For the past while, among other things, I have been trying to find a middle ground for you two...
I can very well see both of your points, and I have kind of a 'let's see if this works' conclusion.
Just because you don't identify as something does not mean you aren't still that thing.
I don't openly identify as a feminists, but by definition I am a feminist.
So by definition, anyone who disbelieves in God(s) is an atheist, in some way or another.
So you can easily be agnostic, but if you aren't an agnostic theist then you would be considered an agnostic atheist.
Not sure if I'm making sense, but I'm trying.
It's almost like a bigot not identifying as a bigot.
The bigot is very clearly a bigot, whether the bigot likes it or not.
So you might be an agnostic that is of the atheist belief when it comes to religion.
You don't have to identify yourself as an atheist, you don't have to write "atheist" on your forehead.
You simply agree with the atheistic side, therefore you are also an atheist.
An agnostic atheist that identifies only as agnostic.
I can't make this make sense the way it does inside my head.
Can I call in a wingman for support?