out of the heaven, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband;
read the chapter; that city has never been on this earth and if you really want to know about where much of the rev 21 terminology came from read more tanach

What you are describing in 21:3 is the time period AFTER the 1,000 years of millenaial peace on this earth. After 1,000 years there is a last reckoning and finally Jerusalem is totally destroyed with fire as well as the whole earth with a cleansing. Then we see the finla restin place of God on this EARTH! Again, Rev 21:3 is AFTER all things are done.

I agree, just as no Messiah is magically appearing but as any human being; born by women upon the earth.

You can believe what you want to believe, but your belief is probably rooted in religious dogma. You seem to be from a non-christian background, and that is okay. However, if you are using oral interpretations from men, who had and have an agenda to change and pervert the word of God, and if you deny the true Messiah, the one that came to die as the perfect sacrifice allowing you to not need a Levite priest anymore, then we can agree to disagree on who the Messiah is.

As fas as Revelation, I am just getting warmed up. Feel free to ask more questions.

This is pure unadulterated myth. This is the product of Paul and Judaizers. As to your perfect sacrifice, chapter 13 of Revelation refutes this claim quite clearly. Rev 13:8 "The Lamb was slain from the foundations of the earth." This means murdered and every Bible translates it this way. The pagan practice of human sacrifice to cleanse our sins is not in line with the teachings of Jesus. The Crucifixion was not ordained in heaven. This is why chapter 13 is pointing to Paul, Rev 13:3Craig


Politically Incorrect
Quite the opposite; i know messiah is of today, not yesterday.

It is that you have chosen to believe your religions over realizing most everything the messiah is to do, has never occurred on the earth.

If i am not mistaken you suggested a man riding on a donkey is how to measure who is messiah.

In contrast, i see messiah as someone who brings 'life' to the people (mankind)

your choice is of selfishness, mine is caring for others over myself.

you prefer being accepted as christian over conveying truth and being christian

we are different based on you being selfish by choice, and me contributing to others so each can understand what life is and how to live forever.

Now anyone can see the difference of 'anti-christ' and me

As much as I have disagreed with you before, I'll commend you on challenging the Christian myth. The prophecy of Revelation is truly from Jesus coming back "in the clouds", which can be understood as relaying His prophecy to John from beyond the veil. You are right, we don't know if Jesus has actually come back or not, He is faced with a dilemma where the very church that supposedly represents Him would brand Him as the Antichrist. Jesus was not the only one to teach religious truths on this planet. There are parallels because there are certain ubiquitous truths that no one can really claim to have a corner on the market so to speak. Jesus has left us with a prophecy that when understood for what it is will prove His abilities as a prophet. Everyone just has to get their head out of their tushies.


Veteran Member
As much as I have disagreed with you before, I'll commend you on challenging the Christian myth. The prophecy of Revelation is truly from Jesus coming back "in the clouds", which can be understood as relaying His prophecy to John from beyond the veil. You are right, we don't know if Jesus has actually come back or not, He is faced with a dilemma where the very church that supposedly represents Him would brand Him as the Antichrist. Jesus was not the only one to teach religious truths on this planet. There are parallels because there are certain ubiquitous truths that no one can really claim to have a corner on the market so to speak. Jesus has left us with a prophecy that when understood for what it is will prove His abilities as a prophet. Everyone just has to get their head out of their tushies.

Why did you capitalize anti-Christ? All against Jesus are anti-Christ just like all against God are anti-God. No where in Scripture is antiChrist with a capital A.

Jesus coming back or return starts with Revelation 12:12. Jesus cleanses the heavens first and Satan is cast down to earth influencing the 'woe' we see on earth today. Invisible to us that is why Jesus gave the composite sign of Matthew 24 and Luke 21 so we would know the events or features of that sign would first come as 'woe' on earth before Jesus peaceful Millennium-long day begins on earth. It is not until the good news of God's kingdom (Daniel 7:13,14;2:44) is proclaimed earth-wide before all badness ends on earth.

The world's religious sector has run afoul playing false to God and Jesus.
Once the political 'kings' (Rev 17:2,17) or rulers of earth turn on the false world-wide religious 'queen' (Rev 18:7) then Jesus will take action on behalf of the righteous ones of Matthew 25:32 to have them remain alive (Proverbs 2:21,22) to be part of the humble meek to inherit the earthly realm of God's kingdom on earth. ( Psalm 37:11,29,38)... and see the happy climax of Revelation that our last enemy 'death will be no more'.
-Rev 21:4; Isaiah 25:8; 1 Cor 15:26.


