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Shi'ah Ali
You did effectively blame the BBC for British being bigots.

Its the problem of muslims not doing enough to showcase their true religion.

Don't blame the BBC.

Hard to show true Islam when BBC only gives the mic to well known extremist. Or is that other muslims fault? Must be, because media doesn't thrive off of sensationalism and controversy.


Shi'ah Ali
What amuses me is how racist they are portrayed.

A lot of what I see is national pride. You don't have to be white working class to have national pride. They are going the right way about things by incorporating every race and religion into their organisation. That way idiots who want to dismiss them as racists and white supremacists actually have to come up with a better argument.

Everyone accept muslims. No, they are not racist boneheads who scream about big bad immigrants and how they should "go home". Nor do they attack innocent muslims or masjids. Seting them on fire, or sending pig heads. Oh no, they are good guys trying to keep peace. I wonder if any EDL supporters watched the soldier get murdered. Probably. But they only do things in groups.

So what big difference is there from these skinhead EDL attack muslims and masjids compared to their skinhead fathers whose pastime was "pakibashing"?

Not racist. HA


Guardian of Asgaard
Hard to show true Islam when BBC only gives the mic to well known extremist. Or is that other muslims fault? Must be, because media doesn't thrive off of sensationalism and controversy.

Exactly, did you not read?

If muslims are concerned about their representation then it is their problem to increase education and awareness.


Guardian of Asgaard
Everyone accept muslims. No, they are not racist boneheads who scream about big bad immigrants and how they should "go home". Nor do they attack innocent muslims or masjids. Seting them on fire, or sending pig heads. Oh no, they are good guys trying to keep peace. I wonder if any EDL supporters watched the soldier get murdered. Probably. But they only do things in groups.

So what big difference is there from these skinhead EDL attack muslims and masjids compared to their skinhead fathers whose pastime was "pakibashing"?

Not racist. HA

:facepalm: We have a similar culture in Australia against immigrants who cause problems. Clearly you didn't watch the quoted video. Such a bunch of racists...... those damn sikh and muslim racists :rolleyes:

Evidence for them attacking innocent muslims? Seems odd since the EDL has muslim members.

Also you lump them all together as racists. How idiotic. That's like me saying all muslims are terrorists because a few commit acts of terror.


رسول الآلهة
I actually know quite a few Brits who are big EDL supporters including teenagers, Their influence is growing and despite the fact they are called fear mongers I know that their fears do have a source.
Nobody wishes to actually crack down on Islamic extremism and nobody wishes to display the fair mindedness of many Muslims. The good is caste aside and the bad is amplified.
The humor here is that many of the news media organizations who sensationalized Islamic terrorism gave rise to groups such as the EDL until mid decade stronger political correctness came about and those same broadcasting medias try to put Islam in a good light. ABC, CNN, LA TIMES etc. Now they condemn the people who spawned ideology based from these sources dramatization of Islamic violence and call them bigots and hate groups.
The same people who condemn groups like the EDL at one point were the very same broadcasting terrorist events like they were pop films.


رسول الآلهة
The problem is that he's from the EDL and says some true stuff.

To realise what he's talking about one has to see Undercover mosque.
Its a few years old but nothing has changed, it only got worse.

Dispatches - Undercover Mosque - The Return - YouTube

This very much confirms how I remember being taught :D. Sort of sad but it jars some fresh memories.
I have always wondered why out of all the Muslims I have known the most extreme are the women and primarily they are converts. In general male Muslims are rather nice and will often pay others a blind eye if they do something mildly un-Islamic. But females have this agenda that they alone must represent Islam and they are the prime example. I guess this stems form the negative stereotypes placed against them as being submissive and quiet. They are far from oppressed in most cases if you ask me.
But out of all of the warped ideology I have heard it has primarily emitted itself from a Muslimah's mouth.
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Guardian of Asgaard
What they suppose to do? Wave a gun and force the media to give thhem air time?

Go on TV, get themselves around the community. It's not hard. Seems like they'd rather do nothing then complain about how racist everyone is for not understanding them :facepalm:


Shi'ah Ali
Go on TV, get themselves around the community. It's not hard. Seems like they'd rather do nothing then complain about how racist everyone is for not understanding them :facepalm:
Its that easy to get on tv?

I guess some people don't live in reality.


