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The debate of God.


Boy Genius
I feel as though the whole debate over God has been going the wrong way. Atheists many times give reasons why religions make no sense. Theists many times try and come up with scientific evidence for god. They work occasionaly, but I feel they aren't the correct ways of going about this.

I think it woul be best to figure out exactly why people believe what they do. What I mean by that is that every theist, of any religion, have their own personal reasons why they believe, and vice versa. I think we should get to the core of why people believe, and perhaps we can see more people becoming atheists, or (though I hope not) more people becoming theists

Does anyone disagree?


Well-Known Member
I had a personal experience of the divine that cannot by any means be subject to scientific testing. We theist call it a revelation. So for me it's not exactly a matter of belief but experience


Just me
Premium Member
I had a personal experience of the divine that cannot by any means be subject to scientific testing. We theist call it a revelation. So for me it's not exactly a matter of belief but experience
You wouldn't go so far as to say you believe because of your experience?


Theists many times try and come up with scientific evidence for god.

never seen that approach, most know better then to play in that ballfield

I think it woul be best to figure out exactly why people believe what they do

generally speaking, most people believe what they do because of where they were born. Most of the time where you are raised dictates the enviroment you will grow up in and be indoctrinated to that social programming.


Well-Known Member
Beliefs are a powerful thing.
It is the basis to our understanding.
We consider them & try to apply them because as a person we see it as a good way to support our objectivity.
While I may refer to God in my beliefs - I am not without realizing it may not be the way the person beside me may consider the world of it when God is mentioned.
Athiests is a person that may not feel that in their thoughts & acts the world of God needs to be considered.
In my lifes journey I am not without the reasonable approach of this.
It does not mean they are looking at life the "wrong" way. Just, looking differently with the beliefs of life in a different reference point.
While the mysteries of the concept of God are always in a state of debate...
Free will & the actions of man are indeed his own & not likely without merit with or without the belief in God.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I have always had a devotional/theistic attitude, even when I didn't really have a real God to believe in, so I figure it's better to direct that attitude towards actual deities instead of, well, Superman. ^_^


Premium Member
I wonder if we feel as though a religious debate is the same thing as a God debate. There can be religion with no God involved- in fact, there are many religions that have no God. If I wanted proof of God, I would be totally disappointed, because there isn't any- at least no scientific proof (which, for some, is the only acceptable proof). I have faith, which means I have no need of scientific proof. :)


Atheists many times give reasons why religions make no sense.

No we dont.

In general we are not anti-theist, we just see how mankind has always created deities and find the abrahamic god no different.


True. I should have said some, not many.

my only issues are

literal interpretations
spread of misinformation that goes against modern science
spread of misinformation of history [this gets me in trouble and I dont advise it]

Other then that the bible is a epic adventure if read right is a beautiful book with many positive aspects. Nothing has been achieved like it and has had a longer lasting effect on humanity.

Doesnt mean I dont think it doesnt need a leash on it either :D