Thanks, and the same to you.
In regards to what you requested with that which has had a profound influence on my over the last two years, I wrote it out several months ago upon request but I can't find it. It's a long story, so I'm going to give you a very short version of it.
Back in 1964-5, I fell in love with an Italian Catholic women named "Cindy", who was the most compassionate and understanding person I had ever met, and she changed my life, giving me a sense of direction that I needed. However, because I treated her too much like a saint and not enough as a woman, she dropped me. But at least now I knew what I was looking for and also wanted to be more like myself.
Two years later, fate brought us back together, but this time it was I who had to bow out of our relationship because I had fallen on love with another very devout Catholic woman named "Josie", and we've been married for over 50 years, and she's been an utterly fantastic wife.
At a Palm Sunday service at my wife's church in March of last year, about 10 minutes into the service, a flash went into my mind that said "Cindy's praying". Well, weird thoughts are not that usual with me (just ask
@KenS about that
) so I didn't think much of it. But about 20 minutes after that it hit like gangbusters, feeling that "Cindy's praying at a 11:00 mass at a Catholic church near her home" (I know where she lives but certainly have not made any attempt to visit her). It was so powerful that it brought tears to my eyes. I went home, googled the Catholic church near her, went through the website for it, and found that her husband was a eucharistic minister at that mass.
This happened again a couple more times, and then we came up to our place in the U.P., and it stopped. May, June, July, and part of August-- nothing.
And then my wife wanted to go to a different Catholic church in another town near us because she heard that the choir was great, and about halfway through the 10:30 service it hit again. I looked down at my watch, and it was 2 minutes to 11:00, which would be the time one would by praying on their own just before the mass started. Then it clicked as the service I had been attending from May to early August was at 9:30, and Cindy's church has no mass at that time.
So, first of all I could not write this off as coincidence as that literally would make no sense in the context of what had happened. Even though I had never believed in this before, I felt there must be some sort of "spiritual connection" with her, and I have had many such things happen along the same line with my wife as well that simply cannot be written off as coincidence. So, what does this all mean? IOW, what's the "message" that maybe I'm getting from "the Boss"?
I've long considered Gandhi as being my mentor, and one of his teachings is that if you have strong and recurrent feelings to do something, first judge to make certain it's moral, and if one decides that it is, go for it! In this case I had strong feelings to revisit the Catholic church that I first went with Cindy to and enjoyed so much (I was brought up in a fundamentalist Protestant church and actually had thoughts about going into the ministry). So, with my wife's blessing, I drove the 3 hours to that church not knowing what to expect.
The church had changed a lot, both physically and how the atmosphere was and how the mass was conducted. It had gone from the very solemn type of mass that was conducted in Latin to a very uplifting active mass, plus the sanctuary was in the round and brightly lit. And then it hit me:
Cindy was the "old church", which I loved at that time, enough to take classes in Catholic theology. And Josie is the "new church", which I love because it is so much more open with strong emphasis on compassion and justice. IOW, both have reflected what I needed in my life at each different times.
So, even though I'm not Catholic, I decided to get involved in my wife's church with the blessing of the priest, and I feel that "the Boss" was basically guiding me there.
Strange, I know; but I have no doubt at this time that it's real.