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The Holy Spirit


Veteran Member
This is a very strange topic for me to comprehend. If there are individuals on this forum who can help me. Please explain in easy terms, what is the Holy Spirit? Also, I have read that it is called the unforgivable sin to deny the Holy Spirit. What does this mean? Do all Religions call this Holy Spirit the same name, or does it even have an actual name?
The confusion, I think, comes from the term "spirit". I don't believe that the term "spirit" refers to disembodied unseen beings that float around and possess people. So for me, "spirit" is just a kind of attitude toward the world that envelops me, and that I inhabit or become. For example, if I were at a wedding, I might find myself overcome with a spirit of joy for the bride and groom and for their commitment made to each other. Or if I were at a funeral, I might be overcome with a spirit of deep sadness and loss, that effects me for days, or even weeks.

The "spirit" I'm talking about is MY spirit. And so the descriptive state being applied to it is describing my own spirit. If I am "possessed of a holy spirit" that doesn't mean (in my opinion) that some invisible ghost has taken over my mind, heart or body. It simply means that MY spirit has become overwhelmed with a sense of holiness.

And for me, a description of "holiness" is simply a description of "Godliness": meaning a spirit of love, forgiveness, generosity, respect, and deep concern for the well-being of others.

So in my mind, the "Holy Spirit" is not a being. It's a spiritual state. It's the state of being "in Christ". It's the state of expressing and reflecting to others, the attributes of God as revealed through Jesus the first "Christ".


Veteran Member
To deny the spirit of God's love (the "holy spirit") within ourselves IS the worst "sin" we can commit. Because through this sin, all others are manifested.


The word Holy, is an extention of the word Hole, where as the word Wholly, is an extention of the word, Whole, or Complete. To impress a Holy Spirit upon an individual, is to possess that individual's mind with a doctrine filled with holes, or lies. A Holy Family, is a false family, hense Mafioso. A genuine family, which extends to the Sacred and Divine Ancestral Realm, is known as the Wholly Family. One is in complete conflict with the other. The Holy Family, is the enemy of all Righteousness, for nothing was ever given or allowed to be used for a corrupt purpose. The Land, and all that is in the Land, the Sea and all that is in the Sea, The Air and all that is in the Air, The Sky and all that is in the Sky, all these things were given and allowed for the One Mission and the One Purpose, and that is for Righteousness and for Righteousness sake. To usurp these things from the Heirs of Righteousness is to Rob and Murder the Heirs of Righteousness. One can not have two Master Plans. Either one adores and honors Righteousness and The Law of Righteousness, or one adores and honors Unrighteousness and The Diabolic exploits of the Anti-Christ which is the unwholesome doctrines and teachings of the Mafioso Religions, and their Mafia Enterprises. For wherein have your Anti-Christs robbed the Heirs of Righteousness? By implementing the counterfeit money system, known as The Mark of the Beast, which operates by threats, duress, coercion, oppression and depression, as these deviant and fraudulent ganglang jurisdictions plunder and collect all manner and forms of tithes, offerings, taxes, fines, alms, interest and fees.
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I am of pure Roman Blood, therefore I am a True Christain. This way, truth and light is not only in my physical DNA, it is also in my spiritual, and intellectual makeup. Worldly Christianity, is not the Christian way, truth and light. All of your Worldly Religions were and are created from the dark matter of threat, duress, coercion and oppression. They are ALL fraudulent establishments and orders. Each and everyone of them have broken The Sacred and Divine Laws of the Land, Water, Air and Sky, which are The Ten Proper and Justified Commandments of Righteousness, by their very formation and charter. Be careful when you attach words to Christ that you do not comprehend, therefore attaching an anti-Christ interpretation to the Divine. This False Christianity and all other Worldy Religions, are the outcome of a very diabolical agenda. It is the reality of The Anti-Christ.
I am not sure if your original post question has been answered: The Holy Spirit is God's active force. It is like electricity, it is what God uses to accomplish his holy will. Each of us have the potential to be filled with holy spirit.

I may have misunderstood a state emnt you made earlier about "the fraud Jesus". Isn't true christianity people who follow in the footsteps of Christ?

There is a scripture at Galations 3:27-29 that comments on those who feel thaty are priviledges because of their race. Even Paul was proud of his Roman citizenship but this did not make him special to God.
Acts 10:34,35 "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him."


It sounds as if you are describing a Phantom. I do not honor, sustain or worship that which is dead. This Holy Spirit is full of Holes. It can not hold water, truth or righteousness. It has no power for good, for it is obviously an active force of corruption and evil. I agree, it is like elctricity. It is shocking and deadly. It is the Godfather and Godmother, their Mafioso Sons, and the Mafia's Pride. It is a diabolic power/jurisdiction by which these Robbers enforce their wicked power and unjustified will upon the Heirs of Righteousness and Her Christ.

I have tasted the bitter poison of your Holy Spirit, it made me violently ill, therefore I threw it out, never to take hold of my Whole and Healthy Spirit again.

You did not misunderstand my statement that the Character Jesus, was and remains a Fraud. The word Christian, is a mispelling of two words, Criest Ten. This means that a True Christian upholds the True Law of Righteousness, which is the Proper and Justified Ten Commandments. These Commandments are The Actual and Factual Law of the Righteous Universe, or as some may call them Allah(Our Roman Law) which is The God/Good Law of Our Land, and all that comes in contact with Our Land. All people, places and things must conform to this justified and righteous standard, when we birth into an atmosphere.

