The evidence against Darwin Evolution. A simple straightforward presentation that gives us hope in a world that offers only the possibility of a Cosmic accident that cannot be proven:
The Theory of Evolution does not begin until the first replicators. Whereas, Creation tries to begin before Abiogenesis; from dust. This latter is much more challenging from a conceptual POV. The ancients did not take the easy road and take crap for trying.
In terms of the current science model, the math does not appear to add up, starting with the theory of the first replicators. Conceptually, that starting point, to work, would need a large stockpile of nearby raw materials, to make copies, or the first replicators would just run out of food, steam, and then decompose. There is faith involved in the first replicators immersed in easy to get nutrient soup. How much soup would you need to randomly progress the genetic material until, the cell is self sufficient and can provide for itself? Every time it divides the soup is eaten twice as fast. Where would the soup come from?
The alternative is you will need an enzymatic source of monomers, first, which then needs an enzymatic source of sub materials, etc, etc., Essentially you need almost all the parts of a cell, with everything, but the replicator, so when the replicator appears the replicator can be supplied.
The needed food source; supplies, needed by the replicators, so they can do their thing, almost suggest the replicators were reversed engineered from the enzymes, so not only can the enzyme provide supplies to replicate, but also genes needed to expand the soup supply source for the daughter cells.
That aside, the biggest practical problem, of the current science model, is the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Cells are very ordered and to start from simple molecules and form an ordered cell, the chemical entropy has to decrease from more complexity to order. This path appears to violate the 2nd law, especially if you use an organic centric approach. Textbooks still show isolated DNA, while isolated DNA packing with packing protein, goes against the 2nd law. Condensed chromosomes are less complex than stretch out DNA.
We need a way to reverse the 2nd law, based on a valid free energy balance that the organic centric approach lacks. This is done with water and surface tension. The water can pack the DNA, due to the surface tension; free energy gain, created by the oily packing protein in water. The DNA is the perfect place to bury these protein, and lower the global water's surface tension, with the net result being a lowering of the generic entropy against the 2nd law.
Condensed chromosomes are helpful when separating mother cell DNA into two, without getting all tangled. But to do this, we need to violate the 2nd and condense them. This is where water comes in, with all organics in water causing a water and oil effect; free energy gain, that can end up going against the 2nd law as a way to lower this free energy.
The current model of evolution, even with dice snd cards, cannot perpetually cause the structural entropy lowering needed for evolution, using only the organics. Why is that still called science? I just debunked it. That path is impossible and dice and card cannot hide it.
My water model is how real science is done, since the water and organics together offer a free energy source, than can reverse entropy; order from chaos and simplicity from molecular complexity. This is useful to life since the lowering of structural entropy also creates an entropic potential; enzymatic potential. The entire cell is poise for change toward higher complexity; duplication.