Shi'ah Ali
I googled it after your post and didn't find anything.
My bad, didn't come up on BBC. But still UK news :rolleyes:

)As participants in an English Defence League (EDL march in Whitehall were recorded giving Nazi-style salutes, Faith Matters, which monitors anti-Muslim hatred, said the number of incidents in the past six days had risen to 193, including ten assaults on mosques. The figure compares to a total of 642 incidents in the previous 12 months – meaning the last week has seen a 15-fold increase on last year’s average of 12 attacks per week.
The spike came as Scotland Yard said it had made a tenth arrest in the investigation into the murder of soldier Lee Rigby on Wednesday. A 50-year-old man was detained on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Earlier, three men arrested on Saturday were released on police bail.
Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters, who has been targeted by extremists posting his home address on Twitter and inviting others to shoot him, told The Independent: “There is a significant scale of backlash going on and it is extremely important that it be highlighted. We have been told time and again that the EDL and its like are not a significant issue. But what we have seen in recent days is this sharp increase in rhetoric and then attacks. Our data shows that more than one in three of attacks last year were linked to far-right sympathisers.”
The most serious attack yet took place on Sunday night with the attempted firebombing of a Grimsby mosque. Community elders said the incident, during which three petrol bombs were thrown at the Grimsby Islamic Cultural Centre while people were inside, amounted to “attempted murder”. The attack took place despite an increased police presence following an attack four days ago by a group of teenagers. Humberside Police said it had arrested two men and was investigating messages posted on social media which appeared to incite violence at named locations.
Dr Ahmad Sabik, a member of the mosque committee, told Sky News: “I would say I can describe it as an attempt to murder because what we have got was really serious. It was a fire.”
He added that the mosque’s chairman, who went to extinguish the first petrol bomb, had a narrow escape. “The brother who was coming out of the door, it was just a part of seconds but, alhamdulillah, nothing happened and he was not injured.”
The Yard said it was also investigating the daubing of graffiti overnight on Sunday on two London war memorials. The word “Islam” was sprayed in red paint and inscriptions defaced on the monuments to Bomber Command and animals in war but it was not clear if the perpetrators were Islamist extremists or if it was a further attempt to stir up anti-Muslim feeling.
Police mounted a massive operation as up to 1,000 supporters of the English Defence League staged a protest outside Downing Street.
EDL marchers chanting anti-Muslim slogans were confronted by anti-fascist demonstrators and bottles were thrown as lines of police officers separated the two groups. Police, some in riot gear, repeatedly had to intervene to stop the rival groups clashing as the EDL marched from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street. EDL leader Tommy Robinson told the demonstration: “They’ve had their Arab Spring. This is time for the English Spring.”
Referring to the row over Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to take a holiday this week in Ibiza, the crowd repeatedly chanted “coward” after Mr Robinson said Mr Cameron had left the country “because he doesn’t care”. Scotland Yard said three arrests had been made.
EDL members congregated after their march. As one youth was taken away by police, the crowd began throwing bottles at them. One officer was hit on the head with a glass bottle and the mob followed the officer.s, chanting “who the f*** is Allah?”
Faith Matters said most of the incidents reported to its hotline since last Wednesday’s murder consisted of “general abuse” at Muslims on the streets or over the internet. A further 47 consisted of threats of violence with another 35 minor assaults including eggs being thrown. Elsewhere it emerged that an attempt by the EDL to march on a mosque in York on Sunday had been met by a show of solidarity from the local community when 200 people arrived to show their support.
When only about seven EDL members turned up, they were approached by mosque members and four reportedly entered the mosque for tea and biscuits.

Woolwich backlash: Ten attacks on mosques since murder of Drummer Lee Rigby - Crime - UK - The Independent

Now, care to say how a bunch of white men nazi saluting is not racist?

And I see you mention in Austraila, there are similar movements. Do they nazi salute as well as rail against all immigrants?

Generalizing agaisnt a whole minority is pretty racist, immigrant or not. Or does being immigrant and having a few criminals bad? Does being a native criminal make it okay? :shrug: Seems its what you are hinting at.


Guardian of Asgaard
Generalizing agaisnt a whole minority is pretty racist, immigrant or not. Or does being immigrant and having a few criminals bad? Does being a native criminal make it okay? :shrug: Seems its what you are hinting at.

Well thank you, the minority it seems. Seems they couldn't even prove if it was the EDL.

You say generalising against a whole community is racist and yet claim that the whole EDL is racist. The irony of that is damn astounding :facepalm:

I'm hinting that if the attacks occurred it was a minority. You seem to think the whole EDL is racist when that's as stupid as calling muslims terrorists.


Shi'ah Ali
I'm hinting that if the attacks occurred it was a minority. You seem to think the whole EDL is racist when that's as stupid as calling muslims terrorists.

Right. Because skinhead look + nationalism + nazi saluting isn't trademark racism. And anti-facist counter protest speaks what kind of group EDL.


Hostis humani generis
Maybe if BBC invites muslims leaders, not Choudry the well known extremist, than some British wouldn't be so bigotted.
The BBC does have more than just Choudary on TV; they like to choose from a variety of nutters; that way it looks (only looks) less like bias.

I have to admit, though, they absolutely love Choudary.

The British forms of Islam are frequently Deobandi and Wahhabi -- neither of which are exactly great movements IMO...