Well-Known Member
The American Regime Seizes Many Shia Religious & Political Websites In Most Aggressive Crackdown On Content Opposed To ZOG Yet – Redpilled Reality
Meh, truth won't be stopped by such silly behavior.
In time, we will all Discover that the price for Hate is always too high. If these websites had been spreading Love and Kindness, Would they be shut down now?? Further, if those in conflict spread Unconditional Love which is doing the best for others, how many enemies suddenly would become good friends?
When people fight each other, it's always a mess. When people join each other in Unconditional Love and Kindness, the rewards grow beyond what can be accomplished in any other way.
Life is about learning and growing. We are all Living our Lessons. Each chooses those lessons through free choices. Since our choices determine the results, one can make better choices thus improving the lives of all.
Choose: Create Heaven for yourself or Create Hell. It's really that simple.
Hate,Revenge, and Payback only generate the same in return. Why would anyone want to choose that to return?
Clearly, the methods of so many have not worked. If you do the same thing, how can you expect different results?? Perhaps, it's time to put the stick down and start thinking of a better way. The road can be so bright ahead if that's done.
Decide: The choice has always been within your hands!!
That's what I see. It's very clear!!