My own religion
We have the same source of knowledge that is available to most people in most places - it's called education.
Science, as you know, tries to stay out of the god/no god argument. However, science has shown how you and I came into existence without resorting to GodDidIt.
There are 3 positions here:
- GodDidIt
- Science shows otherwise
- It is unknown
Well, education says that it is cognitive relativism and that there are no privileged metaphysical positions.
So you want evidence, proof, facts, reason, logic and all that.
Well, it is rather simple. I will take it in steps.
Do you agree that neither of us caused the universe? Rather we are the result of the universe causing us as a process in time. space and other factors, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology and so on?
I assume you agree.
Do you agree the experience you have, is the result of something else? I.e. if the conditions in your brain change; e.g. drugs, cancer, dementia and so on; your experience change? Do you agree that you have experiences, where are not caused by you, but rather the words "you" and "I" are placeholder words for natural processes in brains and that "you" and "I" are themselves epiphenomenological? I.e. the mind/consciousness itself is passive result of other process and that these other process are not under the control of the mind?
As a slogan: You don't control the universe. The universe controls you.
Okay, if you agree with all of this, then I got you and can show the 3rd positions: It is unknown,
The universe as appears to you, is independent of you for what it is in your mind. The rest of the universe in not you and you only experience it through your mind/consciousness, but that is caused by the rest of the universe and not under your control. As a slogan: You are thrown into existence and are just along for the ride.
So what is the rest of the universe as independent of your mind?
That is unknown, because you only know through your mind.
That is philosophy, Kant and "das Ding an sich".
And now I will explain to you what will happen next:
- You will ignore this post.
- You will claim that you can trust your senses and that the universe is fair and natural(a belief, which requires faith).
- You will use reason, logic and what not. How you think, does not determine what the universe is.
- You will claim that it is absurd and what not and irrelevant for everyday life. No, it is not, because you judge other people for their belief. This exchange in is everyday life and you claim a knowledge you don't have. Nobody knows what the universe really is.
- You will claim that I am wrong or what not. That is projection of your thoughts onto me and nothing but psychology and morality/ethics.
- You will negotiate and try to get me to agree with you based on how you think, because how you think is more reasonable, rational and what not. It is only reasonable, rational and what not to you, how you think and it is different to me.
- There may be more, but in general how you react to this post, is subjective and depends on how you think and feel, but how you think and feel, does not determine what reality really is.
So here is what the universe is in practical terms for knowledge: That it is fair and that you can trust your senses and thinking about it and learn to navigate in everyday terms. The joke is that because biological evolution gives rise to cognitive, cultural and moral relativism; i.e. subjectivism, we can't make everything objective, rational and what not, because we can all in the following sense get away with believe what ever we want to believe that the universe really is - we can all have metaphysical beliefs. It is not the God of the Gaps, it is that the universe plays a joke on you and me. It has given us these brains, that want to know what the universe really is and it has made us so, that we can't. I know that, because I have the education in that. You don't. That is it; I know the limit of knowledge and you believe differently. I know that I believe and you believe differently.
Science rests on the assumption for knowledge, namely that the universe is fair and natural. No evidence or what ever can be given for that and there are those, you including, who don't understand that.
That knowledge is conditional and not absolute, rests on the assumption that the universe is fair and natural. What I say, is
conditional and not absolute for the everyday life within methodological naturalism. I don't judge your beliefs as wrong or what ever. I just point out, that you haven't learned the limitations of knowledge, but that won't stop you just as it doesn't stop theists or everybody else, who claims knowledge about what the universe really is. With logic only one position can be not false, and you don't have the odds on your side. I know that and I know it for myself, so I have stopped being the type of atheist, than you are and have become religious. I believe in a fair universe, regardless of it being natural or supernatural. I am honest and you believe differently.
BTW what a word means:
Science, since people must do it, is a socially embedded activity. It progresses by hunch, vision, and intuition. Much of its change through time does not record a closer approach to absolute truth, but the alteration of cultural contexts that influence it so strongly. Facts are not pure and unsullied bits of information; culture also influences what we see and how we see it. Theories, moreover, are not inexorable inductions from facts. The most creative theories are often imaginative visions imposed upon facts; the source of imagination is also strongly cultural. [Stephen Jay Gould, introduction to "The Mismeasure of Man," 1981]
Read it and learn. You have a culture, which influences, what you see and how you see it. I have it too, I just know that for both of us. I am a child of the post-modern: All knowledge are in some sense cognitively, culturally and morally relative.
You are in effect stuck in the early modern belief, that science works on the universe itself and I am stuck in the post-modern. See, I get culture. You live yours and haven't reflected on it. You take your culture for granted just as a theist does.
Yeah, I know how to turn your atheism of better knowledge on its head and turn it against you. Nobody has authority over the universe and that includes you and you can't judge another human using the universe as such. Theists can't and you can't. I know the limits of reason, logic, evidence, rationality and so on, because I have learned that.
We are equal as humans AND different as individuals in this universe, we apparently share. Learn both or I will call you out again. You don't have that kind of knowledge you claim over other humans. Nobody doesn't in practice. Learn that!!!