There is, but you must accept or deny it on your own, I cannot prove it to you any more than I can prove you are a descendant of rocks that through runoff created the primordial pool from which life aledgedly sprang. You accept or deny based upon faith ultimately.
Yes, I understand that.
I have no reason to believe by faith, by which I mean unjustified belief (I realize that the word has other meaning, including justified belief, such as having faith that the car will start again the next time I test it just like it did the last 200 times).
How can faith be a path to truth? If a method of knowing can just as easily be used to believe an idea as its polar opposite, it cannot be trusted.
Actually, faith isn't a path to anything. A path is a guided and directed connection from a starting point to an ending point. It limits where you can go, like a driveway or a tunnel. or maybe a wire for an electric current.
Faith is more like the open ocean. You can go north, or northwest, or south by southeast.
1 + 2+ 3 = 6. You can think of the equal sign as a little path taking us from the addends to the sum. There is no other destination that is true (or correct). This is pure reason, and it is a path to truth.
Now look at this:
“If somewhere in the Bible I were to find a passage that said 2 + 2 = 5, I wouldn't question what I am reading in the Bible. I would believe it, accept it as true, and do my best to work it out and understand it."- Pastor Peter laRuffa
He's telling us that he is capable of believing by faith that 2 + 2 could add to 5. Presumably, by faith, he could believe that they can also add to 13 and 246. There is no path there, and no truth. He's in intellectual free-fall.