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the fastest spreading religion in the world


Is to believe that this universe and what it contains have a Creator Who is Allah the One and the Unique. Allah does not have any partner and He deserves to be worshipped alone .Also, Islam is to believe that Allah is fully aware of all creation and that He sees them and hears them. As well as to believe that He is over his throne above the heavens, One must leave off all worship directed to other than Allah .Also , Islam is to believe that Allah did not create mankind for amusement; rather He created them to worship Him. And He will raise them once again on the Day of Judgment to take them to account of their actions of this life.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
You never explained how/why Islam is the fastest spreading religion . . . or are you not saying that?


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, it's religions that proselytize that are the fastest growing.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Well, I mean Islam IS the fastest growing (if that is what the OP meant). Given they procreate their families way more than any other religion, they will eventually take over every country through numbers alone.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, is monotheist, and believes God (Allah) to be Supreme Executive Governor of the Universe, and is all alone on his throne...

So what?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, I mean Islam IS the fastest growing (if that is what the OP meant). Given they procreate their families way more than any other religion, they will eventually take over every country through numbers alone.

what? source?

the Duggars are not Muslims, and they have more children than four of my friends COMBINED...and that includes my SIX. i bet Catholics have some pretty good size families...the family i grew up with had 17 children. i have yet to meet a Muslim family with 19 or 17 children...just sayin'.

yes, Muslims do tend to have slightly larger families than the national average, but i know TONS of non-Muslims with 4+ children. TONS.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Is to believe that this universe and what it contains have a Creator Who is Allah the One and the Unique. Allah does not have any partner and He deserves to be worshipped alone .Also, Islam is to believe that Allah is fully aware of all creation and that He sees them and hears them. As well as to believe that He is over his throne above the heavens, One must leave off all worship directed to other than Allah .Also , Islam is to believe that Allah did not create mankind for amusement; rather He created them to worship Him. And He will raise them once again on the Day of Judgment to take them to account of their actions of this life.

...and? what are you comparing this to? is there a point to your post or are you just preaching? :shrug:


Agnostic Theist
I would just like to mention that Islam is not the fastest growing religion. They be one of the fastest, but the idea that they were the fastest was created by Muslims. In truth, Christianity is still beating it out. Mainly because of the conversions in Asia, particularly in China and India.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to mention that Islam is not the fastest growing religion. They be one of the fastest, but the idea that they were the fastest was created by Muslims. In truth, Christianity is still beating it out. Mainly because of the conversions in Asia, particularly in China and India.

Actually you are wrong as well. Xkatzism is the fastest growing. You see, people from all corners of the world have learned just how important I am to them, including you :)


Also, muslims neglect to mention that a large proportion of converts go on to leave Islâm as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8EC8-aVlrE&fmt=18.

Nonetheless, boasts such as this are simply an argumentum ad numeram (appeal to numbers). Even if the entire universe converted to a certain cause, that doesn’t make that particular cause necessarily correct.

Muhammad and his small band of followers were in a minority when he first started. Does that make them wrong?


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
At the rate that Islam is spreading, demographers predict that by the year 2025 one out of four people in the world will be Muslim.
The increase in the number of American Muslims may be a result of the presence of more mosques and Islamic centers that are sprouting up in several cities across the United States. There are approximately 2,000 mosques, Islamic centers and schools in the country.

Source Islam growing fast in America


Done here.
To put that in perspective, it's not such a big deal to be the second biggest religion in America, and Islam ain't it anyway. Except for Judaism, no religion other than Christianity can claim even one percent of the U.S. population.

To put it another way, there are more Jehovah's Witnesses in the U.S. than Muslims. There are more members of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in the U.S. than Muslims. There are still nearly as many Buddhists in the U.S. as Muslims, and twice as many Jews as Muslims.

In fact, the fastest-growing "religion" in the U.S. is "None." While the number of atheists and agnostics is only three times the number of Muslims and growing at only three times the rate of Islam, the number of people who are merely unaffiliated and non-religious is twenty-five times the number of Muslims and growing at twenty-two times the rate of Islam. In the U.S., even the Amish are growing at a greater rate than Islam. Those are statistics I can live with.

