From whence did we (the human species) emerge? Didn't the first humans come from Africa? My knowledge of this is shaky, at best. Do people who believe in God, and people who believe in evolution, agree on anything? Regarding the origin of species, I mean.
The Great Architect,
According to the Bible, which is the only reliable source for any antiquites, life started in the Mesopotamian Valley, which means the land between the rivers. The rivers being the Tigris and the Euphrates. This area is also called the Cradle of Civilization. This area was known to be the place where man began until recently when men have tried to find, and claim that other places were where life began. Doctor Richard Leaky found what he thought was older fossils, in Olduvi Gorge in Africa. Later Leaky found that the fossils were not nearly as old as he first thought.
The great ages of fossils are based on a false assumption. In carbon dating, the method that is used for dating things that lived, is terribly flawed.
Carbon dating is based on measuring the amount of carbon found in fossils. The reat problem is found when no one knows that in the past carbon fron outer space was absorbed at the same rate as today. When alive an animal absorbes carbon, when he dies, and is found the amount of carbon in the fossil is measured, and the age calculated by the amount found. The problem is: Science does not take into account what the Bible says about a swaddling band that surrounded the earth, before the flood of Noah's day, Job 38:9, Prov 8:28. The error comes because an animal, when living under this swaddling band would not absorb nearly as much carbon as today, so when the carbon is measured, it seem that the specimen is much older than it really is.
It has also been true that specimens have been broken apart and sent to different places to check. The dates have varied wildly.
Argon dating is even more suspect. Argon dating cannot be used on things that lived, so the surrounding area is dated.
This requires, to be acdcurate, that the thin dated is insitu, meanin it has not changed position. This would hardly be possible durin the flood of Noah's day. The entire world would have been radically changed with trillions of tons of water covering the earth. Animals would be washed into places they were never at when alive. The Bible says the weight of the water caused the mountains to rise and the valleys to sink, Ps 104:8.
When the flood of Noah's day came the swaddlin band fell to earth as rain. This is why animals in the North were quick frozen. The swaddling band caused a hothouse effect on the earth. When it dissipated the animals were subjected to the severe cold from space, and were instantly frozen, some still with food in their mouths, and some animals can still be eaten.
Scientists can never get to the truth about the past when they deny what the Bible says.