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The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
The Gospels say they relate as its belief and works that may lead to salvation.
Which brings us back to the Law which no man will be justified by them for, as Habakkuk said, “The just shall live by his faith”, and again Isaiah, “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”.

Faith will have works but works cannot produce faith.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Which brings us back to the Law which no man will be justified by them for, as Habakkuk said, “The just shall live by his faith”, and again Isaiah, “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”.

Faith will have works but works cannot produce faith.

Yes, but overly emphasizing faith at the expense of "good works" is dangerous as even Gandhi noted. Paul cites this as "cymbals clashing" and states of faith, hope, and love, the latter is most important. .

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No… I think it is just you interpreting it in context of your belief system. I come to a completely different understanding.
Then I'd say your argument was with the translators rather than with me.

As for my 'belief system', I have no desire for God to be any particular thing. I simply point out that the Tanakh has God declaring [him]self to he a liar and dealer in lies, and the creator of evil ─ I set out the quotes.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Yes, but overly emphasizing faith at the expense of "good works" is dangerous as even Gandhi noted. Paul cites this as "cymbals clashing" and states of faith, hope, and love, the latter is most important. .
I agree! My point is simply that salvation is the horse which comes by faith. The cart attached to the horse should be filled with works that will be judged at the end of time.

If you have a boatload of works with no love (no God) - it is a clashing of symbols and probably will involve pride on how good one has performed.

It sounds like we are saying the same thing.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Then I'd say your argument was with the translators rather than with me.

As for my 'belief system', I have no desire for God to be any particular thing. I simply point out that the Tanakh has God declaring [him]self to he a liar and dealer in lies, and the creator of evil ─ I set out the quotes.

Yes… I have dealt with that interpretation before… not a translator problem but and interpretation problem.


Veteran Member
Death has a purpose. It makes renewal possible. It makes evolution possible.
Perhaps you can quote me some part of the Tanakh that says so.
Meanwhile as I pointed out, what the traders were doing was NOT illegal.
AND if there was fault, that fault lay with the priests who administered the Temple, and NOT the traders.
AND it was pointless of Jesus to attack the traders for that reason.0
Irrelevant. In all four cases IF there was fault, it was the fault of the Temple administration and NOT the traders.
Death for Adam and Eve was only if they broke God's law - Gen. 2:17
Only human creation was offered everlasting life
Yes, yes, yes it was the fault of the corrupted priesthood/administration more so than the greedy traders
The Law allowed people to spend money - Deut. 14:24-26 - but the money changers were cheating - John 2:16 ; Mark 3:5
For example: the Mishnah ( Keritot 1:7 ) in the 1st century a pair of pigeons or doves rose to a golden denar equal to 25 days of work
In other words, the temple was Not for to make profit for the money changers to charge for their services - Mark 11:12-18; Matt. 21:12-13, 18-19
The temple was a house of prayer and Not to be a cave of robbers - Mark 11:17


Veteran Member
I agree! My point is simply that salvation is the horse which comes by faith. The cart attached to the horse should be filled with works that will be judged at the end of time.
If you have a boatload of works with no love (no God) - it is a clashing of symbols and probably will involve pride on how good one has performed.....
I like your ^ above ^ illustrations
I remember hearing if you have faith in a reliable weatherman who says it is going to rain hard the person with faith will carry an umbrella

Since 'Earth abides forever' (Ecclesiastes 1:4 B; Psalm 104:5) I see No end of time but the end of the wicked - Psalms 92:7; 104:35; 145:20
End of the wicked in God's coming due time - Proverbs 2:21-22

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Death for Adam and Eve was only if they broke God's law - Gen. 2:17
Not so. The threat was not that they would die, but that they would die the same day they ate the fruit:
"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die".

With the interesting footnote that in the story this proved not to be true, so God ─ ahm ─ misspoke and the Snake spoke only the truth.

And as I said, God had denied Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil, so they were incapable of forming an intention to do wrong so they were incapable of sin ─ and as I also said, sin is mentioned nowhere in the story, not even once. And now you've read Genesis 3:22-23 you know the actual and only reason that God booted them out ─ namely and out loud to protect [his] own position.

Yes, yes, yes it was the fault of the corrupted priesthood/administration more so than the greedy traders
The Law allowed people to spend money - Deut. 14:24-26 - but the money changers were cheating - John 2:16 ; Mark 3:5
No, that's not what it says. But even if it did, it doesn't alter the point that the money changers were lawfully trading and if Jesus didn't like that he couldn't change things by criminally assaulting the money-changers ─ his argument was with the administration, though it appears he wasn't smart enough to work this out.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me this is the Logic of Love Created, all through the Exodus through the New Arc of the Covenant in the New Eve, The Body of Christ through His Passion, Eternal Love Fulfilled.

