I posted this in two threads but it pertains to here well:
It also said if they would cease their hostility, not only will Prophet forgive them and not fight them anymore, but that God would forgive them.
This all Quran asks of humans who are non-Muslim, not to become hostile and seek to cover the truth. Kaffer is translated sometimes as disbeliever, but it can also as one who seeks to cover (the truth), and I believe the latter is the true interpretation in light of the verses I shared.
And it doesn't mean cover in the heart, it means active opposition to the truth, if people cease that, and say let's study in peace, God would not punish them. This is why the destroyed nations, Quran emphasizes they tried to force the believers out of their creed.
Today people who are not against Muslims having their own government and ruling themselves, I don't believe are disbelievers. I believe it's the people who gone to haywire in secularism, and are trying to force us out of our creed of theocracy that are the disbelievers. It's they who see the best people as the worse when Quran talks about the people of hell not being to count any of the humans who they counted as the worse of humans, and according to hadiths, this is regarding the followers of Ahlulbayt (a) and so those who show no hostility towards us - they like the other thread I showed are people of paradise.
But people who support oppressors, oppressors themselves, and those who are silent in watching all of it, I do believe are condemned in Quran. Apathy is also in this case silent approval "go ahead and oppress" and is due to hatred.
If people seek justice and stop their leaders from oppressing believers and don't seek to oppress believers, they would go to paradise.