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The forum reads: Athiesm vs. Creationism


Veteran Member
A dog can procreate with a wolf and bring forth what? Um a wolf!
Actually, they're commonly called wolfdogs.

A dog is a wolf
Afraid it isn't. Dogs are classified as Canis lupus familiaris and wolves are classified as Canis lupus ssp, some of which are C. l. lupus, C. l. albus, and C. l. baileyi

we just call them 'dogs' because of the cultural establishments.
We call them dogs because the word derives from one of their breeds. docga, an Old English word.


New Member
I'm loosing the battle with some of you because you seem to NOT understand the difference theory and fact.

You're talking about theoretical speculation as though its provable factual evidence

God made us in His image so when you say we are monkies you are actually mocking God - I had to tell you this because I know free thought isn't part of your agenda.
You think just because the bank funded some 'theorists' and gave them nice suits, a bmw, laptop and a house that the rest of us must just go "yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir"
Please realize that money and state-funded establishments don't persuade me in any way to 'follow the crowd'
If you say: we come from monkies we get a house on the mountain, but if we say God made us in six days we get mocked.
Thankyou God, I consider it my glory to be considered a fool on your account. I thankyou dearly my God YaHWeH. Just as they hated and persecuted Yahshua El Massiach so they will hate and persecute me. Thankyou for letting me share in your honour YaHWeH

Do yourself a favour and read a book on evolution, b/c it's clear that you don't even understand it at its basic level. Then formulate an argument as to what's wrong and why.


New Member
I'm loosing the battle with some of you because you seem to NOT understand the difference theory and fact.

You're talking about theoretical speculation as though its provable factual evidence

I cut out the latter half, as it holds no bearing on my views as I'm not a Christian, or of any Abrahamic religion. However, Evolution itself is not a scientific theory. In fact, evolution can be witnessed by simply watching bacteria and diseases -- they become immune to treatments over time, which causes problems in the medical field when it comes to finding new ways to combat the rapidly changing species. (This is not adaptation, this is genetic mutation, aka, evolution at work). It's something we can observe, watch and try to understand.

The Theory of Evolution is something entirely different. The evolution theory goes into the "how does this happen" and the "why does this happen" not "does it happen."

As for your monkey thing, they didn't just crop up randomly. The entire species would have slowly come to be as is today through a very slow process of evolution, meaning, the entire species changes -- not just a few individuals -- and they can procreate together. In fact, there are skeletal structures that have been discovered that link whales to once being ground-walking mammals -- they still have hips, even, and yet they clearly don't need hips. Even the way they swim is reminiscent of how (I believe it was a canine) runs.

And I have to say, you are talking about a theoretical way things have been created, with absolutely no evidence, and claiming it as fact. So if we're guilty of what you claim, you would be too.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member


New Member
Moses met God. Moses saw God face to face. Moses spoke to God. Moses established the Law, what we call the Justice system, the Law.

Moses said God made the world in 6 days.

People who have never met God, seen His face or spoken to Him, are CONVINCED they know how God made His own Creation.

You can see evolution in bacteria??????? Whahahahaahahahahaaa thanks you guys are really funny.
Charles darwins book is on the origin of the species, not on the origin of the genus. His book was about adaptation, not evolution. And then ppl misintepret his book to suit their own belief system.

We shall see on Judgement Day whether Moses is right, or whether you tick eaters are hehe

Hammurabi is documented as creating the first written law, not Moses. I could get into theological discrepancies at this point, but I figure such a venture would prove rather pointless in the end.

But yes, you can see bacteria evolve. There are reasons why bacteria become immune to treatments so easily, and it's because if there's one survivor from the treatment, that survivor will begin to create a response to the treatment to make the treatment not kill it. Thus, medical experts are often at work trying to outpace bacteria with medical advancements, often times hoping to eradicate entirely bacteria that is harmful so it cannot evolve and become immune to the newfound treatment. If you don't believe this, or articles about it, or medical experts and biological experts, then I really don't know what else to say on the matter.

I'll also ignore the "Judgment Day" claim, as such a day as less factual footing than evolution does, and has nothing to do with the subject at hand other than presenting the mindset of "well, instead of pursuing knowledge, let's just sit here until we all die."

But, Charles Darwin's book is about genetic evolution. His findings have been augmented over the years, as new information has been found to add to his findings, so his book is not the end-all be-all. You're free to believe as you wish, but presenting such beliefs on a forum means people are free to challenge them -- respectfully.

I'm fairly certain that this post will fall on deaf ears, but oh well.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
whether the first monkey was a hermaphrodite

If I showed you verifiable evidence man and primates are related genetically would you accept those facts or would it be a waste of time putting together the information?

EDIT: Never mind....as he is no longer with us....
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Well-Known Member
That's 3 fundys in as many weeks that bit the dust. Wouldn't happen if they could just debate rationally and keep an open mind.

Ah well, there's always more where they came from.


Wonder Woman
That's 3 fundys in as many weeks that bit the dust. Wouldn't happen if they could just debate rationally and keep an open mind.

Ah well, there's always more where they came from.

What? "tick eaters" isn't an appropriate debate tactic? :D

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Keep in mind, to fundamentalists a "day" is like 1,000 years. So their average lifespan in this forum is over 15,000 years!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
That's 3 fundys in as many weeks that bit the dust. Wouldn't happen if they could just debate rationally and keep an open mind.

Ah well, there's always more where they came from.

See, I don't mind it when it comes from an irrational perspective because it's a perspective none the less but when it crosses the line and becomes disrespectful then it's not a thought provoking discussion anymore.......:sad:


Left Hand Path
The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old.

Its far more logical than saying the Earth is 6000 years old.

How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks???

What makes it atheistic?

There are plenty of theists that are present in the scientific community and goals as well.

But YaHWeH does not change.

Yes, over 1000+ different branches of the Abrahamic faiths have not changed at all...:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
washme said:
Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide.

Please provide the names of some scientists who have Phds who believe that the earth is young who are not Christian inerrantists.

Would you claim that "many" American scientists accept creationism? According to an Internet article at Beliefs of the U.S. public about evolution and creation, 99.86% of the 480,000 American earth and life scientists accept naturalistic or theistic evolution. Only 14 hundreths of 1 percent, or only 700 of those scientists, are creationists.

The article also shows that certain groups of people are more likely to be creationists, such as women, people with less education, and people with less income. Please explain why that is the case.