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The fear of Atheism

Call it Atheophobia- or the fear of atheism. It is the fear of no God, and (very possibly) reality itself.

Just as there's Islamiphobia, Atheophobia is centered around the idea that faith is everything, and without faith, you have nothing. That may be true, if you are a believer who goes to Church every day and believes that God brings you miracles through prayer. If you are a Christian, everything having to do with Christianity confirms your faith. But that's just a matter of perspective. So, what happens if something does not confirm your faith, but is, rather, opposing it?

You turn it into a scapegoat. That's right, I said it. You blame it for all of the world's problems, and if that wasn't enough, you demonize it, thus "filtering out" the opposition and bringing the "unsaved" (nice false dichotomy there, saved and unsaved) onto the bandwagon of fear, therefore making them "saved". You feel "the Holy Spirit" surging through your body as you do it, but little do you know that it is only your heightened passion for what you believe in. It is not a supernatural entity communing with yourself at all.

But you will not accept that. Why? Because you are afraid. You are afraid of the idea of there being no God, of atheism, because your Bible tells you it's true, and your Pastor tells you it's true, and your "heart" tells you it's true. You get it drilled into your mind every day at Church, thus confirming your own faith every single day. Because Church is the "House of God", right? Of course it is.

Have fun in your world of fear, Atheophobians.


Jar of Clay
I do not fear there being no God. If there is none, I'm still in the same position as everybody else.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I do not fear athiest..I actually understand thier logical views..They make 'sense" to me..I'm not threatened by them..In fact unless they are unmercifully mocking me or Jesus I like them and they seem to like me well enough..

But God makes sense in my life..He is there..I cant say he isnt..He makes sense to me persoanlly.

My brother is an agnostic some days and an athiest the next.

He doesnt scare me..But if I ever mention God to him(not lecturing just conversational wise) his toes curl up and he looks as if he is in auditory physical pain..So I try not to say that word to him.




Depends Upon My Mood..
*jumps up from behind* "BOO!"


Oh you scared me..but its just you..HEY dont ever do that again O.K??..You know Im the nervous type..(plus I had too much cofee PLUS Im pre-menopausal)

You little devil you...(oops I dont mean devil you don't believe in the devil I mean ..you ..you.. person you !!) LOL!




Court Jester
Atheists are still people, man.
You started this thread to mock.
Your the reason people are afraid of atheists.
I'm friends with a lot of Christians. it's a respect thing. I take off my hat in a church, and my shoes entering a mosque, and I don't see why we can't get along.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Atheists are still people, man.
You started this thread to mock.
Your the reason people are afraid of atheists.
I'm friends with a lot of Christians. it's a respect thing. I take off my hat in a church, and my shoes entering a mosque, and I don't see why we can't get along.
:clap :clap :clap


Done here.
The only people that fear atheism are those who don't have faith and should be atheists.
I think you're onto something there. There are a lot of believers who have to struggle to believe, and I think it bothers them when people just opt out of the whole thing.

On the other hand, there are true-blue believers who just get angry with atheists because they think atheism is wrong-headed and blasphemous.

I have both of those types in my family, as well as believers who just don't care one way or another, though those last are rather rare.

My late granduncle was a Church of God preacher (Church of God of Anderson, not the Pentecostal one), and he never bothered himself at all about what people believed or what they did. His reasoning was that it was the Holy Spirit's job to lead people to Christ, and it wouldn't help for him to nag them. It certainly made him easier to live with.


My late granduncle was a Church of God preacher (Church of God of Anderson, not the Pentecostal one), and he never bothered himself at all about what people believed or what they did. His reasoning was that it was the Holy Spirit's job to lead people to Christ, and it wouldn't help for him to nag them. It certainly made him easier to live with.
See, that's the right way to go. We have no business holding ourselves responsible for other people's souls. That's not Biblical anyway. We should just love each other and share our faith when we're ASKED to or if it is relevant to the other person's life.

Captain Civic

version 2.0
His reasoning was that it was the Holy Spirit's job to lead people to Christ, and it wouldn't help for him to nag them.

Wise man. Nice to see correct biblical application in the face of mainstream stupidity.

I don't fear atheism. I used to be one (I've only been a Christian for about 4 or 5 years) so I completely understand their point of view, and I'm very grateful for it. It means I can think outside the box that so many other raised-as Christians seem to be stuck in.


Well-Known Member
Death is a very scary thing to cease to exist and be ~~~proofed~~~ out of history and existence. 100 years from now no one will think about you or what you did or did not do, you are forgotten and your existence was insignificant in the universe. That is why it is scary and most people actually can't handle that thus the topic is not a common one. I think being a atheist is difficult, I am an atheist but I am a Buddhist and I have explored "death" and have a unique prospective on it so, I can deal with it much better than the average person but I still don't like it.


A fool
You can say these things are wrong without casting stones. You are likely to receive an a preferable outcome if you do.


Not your average Mormon
Call it Atheophobia- or the fear of atheism. It is the fear of no God, and (very possibly) reality itself.
Your first problem is with your definition. Even if there is such a word as "atheophobia," and presuming this word means, "fear of atheism," fear of the belief in no God is not the same thing as the fear of no God.


While I have no doubt that there exists those who genuinely fear atheism, I also have no doubt that there exists those who genuinely fear religion. Moreover, I have no doubt these individuals believe they represent the majority of theists or atheists, when in truth they are just a small minority. People of all faiths, including those with no faith at all, have nothing to fear from each other and everything to learn.
Atheists tempt innocent Christians to question God. Questioning God has its ramifications.