Justin Thyme

Child of God
Why is there such a competition over this? Religion is there as a way to worship, understand, and honor the Divine whether that is God, the gods, Allah or some abstract higher power. Isn't it? If that is the case then aren't we all looking to the same thing in our own understandings of it? I'm just happy to see people place the Divine above themselves in what ever way they wrap their minds around that.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Why is there such a competition over this? Religion is there as a way to worship, understand, and honor the Divine whether that is God, the gods, Allah or some abstract higher power. Isn't it?

According to some. Not all.

If that is the case then aren't we all looking to the same thing in our own understandings of it? I'm just happy to see people place the Divine above themselves in what ever way they wrap their minds around that.

Trouble is, people have wildly divergent understandings about that the Divine would be.


Well-Known Member
According to the World Christian Encyclopedia (clearly NOT a Baha'i organization), the fastest-growing religion AMONG THOSE ALREADY ESTABLISHED IN OVER 100 COUNTRIES is the Baha'i Faith!

And in terms of where adherents live, since 1991 the Encyclopedia Britannica has listed the Baha'i Faith as the second most widespread religion! The specifics:

Christianity 140,000
Baha'i Faith 110,000
all others 90,000 or fewer.

So while we're still small (400,000 in 1963, 3 million in 1985, and 7 million now), we are indeed growing rapidly!

Best! :)


Justin Thyme

Child of God
Trouble is, people have wildly divergent understandings about that the Divine would be.

And I understand that. If they didn't we WOULD all be of one religion but since we all grasp concepts differently there is naturally going to be wildly divergent understandings of the Divine. Those are all personal ways of grasping an understanding. Why should I insist upon your method of understanding be the same as mine? Why the competition? Where does this need come from?


Dragon Mom
Claims to be the fastest-growing religion
There are several different religions claiming to be the "fastest growing religion". Such claims vary because of different definitions of "fastest growing", and whether the claim is worldwide or regional.
There are also many unreliable claims and rumors, especially for conversion rates, that often spread as urban legends.

Different definitions of "fastest growing"

Religions can grow in numbers because of conversion or because of higher birth rates in a religious group (assuming that children take on the religion of their parents).
Religions in particular countries can grow because of immigration.
So the fastest growing religion could refer to:

The religion whose absolute number of adherents is growing the fastest (by whatever means).
The religion that is growing fastest in terms of percentage growth per year (by whatever means).
The religion that is gaining the greatest number of converts.
The religion that is gaining the greatest number of associative members (those associating themselves via survey, effectively a popularity vote)

Measures counting absolute numbers tend to favour the larger religions; measures counting percentage growth the smaller ones.
For example, if a religion had only 10 followers, a single addition would be a 10% increase, and would therefore dwarf the percentage growth rates of the larger religions.

The difficulty of gathering data

Statistics on religious adherence are difficult to gather and often contradictory; statistics for the change of religious adherence are even more so, requiring multiple surveys separated by many years
using the same data gathering rules.
This has only been achieved in rare cases, and then only for a particular country, such as the American Religious Identification Survey in the USA, or census data from Australia
(which has included a voluntary religious question since 1911).
Worldwide data are more difficult to gather than data on a particular country.

Statistics for rates of conversion are the most difficult to gather and the least reliable: they are often distorted by social taboos such as the ban on apostasy in Islam, sometimes amplified by governments and policies
at social institutions like universities or the reporting of commitments where the individual does not persist.
This means that a lot of the data on growth of religions is derived from birth and immigration rates.

There are a large number of people who self-identify themselves as associated to a specific religion, but who are not religiously active.
If, for example, asked to choose between Christianity and other religions they would say they were Christians; if asked to choose between Christianity, other religions and "Not religious", they would say "Not religious".
This may make categorization difficult.

In countries with mandatory religions, official statistics will only reflect the official position of the government.


Data for Islam reveal that the growing number of Muslims is due primarily to immigration and above average birth rates (in Western Europe).

The "Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life" stated
“ Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe.
Driven by immigration and high birthrates, the number of Muslims on the continent has tripled in the last 30 years.
Most demographers forecast a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades.