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the fastest spreading religion in the world


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
I agree with your thoughts, but I also believe that the everyday Believer in any of these three Abrahamic faiths are part of a bigger corrupt institution, of which they are kept as pawns in a game of Religious dominance. So, yeah Joe Average is commited to his faith and religion, but his religion (as the institution not the Belief system) is corrupt and manipulative. We've see it many times throughout history.
And yet simultaneously teaches religious tolerance. :rolleyes:

Here's where I'll always defend Islam: it's goal is to reach Allah; whether or not others do is between them and Allah. From my understanding, the violent parts of the Qur'an are not meant to be eternal, but specific to the time when they were revealed.

If Islam's goal was to "rid the world of infidels," then every single Muslim would be trying to convert people, and those who didn't listen would be killed. The fact that, from my observations, it's actually a minority who actually do this, I can reasonably conclude that the goal you've provided for Islam is incorrect.


Veteran Member
I agree with your thoughts, but I also believe that the everyday Believer in any of these three Abrahamic faiths are part of a bigger corrupt institution, of which they are kept as pawns in a game of Religious dominance. So, yeah Joe Average is commited to his faith and religion, but his religion (as the institution not the Belief system) is corrupt and manipulative. We've see it many times throughout history.

The present day 'bigger corrupt institution' is the world's modern religious system. In the past, God used a political/military 'ax', so to speak, to go up against the Jewish Belief System that ran afoul playing false to God and his Word.

Ezekiel chapters 7-9 show people may have been sighing and crying over bad economic conditions but were not sighing and crying over bad religious conditions. Also, those supposedly spiritual elders were not behaving their age and were worshiping the 'Sun'.
People turn to the religious for relief but the clergy of today seem more enthusiastic about national symbols and view them in a sacred religious light as a symbol of enlightenment viewing the nation as eternal in undying fame and glory. Even using the pulpit as a recruiting station so parents will sacrifice their young men on the alter of war.
Once no longer useful to the political world, probably because a dangerous religious climate is brewing in the world today such as with religious terrorism,
Revelation [17v2,17] shows God will use the present political 'kings' of earth as a modern political/military 'ax' to turn on the world's religious sector or 'queen' [Rev 18vs7,8] because she has proven herself false to God and his Word. Only Jesus, as crowned king of God's kingdom, can usher in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.


Well-Known Member
Is to believe that this universe and what it contains have a Creator Who is Allah the One and the Unique. Allah does not have any partner and He deserves to be worshipped alone .Also, Islam is to believe that Allah is fully aware of all creation and that He sees them and hears them. As well as to believe that He is over his throne above the heavens, One must leave off all worship directed to other than Allah .Also , Islam is to believe that Allah did not create mankind for amusement; rather He created them to worship Him. And He will raise them once again on the Day of Judgment to take them to account of their actions of this life.

Nice advertising spiel. Got any actual evidence, or are you just say what without saying why?


It’s all documented in the Qur’ân. In some places it says that to follow the religion you need to believe in allah and that Muhammad acts as the messenger. In other sections it adds extra criteria such as a belief in the afterlife, resurrection, heaven & hell, bla bla bla. Oh and Angels. You have to believe in angels. Jinn too. So, technically, if you don’t believe in Jinn you’re not a muslim.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I agree with your thoughts, but I also believe that the everyday Believer in any of these three Abrahamic faiths are part of a bigger corrupt institution, of which they are kept as pawns in a game of Religious dominance. So, yeah Joe Average is commited to his faith and religion, but his religion (as the institution not the Belief system) is corrupt and manipulative. We've see it many times throughout history.

I make a point to separate religious institution and actual religion. There is no way a religion can become institutionalized and not have parochialism creep in. This has happened even in Dharmic religions, and it could happen with atheism, too.

The institution is not, therefore, the religion itself, but the corruption of the religion. The religion is the belief system you mention, and from what I've seen, the everyday believer of any Abrahamic religion, including Islam, is just like the everyday believer in a Dharmic religion or atheist. Joe Average is Joe Average, regardless of belief. It should be stressed that you don't see everyday believers on television very often, and I'd imagine never in the news.


"Whatever" - ha!

Wait... so if a religion is the fastest growing one in an area, this is evidence of the truth of that religion?

So in places where the fastest growing religion is something other than Islam, in those areas, is this evidence that this religion is more true than Islam? :areyoucra
I didn't say that this is evidence of the truth of Islam.You misunderstand me.I said i have some evidence of the truth of Islam.
I'm waiting for you to ask me what those evidences?:)
Thanks for your concern.


You're kidding, right? How about Islam differentiates between Muslims and non-Muslims? The goal of the Muslim faith is to propagate the Muslim faith and to rid the world of its infidels. the Quran is full of text that explicitly details this.
Excuse me sir,
You don't have one evidence of what you are saying.
who told you that lied on you.


Grumpy Old Man
Although atheism is not a religion I would say it is spreading just as fast as islam and in many cases is beating it especially in areas where education is a priority eg 1 billion people in china and other parts of asia.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour or health a disease.

It's their little insult...like saying evolution is faith-based.
Ironic, eh...that they use their own attributes to taunt us.
At least most of the time, it's all in good fun.

Justin Thyme

Child of God
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour or health a disease.

Atheism is the absence of religion.

You can assert that all you want but the fact is that many atheist I have had dealings with teach their disbelief as a religion going as far as proselytizing others to join them in their disbelief. Granted, for most, there just is no belief in a deity and no interest in religion but there are still a lot who will write books about atheism, seek out books about atheism and join in with others to discuss atheism. That sounds like a religion to me.

So with that being the case, I think that you could add atheism as a contender for fastest growing religion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You can assert that all you want but the fact is that many atheist I have had dealings with teach their disbelief as a religion going as far as proselytizing others to join them in their disbelief. Granted, for most, there just is no belief in a deity and no interest in religion but there are still a lot who will write books about atheism, seek out books about atheism and join in with others to discuss atheism. That sounds like a religion to me.

There's some truth there. Atheism is a religion under the law, since it functions somewhat
like a religion....sort of oozing into our thought to fill the vacuum where religion would be.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Atheism is the 'rejection' of theistic ideas that lack logical empirical proof.
Not a religion rather a philosophy.
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour or health a disease.

Atheism is the absence of religion.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
A philosophy towards aspects of religion and deism.

Religion: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices - a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Atheism: a disbelief in the existence of deity - the doctrine that there is no deity
A philosophy toward religion is a religion. Isn't it?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour or health a disease.

Atheism is the absence of religion.

Absence of theism. There are plenty of atheistic religions.

But, yes, atheism in itself is not a religion.


Done here.
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair colour or health a disease.

Atheism is the absence of religion.
Atheism is the absence of a belief in God or the Gods.
Theism is a belief in God or the Gods.
Neither tells you anything about whether a person is religious.

Some cars are Red.
Some cars are Not Red.
Red does not mean Car.
Not Red does not mean Not a Car.


Done here.
You can assert that all you want but the fact is that many atheist I have had dealings with teach their disbelief as a religion going as far as proselytizing others to join them in their disbelief. Granted, for most, there just is no belief in a deity and no interest in religion but there are still a lot who will write books about atheism, seek out books about atheism and join in with others to discuss atheism. That sounds like a religion to me.
By that definition coin collecting, golf, poker, cooking, painting, running, dieting, and computer programming are religions.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Did you not read the last couple of posts?
Atheism is the absence of a belief in God or the Gods.
Theism is a belief in God or the Gods.
Neither tells you anything about whether a person is religious.

Some cars are Red.
Some cars are Not Red.
Red does not mean Car.
Not Red does not mean Not a Car.