Politically Incorrect
Why did you capitalize anti-Christ? All against Jesus are anti-Christ just like all against God are anti-God. No where in Scripture is antiChrist with a capital A.

Jesus coming back or return starts with Revelation 12:12. Jesus cleanses the heavens first and Satan is cast down to earth influencing the 'woe' we see on earth today. Invisible to us that is why Jesus gave the composite sign of Matthew 24 and Luke 21 so we would know the events or features of that sign would first come as 'woe' on earth before Jesus peaceful Millennium-long day begins on earth. It is not until the good news of God's kingdom (Daniel 7:13,14;2:44) is proclaimed earth-wide before all badness ends on earth.

The world's religious sector has run afoul playing false to God and Jesus.
Once the political 'kings' (Rev 17:2,17) or rulers of earth turn on the false world-wide religious 'queen' (Rev 18:7) then Jesus will take action on behalf of the righteous ones of Matthew 25:32 to have them remain alive (Proverbs 2:21,22) to be part of the humble meek to inherit the earthly realm of God's kingdom on earth. ( Psalm 37:11,29,38)... and see the happy climax of Revelation that our last enemy 'death will be no more'.
-Rev 21:4; Isaiah 25:8; 1 Cor 15:26.

Hi, There is a distinction between antichrist, and Antichrist. The first is simply being against in some way and the second would be someone taking the place of Christ. Therefore, Antichrist is a noun describing those who have taken His place. The common myth being one man to take His place. It is not used in Revelation either. Are you aware that the original scriptures were written in a majuscule script which was all capital letters and the capitalization is a modernization along with chapter and verse? Therefore, capital letters are given due to the idiosyncratic nature of the transcriber. Not necessarily incorrect, but there are places in Revelation where the point can be argued, as in Rev 13:14 where the beast is Jesus. The rest of your analogy isn't quite as connected as it should be. Forget about Daniel, that prophecy was over by 70 CE and it has absolutely nothing to do with Revelation or Jesus for that fact. People have had their heads in the clouds waiting for a “sign” while being oblivious to where the prophecy has come to be fulfilled. I'm identifying the players and giving testimony as to what the prophecy is actually saying. While a study of scriptures is necessary if one is to understand prophecy, my experience is that people too often relegate it to mystery instead of using relevant references.

A quickie here to make my point.

REV 13:1 Everyone has seen that this is Rome, but specifically it is about Roman citizens infiltrating the new Christian church.

REV 13:3 Paul on his way to Damascus.

REV 13:8 Jesus who was slain, which in all Bibles is translated this way and it means murdered. No heavenly sanction of the crucifixion.

REV 13:11 A Bishop of Rome, and later to be fulfilled by Constantine who appointed himself as head Bishop at the Council of Nicea.

REV 13:12 Notice the transition from a head to a beast in this verse. A vital key to understanding this chapter..

REV 13:13 Constantine's vision at the Milvian bridge...

REV 13:14 This beast is Jesus, who was pierced with a sword and has come to life. How people get Nero from this is ridiculous.

REV 13:18 666 or 616 is the number of Jesus, who was a man.

Your statement that The world's religious sector has run afoul playing false to God and Jesus is true.

You know one complaint in the first century was about the Judaizers who wanted to make everything associated with Jesus be a fulfillment of OT prophecy.
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Veteran Member
Revelation 13:14 the wound by the sword (war) is not Jesus.

Jesus was already decades in heaven when he gave the Revelation (1:10).

Please notice the preceding verses Rev.13: 11-13.
The beast comes out of the earth with two lamb's horns. Jesus has no horns nor speaks like a dragon. Satan is connected to a dragon (Rev 12:9) so the beast comes out of Satan's already established system on earth (2Cor 4:4).

The dragon and the other beasts of Revelation chapter 13 are political.
(leopard, bear, lion) Please compare: Daniel 7:1-7; 8:3-8,20-25.

The 'image' of the political beast are the combined political 'kings' or rulers of the earth
(Rev 17:2,17) represented as the 8th 'king' of Rev 17:11, or represented by a political organization such as the United Nations.