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The Holy Spirit


Well-Known Member
I openly and publicly denounce The Nicene Creed, and The Athanasian Creed, as blatantly Anti- Christ. All people, places and things which are in league with these deceptive plans, are operating outside of the Justified Law. These individuals are among those who caused The True Saints to be viciously murdered. To stand by any of these establishments, is to stand in league with Anti-Christs and their barbaric Fathers of Lies.

Well, so much for rational discussion.


Who is everybody? Can they not speak for themselves, or are you their representative. It seems as if it is you who thinks that you are something special. Perhaps you are your own self appointed "GOD OF THE RELIGIOUS FORUM" The character Jesus convinced himself of the same thing. We Romans executed him, along with his cronies. Unfortunately his idol worshippers still live. They are stinking up the atmosphere with their toxic intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Who is everybody? Can they not speak for themselves, or are you their representative. It seems as if it is you who thinks that you are something special. Perhaps you are your own self appointed "GOD OF THE RELIGIOUS FORUM" The character Jesus convinced himself of the same thing. We Romans executed him, along with his cronies. Unfortunately his idol worshippers still live. They are stinking up the atmosphere with their toxic intelligence.

Thought that was directed at me for a moment. The part under the line in his post is his signature, it isn't directed at you...


I do not understand. Whose post in whose signature. I thought you were directing that line to me. This is very confusing.


Well-Known Member
When I read your post #22, I thought you were annoyed with me. Then I realised it was directed at Dunemeister. My comment about his signature was about the line 'Look at you. You think you're something special, don't you? God's gift to the universe. Right? Well, you're wrong and it's starting to get on everybody's nerves.' It's what is known as a 'signature'. It wasn't directed at you. If you look at my posts you'll see I have one also. Mine reads 'The difference is....the difference you make!'
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Not your average Mormon
This is a very strange topic for me to comprehend. If there are individuals on this forum who can help me. Please explain in easy terms, what is the Holy Spirit? Also, I have read that it is called the unforgivable sin to deny the Holy Spirit. What does this mean? Do all Religions call this Holy Spirit the same name, or does it even have an actual name?
Hi, needle. Here's the Latter-day Saint belief:

The Holy Spirit is the member of the Godhead. We generally refer to Him as the Holy Ghost, but it's just a matter of preference really. Unlike the Father and the Son, the Holy Ghost is a person of spirit only. It is by virtue of this quality that He is able to both fill the universe and dwell in our hearts. It is through the Holy Ghost that God communicates to mankind. We come to understand spiritual truths through the witnessing of the Holy Ghost, who communicates with us on a spiritual plane. It is through Him that we come to know the Father and the Son.

We believe that denying the Holy Ghost means to deny the truths of which He testifies, after having come to know for a surety that they are, in fact, true. Most of us human beings base their belief in God on a faith that He exists, as evidenced through experiences they have had that make Him a reality to them. Most of us are never given the privilege of seeing Him face to face or witnessing events such as the ancient prophets and apostles did. They were in a position of being able to deny the Holy Ghost, although there is no record that any of them ever did. An individual would essentially have had to had experiences like theirs to have an absolute knowledge (as opposed to a deep faith) of God's existance and power.


Perhaps, those who explained this Holy Ghost, were speaking of the social entertainment establishments. Your definition of a hidden power that is able to fill the whole universe, yet is so prized and worshipped as to become one with the mortal heart. This would also explain to me, why I perceive the character in the manuscripts which you identify as Jesus, as an actor, a pretender and a fraud. I truly believe that this is the identity of the original anti- Christ. Once he became "The" Father, he usurped the rightful throne of all Righteousness. This explains the vast amount of falsity in all religious charters. They are patterned after the anti-Christ, who deceived all sacred beings, convincing them, that it was he, who was the Christ. This of course is a lie.

Little Joe Gould

Seeking God
Perhaps, those who explained this Holy Ghost, were speaking of the social entertainment establishments. Your definition of a hidden power that is able to fill the whole universe, yet is so prized and worshipped as to become one with the mortal heart. This would also explain to me, why I perceive the character in the manuscripts which you identify as Jesus, as an actor, a pretender and a fraud. I truly believe that this is the identity of the original anti- Christ. Once he became "The" Father, he usurped the rightful throne of all Righteousness. This explains the vast amount of falsity in all religious charters. They are patterned after the anti-Christ, who deceived all sacred beings, convincing them, that it was he, who was the Christ. This of course is a lie.

