My concerns which i've expressed is with empty money for people on welfare. Low income earners are a different kettle of fish. We're some what fortunate at the moment (everyone except people who purchased property coming up to 2007) as house prices are staying low and interest rates are low which is allowing people who 7 years ago never stood a chance to enter the property market.
Also, we have large property developers mass producing hectares of land for housing estates. As a young professional I currently rent one. It's not the nicest and it's not spacious but it's home and it will do for now.
Low income earners would be better off it the government stopped handing them cash and fixed a home loan rate for them. Interest rates are low so there won't be a better time to do it and the government looks better in the process. People tend not to trust the government when all they do is throw $1000 at everyone when things are tough.
Ah, Canada's housing bubble hasn't burst yet. Prices have stagnated, but are still beyond the reach of most young people. The trend around here is for young families to build their own homes on the property of one of their parents. That's great for people whose parents have property. Does nothing for us. Our hope is to find property with nothing on it that we can afford. If we can pull that off I'm happy to live in a tent.