Twilight Hue
Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You totally lost me. You mean it is all the same and indistinguishable...?
I don't understand "eventually dissipates by way of impermanence, thus illuminating it's true nature."
So... no form. Like chaos... or Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. lol,
Lets just say, best as I can attempt to relate this into words, lets liken it through a simplified scenario of which an igloo comprised of square blocks of ice (giving it's structure) is sitting on an island completely comprised of snow surrounded by an endless ocean of water.
You notice form, substance, and variations of consistency by way of separation, including that of the ocean that surrounds it. Yet in spite of the distinguishments and variations that can be had, its still intrinsically water, even when manifested in different and various compositions and forms that separates them. It's true nature becomes apparent and then becomes obvious once the separation of the ice igloo, snow island, and ocean is dropped away, thus reveling the inseparable and indistinguishable nature of water.
It goes something like that.
Its generally confusing and hard to understand because its usually presented this way:
The true nature of water
The ocean is the igloo, the blocks are the island, the island is the blocks, the ice is the water, the water is the snow, the snow is the igloo, the ocean is the blocks....or go a bit "crazier" like the Zen folks...The igloo surrounds itself, the ocean is surrounded by the igloo, the blocks sit at the top of the bottom of the ocean, the ocean is inside the igloo, the snow sits inside the ocean, the island rests on the igloo....
Makes you go :areyoucra, yet in a good way. :O)