So in your view most atheists aren't atheists because they don't claim or deny anything?
Anyone who affirms the proposition that God does not exist is an atheist. This need not be the complete denial of the possibility of God however, thus we have the weak/strong distinction.
Weak atheism is the assertion that there is no sufficient reason for belief, but it does not deny the possibility that God may potentially exist.
Strong atheism is the denial of that possibility. In either case, theism is explicitly rejected and it is therefore a positive position.
Agnostics affirm neither theism or atheism, because they believe that the existence of God is unknowable. This is logically incompatible with the implicit knowledge claim of atheism. By being an atheist you are taking a position on the question. This is inescapable in any meaningful definition of atheism. Our claim is that the idea of 'implicit atheism' is meaningless.
The more common understanding of atheism among atheists is "not believing in any gods." No claims or denials are made — an atheist is a person who is not a theist.
If you would actually read our augments, you'll understand that we reject the very notion of implicit atheism as logically incoherent. That's what this is about. I see the idea as a word game designed to manipulate the discourse.
A blog by an atheist ideologue isn't going to change my position on this.
I reject the very idea of implicit atheism. It's dishonest, and doesn't make sense. The only thing I rescind was my incorrect equivocation of agnosticism with implicit atheism earlier in the thread. I was wrong there.