Choice created the greatest gift, Love, created. The freedom to choose between right and wrong, good and evil from the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve know not to eat of the tree of Good and Evil, for then they would know spirit and life, but surely die of the flesh. Without the Tree of Life in The Garden, they will surely die. But even still, Eve wanted all spirit and life for Adam, and Adam told Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge, or they would surely die. Evicted from the Tree of Life guarded now by the most powerful angels, The Cherubs. But still Eve wanted all goodness, spirit and life for Adam, even if it meant death for her and loss the The Tree of Life in the Garden. And Adam watched as Eve at the fruit to know it's goodness, the taste and texture, the softness and flavor of the fruit of all spirit and life. Eve choose Spirit and Life for Eve to bring to Adam. Now Adam knew his choice. Adam had to choose to live forever alone with out the love of a dying Eve or to choose his own death of the flesh to die with the Love of Eve, as God had promised when He said, you will surely die. Adam choose love over death, true mortal love, and so far, the greatest gift possible without resurrected eternal love. What a choice, and we all would have done the same thing, it's not Adam and Eve's fault. Freedom to choose correctly is choosing the intelligence of the will of the Creator and is the Autonomy of the Fulfilled faith and morality of Christ. What a sacrifice from Adam to give up his authority, his mortal life for the love of Eve. And what a sacrifice for Eve to give up her life to bring all Spirit and life to Adam and all mankind, born of Eve. And all for the fulfilled Authority and spirit and life through Christ. And in the fulfillment of Eternal Love, the New Adam, Christ, resurrects the mortal life of love of Adam and Eve to Life everlasting in the fulfillment of His Passion in The New Garden. Resurrection of all mankind is shared through the Power of the Holy Spirit as one in Being, together with the Father and The Son, glorified. The Eternal Love of the Body of the Christ, Our Christ, is the New Heaven and Earth, the Eternal Love fulfilled through the Power of the Holy Spirit will of the Creator, God, The Father as we become His image.

And now you've read Genesis 3:22-23 you know the actual and only reason that God booted them out ─ namely and out loud to protect [his] own position.

Rev 21:27
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

To me the logic follows how to protect God's own position in heaven, as shared for all is Love fulfilled. Love fulfilled is the removal of choice, internal tempters, a defiled spirit can bring a chance of failure in Heaven. The defiled spirit is replaced with the Holy Spirt will of the Creator with Love fulfilled, eternally. In the fulfillment of eternal Love, we become with no chance of failure and with no chance of defiling Heaven as choice is removed from the "First" Defiled spirit of Choice. Choice which created the greatest gift is the love created through Adam and Eve. The Creator removes through fulfilled love the removal of failure of any kind, allowing now fulfilled Love to Live Forever without corruption and becoming immortal and glorified as transfigured becoming His image. The Spirit in the flesh through the soul to the Being is now without failure forever in the Holy Spirit will of the Creator as re-imaged. Choice removed is the intelligence of immortality and the Will of the Creator. To me, The Logic of Kingdom of the Divine Will is the intelligence of The Creator in the immortal and incorruptible being transfigured becoming his image that "follows" What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled Faith and Morality?

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Veteran Member
The Transfiguration was only a VISION - Matthew 17:9 - and Not a real happening. A VISION
The reality comes future at Jesus' coming Glory Time as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37,40

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me the logic is we are first created , and then become transformed and then becoming again transfigured in the re-imaging of our created Being, in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Body of Our Christ as United. To me this is the logic of created, transformed and transfigured in Our Christ, our metaphysical Body of God. The Exodus.

To me the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Spirit is to become united as one in being from created mortal and corrupt in the spirit through the flesh to the souls of the descendants of Adam and Eve and through the Ark of the Old Covenant, all through the flesh in the spirit through the flesh to the soul all in the Body. To understand the intelligence of Creation through choice as a defiled spirit is in the logic that we become transformed through Baptism immortal and incorruptible from the Christ, The New Adam, the Body of God from the New Ark of the Covenant. Then we become again as glorified and transfigured, Confirmed and re-sanctified in Repentance and in Communion in the Will of The Creator as one in being together with the Father and The Son and with all mankind into His image to manifest eternal life as immortal and incorruptible all through the wondrous mysteries of The Faith. In becoming again glorified and transfigured in Communion and Repentance as re sanctified in the Will of The Divine we become the intelligence of the New Spirit, The Holy Spirit Will of The Father through the flesh to the soul of the being becoming the Divine "RI" real Intelligence transfigured in the re-imaging of the being's reprogrammed Holy Spirit becoming the pattern as what would the Creator God, The Father do in all cases of the fulfilled faith and morality of Our Christ. Through Repentance is the Re-sanctified in the spirit of the Confirmed Being in Communion with the Creator, God, The Father through the Power of The Divine Spirit for the being becoming into the image of the Creator God, The Father as One in Being for the glorification and praising of God forever.

“For from him and through him and for him are all things” is a quote from the Bible, Romans 11:36. The full verse reads, “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen”

To me we know He opens the House of God for all mankind to all for sharing as "One In Being" His Spirit Will to fulfill mental love, with bliss, openness, non-attachment, contentment, peace, forgiveness, satisfaction, tolerance, apathy, acceptance, compassion, joy, equanimity, personal peace, and tranquility all through the fulfilled Will of The Father in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Being.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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