If I understand you correctly you think Jesus was a fraud? I don't agree with you, but this isn't the debate forum. I'm just curious as to why you would be interested in the Holy Spirit if you believe the very foundation of Christianity is a lie. It was Christ who claimed that those who believed would be baptized with the Holy Spirit and if you believe he was a fraud then wouldn't you automatically assume the Holy Spirit is obviously fraudulent? I just find it strange that you would ask the question believing Christianity is a lie.


I am of pure Roman Blood, therefore I am a True Christain. This way, truth and light is not only in my physical DNA, it is also in my spiritual, and intellectual makeup. Worldly Christianity, is not the Christian way, truth and light. All of your Worldly Religions were and are created from the dark matter of threat, duress, coercion and oppression. They are ALL fraudulent establishments and orders. Each and everyone of them have broken The Sacred and Divine Laws of the Land, Water, Air and Sky, which are The Ten Proper and Justified Commandments of Righteousness, by their very formation and charter. Be careful when you attach words to Christ that you do not comprehend, therefore attaching an anti-Christ interpretation to the Divine. This False Christianity and all other Worldy Religions, are the outcome of a very diabolical agenda. It is the reality of The Anti-Christ.


Miss Independent
You are only repeating what others have said. Therefore, you do not know. You are simply parroting what you have heard. If something is not tangable, it is not real. It is a lie. Perhaps this Holy Spirit is a lie, that has been passed down by liars. To say we know something that we do not truly know, is to bare a false witness. It seems that there is some deep seated contamination in this Holy Spirit Creature. I openly and publically denounce this Creature's Divinity. For me, "IT" is nothing more or less than a hideous monster. If it is genuinly good and real, it shall manifest itself as such. I have not experienced anything practical or intelligent in this being thus far. This invisable being has caused others to lie for it, to fear it, to play false for it. To accept and further the fraudulent way of all mannner of deception and false and corrupt philosophies. This is blatant wickedness.

Hi There!

As far as I am concerned to speak against the HS, is like cutting your throat to spite your face. Do you want to do that?

Let me put it this way...if the HS does something...and someone mocks it and says it is not the work of the HS but that of evil, they are uttering blasphemy against the HS. That is a sin that is not forgivable....why dont you rather wait before you make such claims as 'it' being a monster...and 'it' being fraudulent and false and corrupt and wickedness.

Matthew 12:31 And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

Im sorry that you have uttered the words you have. :sorry1:


I have stated facts, it is you and the Wicked Worldy Christianity that you represent, that desire a debate. The Monster that you represent (A Fraudulent Holy Spirit)has taught you that you are to be offended, when someone brings forth the absolute truth, by the power of The Genuine Wholly Spirit of Truth (which is in and part of me), therefore condemning your Wicked Holy Spirit, your False Christ, and your False Religion, as deep seated con artistry, and a demonic fraud. That which I bring, are statements of truth, against, statements of hypocrisy. There is no debate.

You are correct. I denounce this False Holy Spirit, as the Fraudulent Monster that it is. It is not tangible or real, except through you. It must have a doer and server to cut my throat, and unless you or another off balance individual intend to harm me, for bringing forth the truth, then I have nothing to fear. This is how this Monster has convinced Sacred Individuals, like yourself, to serve it's wicked and murderous ways. To plunder and enslave for it, by collecting tithes/taxes and donations for it, then to create a charity for those whom it has plundered and enslaved, forcing them to beg and further humiliate themselves for it. I am very happy to announce the truth, therefore condemning your Diabolical False Christianity, as the Mafia World Religion that it is. There is no debate. The facts, and your statements about cutting my throat, speak for themselves.


Miss Independent
I have stated facts, it is you and the Wicked Worldy Christianity that you represent, that desire a debate. The Monster that you represent (A Fraudulent Holy Spirit)has taught you that you are to be offended, when someone brings forth the absolute truth, by the power of The Genuine Wholly Spirit of Truth (which is in and part of me), therefore condemning your Wicked Holy Spirit, your False Christ, and your False Religion, as deep seated con artistry, and a demonic fraud. That which I bring, are statements of truth, against, statements of hypocrisy. There is no debate.

