White Crow
For the Niagra Fall's theory to be incorrect, the bed of Lake Erie would've had to have been dry land at one time, being at least the same level as the two sides of the mouth of the river, which spills into Lake Erie (see map of area posted/provided earlier in thread).
If this were the case you would see a river carved out in some other area, where the water chose a lower or lesser path of resistance. There is no such evidence, unless you believe that the earch was literally bulldozed every x number of years which there is no evidence of on any planet...
That lake being in the middle of a continent that may have broken apart from another continent would still not change the topography of that area...
Show me proof of the Niagra River ever having changed it's course since the creation of the earth.
Edit: I didn't realize that this was a throwback to my old question about falsifiability of the Niagra Falls hypothesis. I have edited a comment that you were dodging the question from this post, and apologize for saying so.
Very well, you're almost there. Please separate the "coulds," and while you're at it, please tell me what lab created pseudogranite, I really want to know. I've been collecting stories like this for a while now--another reason I was insulted at your insinuation that I didn't know any of the creationist arguments--and I'd like to research it further.
Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong about the instantaneous creation of granite.
EDIT: Thanks for the last one, FFH. I'll ponder that for a while.