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The Death Penalty


I agree there have been mistakes and if there is the smallest amount of doubt there should be no execution but there are murderers who have been caught who have 100% commited the crime so they should pay the ultimate penalty.
I don't think the death penalty is appropriate for crimes of passion but for pre meditated murder IMO it is.

trouble is when a jury convicts you, you are guilty 100% in the eyes of the law


One may never know, because it isn't used often enough to have an impact one way or another. An estimated number of murderers over the past 33 years... compared to the actual number of people executed in the last 33 years.... less than 1% of murderers in this country have been put to death.

Statistically, it's as if the death penalty doesn't even exist.

Which means you'd also rather lock up thousands of innocent people for life, no matter how much it costs, than kill one innocent man. And so what if he dies in prison? You can feel better about yourself knowing he COULD have been released.
Thats right! i would feel a lot better knowing that if he is innocent he has a chance of being acquitted at a later date.

If life behind bars is a fate worse than death... and you're so hung up over the death of even one innocent person...
why be more willing to subject them to something worse than death?

At least the innocent dont go to the gallows and i prefer it that way, like i said that's my opinion.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
trouble is when a jury convicts you, you are guilty 100% in the eyes of the law

A Jury is presented with evidence,if it does'nt come back as 100% then life imprisonment would give the accused plenty of time to appeal,the death penalty is an emotive subject for all the reasons you mentioned but so is letting a murderer go after 10 years of a life sentence and as we know many have killed again.


Veteran Member
As Kai pointed out already, the Guilford Four and Birmingham Six would be dead. They were 100% guilty in the eyes of the law.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
As Kai pointed out already, the Guilford Four and Birmingham Six would be dead. They were 100% guilty in the eyes of the law.

So it isn't that the death penalty is wrong it is the process of determining the guilty,a life sentence for murder in the UK is 15 years and with good behaviour its 10,compare that to the victim and all the people that are related,freinds family etc,the sentence is forever.
In 10 years you have to take a chance that the murderer has been rehabilitated and seen the wrongs of His/Her ways and comes out of Prison a new person until you hear on the News that said person has killed again.


Admiral Obvious
In 10 years you have to take a chance that the murderer has been rehabilitated and seen the wrongs of His/Her ways and comes out of Prison a new person until you hear on the News that said person has killed again.
And that is just fine, because at least the murderer was put to death...

To hell with all the victims that are killed AFTER he is convicted of murder....

I wonder how those opposed to the death penalty wold like to be the ones explaining to the family of said murderers victims that even though their loved ones are dead, at least the one who killed them is still alive!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
And that is just fine, because at least the murderer was put to death...

To hell with all the victims that are killed AFTER he is convicted of murder....

I wonder how those opposed to the death penalty wold like to be the ones explaining to the family of said murderers victims that even though their loved ones are dead, at least the one who killed them is still alive!

Exactly,here in the UK we have Murderers who have a better life than free people,Moira Hindley a Child murderer even had her cell decorated and has a TV and stereo,since 1965 the parents and Family of the victims have had to suffer not only their loss but appeals for parole by Hindley yet lets give her one more chance eh!


Veteran Member
So it isn't that the death penalty is wrong it is the process of determining the guilty,a life sentence for murder in the UK is 15 years and with good behaviour its 10,compare that to the victim and all the people that are related,freinds family etc,the sentence is forever.
In 10 years you have to take a chance that the murderer has been rehabilitated and seen the wrongs of His/Her ways and comes out of Prison a new person until you hear on the News that said person has killed again.

Releasing murderers after 10 years is a separate argument.


Well-Known Member
Exactly,here in the UK we have Murderers who have a better life than free people,Moira Hindley a Child murderer even had her cell decorated and has a TV and stereo,since 1965 the parents and Family of the victims have had to suffer not only their loss but appeals for parole by Hindley yet lets give her one more chance eh!

Practically every day in the news I hear of a murderer/rapist here in the UK who was released early (or just relased in general), and then went on to commit the exact same offence(s).

I don't understand why people want to "rehabilitate" the serious offenders. Why?

You cannot rehabilitate a convicted (and I mean, as in 100% guilty) murderer or rapist, for Christ's sake just hang them and STFU lol!


The problem is not the death penalty, but getting the right people convicted, that's all.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Practically every day in the news I hear of a murderer/rapist here in the UK who was released early (or just relased in general), and then went on to commit the exact same offence(s).

I don't understand why people want to "rehabilitate" the serious offenders. Why?

You cannot rehabilitate a convicted (and I mean, as in 100% guilty) murderer or rapist, for Christ's sake just hang them and STFU lol!


The problem is not the death penalty, but getting the right people convicted, that's all.

Thats it in a nutshell,its the process of conviction thats at fault and not the death penalty


Well-Known Member
Poisonshady313 said:
And so what if he dies in prison? You can feel better about yourself knowing he COULD have been released.
Thats right! i would feel a lot better knowing that if he is innocent he has a chance of being acquitted at a later date.

If an innocent guy dies in prison, he surely has no chance of being acquitted at a later date.

The only difference is, while people are still being unjustly convicted, this dead inmate's corpse wasn't injected with chemicals....

Feeling better about it is an empty sentiment... because the bottom line is you're still talking about a dead innocent convict.

At the same rate, we might as well be putting the guilty ones to death... especially now that it's getting harder and harder to convict innocent people.


Well-Known Member
Well it's cheaper for starters. :)

Let's have some numbers.

What does it cost to keep someone in prison for life, in any given state(with a death penalty statute), for 60 years?

In that same state, what does it cost to put him through the process of capital punishment?


Admiral Obvious
Let's have some numbers.

What does it cost to keep someone in prison for life, in any given state(with a death penalty statute), for 60 years?

In that same state, what does it cost to put him through the process of capital punishment?
I would suggest you get an itemized report.

Every single time I hear this "it is cheaper to keep them alive than to kill them" argument, when the numbers are presented, they are artificially inflated in faovour of keeping them alive.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Let's have some numbers.

What does it cost to keep someone in prison for life, in any given state(with a death penalty statute), for 60 years?

In that same state, what does it cost to put him through the process of capital punishment?

How often does someone actually live 60 years in prison? I don’t think it is very often.


Well-Known Member
fantôme profane;1702369 said:

How often does someone actually live 60 years in prison? I don’t think it is very often.

Fine then. What do you imagine is a reasonable measure for the length of time a person might live serving a life sentence?