You are correct. I denounce this False Holy Spirit, as the Fraudulent Monster that it is. It is not tangible or real, except through you. It must have a doer and server to cut my throat, and unless you or another off balance individual intend to harm me, for bringing forth the truth, then I have nothing to fear. This is how this Monster has convinced Sacred Individuals, like yourself, to serve it's wicked and murderous ways. To plunder and enslave for it, by collecting tithes/taxes and donations for it, then to create a charity for those whom it has plundered and enslaved, forcing them to beg and further humiliate themselves for it. I am very happy to announce the truth, therefore condemning your Diabolical False Christianity, as the Mafia World Religion that it is. There is no debate. The facts, and your statements about cutting my throat, speak for themselves.

There is no debate you are right. There is no life either. Im not in a church but that doesnt matter, you are a fanatic, far more cut throat than any religious group i have come across. Well done for exposing yourself.


I truly have a mental block on this. Some people have trouble with math or science, for example, for me it is in defining this Holy Spirit. How do we know how we are denying something that we can not understand?\
To deny the Holy Spirit is to deny truth. That is His ministry; When God reveals Himself to us (His will, Knowledge, wisdom etc.) He does it by the Holy Spirit. And if we deny those truths we are as Jesus says it, "In danger of the unpardonable sin." That's to say if we KNOW it's true and DENY it, then it's possible that God would leave us alone. To put it simple; THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN IS UNBELIEF!


Unforgivable also means, that which is not to be tolerated by Righteousness. It is the most grievious of all abusive practices and deep pre-meditated sin. It is to misuse the jurisdiction of Christ, which is the only rightful and justified authority, and to place on that throne, and in those positions, Anti-Christs. It is to entice and lure others to obey and follow abusive practices, forming unjustified police and military forces, and falsified positions and counterfeit monies. It is to place the throne of Christ into the hands of the Mafia, and their Mafioso.

Do your jurisdictions, religions and banks rob, con and steal from individuals, giving certain individuals priveledge from not being robbed, as a way and a means for enabling their thieving establishments and their plundering families to become rich? Do you have poor individuals in your atmosphere, while the churches and governments, who robbed them, have no end insight to the massive and ostentatious display of wealth, that they flaunt as representative of their plundering police and military powers? Then, these jursidictions operate outside of the just law. They have broken all ten of the commandments of Righteousness, in order to fulfill, and bring forth unrighteousness. And you Dear Readers, are their terrified, and terrorized deciples. You are the pawns on the reel to reel chess board of the Anti-Christ Establishments(Mafias)and their barbaric Anti-Christs(Mafioso).
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The topic of this post is the Holy Spirit so that would be out of jurisdiction to discuss such matters.

God bess!


Veteran Member
Unforgivable also means, that which is not to be tolerated by Righteousness. It is the most grievious of all abusive practices and deep pre-meditated sin. It is to misuse the jurisdiction of Christ, which is the only rightful and justified authority, and to place on that throne, and in those positions, Anti-Christs. It is to entice and lure others to obey and follow abusive practices, forming unjustified police and military forces, and falsified positions and counterfeit monies. It is to place the throne of Christ into the hands of the Mafia, and their Mafioso.

Do your jurisdictions, religions and banks rob, con and steal from individuals, giving certain individuals priveledge from not being robbed, as a way and a means for enabling their thieving establishments and their plundering families to become rich? Do you have poor individuals in your atmosphere, while the churches and governments, who robbed them, have no end insight to the massive and ostentatious display of wealth, that they flaunt as representative of their plundering police and military powers? Then, these jursidictions operate outside of the just law. They have broken all ten of the commandments of Righteousness, in order to fulfill, and bring forth unrighteousness. And you Dear Readers, are their terrified, and terrorized deciples. You are the pawns on the reel to reel chess board of the Anti-Christ Establishments(Mafias)and their barbaric Anti-Christs(Mafioso).

Wow, it only seems like the other day I read this
At present, I am a Homeschool Mother, who is educating and re-educating myself and my children in many different subjects. Sometimes I find that the information that I had learned, or that I have passed on to others, is not completely correct. For this purpose, I have come to converse with you and your forum, in order that I may gain a variety of insight, that others may have on these various topics. To the administrators. I thankyou for taking the time to monitor and set up this forum. From what I understand, it is hard work. Also, I do appreciate so many different types of subjects. Perhaps, by our exchange of ideas, we can all learn from each other.
You're a fast learner :D