You are right about the Phantom Man Paul, his Character was also an Anti-Christ. He was a counterfeit, who was encouraging others to transgress the True Law of Righteousness. The very word citizenship proves that he was of the Mafioso. He was not a Roman. He was Roaming, and wandering from The Righteous Law. As far as this God you mention, this being is a Phantom, it is not of me or my Righteousness. It is the Father of lies and deception. They are all deviant Characters, that individuals have been conned into emulating. Therefore that which was only evil matter unformed, a wicked plan, has now become a plundering and murdering planet, which is formed and established evil matter in formation, or shall we say, actors and actresses of malicious plans and actions of deep seated evil.
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Can't brain. Has dumb.
This is a very strange topic for me to comprehend. If there are individuals on this forum who can help me. Please explain in easy terms, what is the Holy Spirit? Also, I have read that it is called the unforgivable sin to deny the Holy Spirit. What does this mean? Do all Religions call this Holy Spirit the same name, or does it even have an actual name?

I thought of it like this:

Imagine God being like a sun or a star. Now, every person on earth has a soul, which is made of the same kinda stuff. And there's this cord that runs between the soul of the person and God. I've always thought the holy spirit to be that cord. The telephone wire, if you like, between you and god.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
One of the aspects of the Holly Spirit is, IMO, our imagination or ability to create. When I write a song, it's God through my imagination that I'm able to coherently construct melodies and harmonies.

I think this is why sin's against the Holy Spirit aren't forgiven. Because people can use this wonderful gift in absolutely awful ways.


Your soul, is your true intent and purpose. If that true intent and purpose be evil, then your action, non-action, deads and misdeads, will identify you as an ally with the Anti-Christ. If your true intent and purpose be goodly and justified, then you will be an ally with Righteousness and Her Christ, or shall we say The Voice of Logic and Reason, and not a voice of plunder and false religion. Either yours is the Wholesome Spirit of Justice, or the unwholesome spirit, filled with holes, recognized, as the unholy spirit of The Anti-Christ.


One can not sin against an evil purpose or an evil spirit. Self defense against all manner and from of ill justice, is a proper and justified right given to the Heirs of Righteousness, to have and to hold forever in the true cause of Truth, Righteousness, Proper Judgment, and Genuine Justice. It is a moral duty and right to stand up against this aggressive un holy spirit and those who further this evil. To deny an individual this Lawful and Justified Right, is to deny that individual the Gift of The Wholeness of Health, Body, Mind, and Soul. It is to deny the individual arms, and the way of self protection, from the corruption and danger, which has been bred and administered into this atmosphere.


Not your average Mormon
Why would anyone who has all the answers even bother to ask the question? I believe it's the anti-Christ who encourages contention and harsh words, not the true Christ.


The holy spirit helps us grow and brings us closer to god. in one of my bibles it said that the trinity can be like the sun. when you look at the sun, you arnt seeing it at the moment. you are seeing the rays of the sun from 8 minutes ago, because of the light travel. so the sun is like the father. you cant see it but you know its there. and the rays of the sun are like Jesus. you can see it and you defianatly know that its there. and the holy spirit is the like the part of the sun that makes grass grow, that helps trees flourish, that makes you feel warm. the holy spirit is what helps you succeed in life and helps you grow to know god, gain knowledge, and have everlasting life!


Not your average Mormon
The holy spirit helps us grow and brings us closer to god. in one of my bibles it said that the trinity can be like the sun. when you look at the sun, you arnt seeing it at the moment. you are seeing the rays of the sun from 8 minutes ago, because of the light travel. so the sun is like the father. you cant see it but you know its there. and the rays of the sun are like Jesus. you can see it and you defianatly know that its there. and the holy spirit is the like the part of the sun that makes grass grow, that helps trees flourish, that makes you feel warm. the holy spirit is what helps you succeed in life and helps you grow to know god, gain knowledge, and have everlasting life!
I like your analogy. I can see how the Holy Spirit does exactly what you say it does. You're going to have to help me out with the part about the Trinity being like the sun, though. Could you provide the chapter and verse you were thinking of?
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I like your analogy. I can see how the Holy Spirit does exactly what you say it does. You're going to have to help me out with the part about the Trinity being like the sun, though. Could you provide the chapter and verse you were thinking of?

Its just in the front of one of my bibles, its not in every bible. its just an explination that they put in the bible to help you understand. by the ways its a NIV bible. and i deeply recommend that kind of bible.


Well-Known Member
You are only repeating what others have said. Therefore, you do not know. You are simply parroting what you have heard. If something is not tangable, it is not real. It is a lie. Perhaps this Holy Spirit is a lie, that has been passed down by liars. To say we know something that we do not truly know, is to bare a false witness. It seems that there is some deep seated contamination in this Holy Spirit Creature. I openly and publically denounce this Creature's Divinity. For me, "IT" is nothing more or less than a hideous monster. If it is genuinly good and real, it shall manifest itself as such. I have not experienced anything practical or intelligent in this being thus far. This invisable being has caused others to lie for it, to fear it, to play false for it. To accept and further the fraudulent way of all mannner of deception and false and corrupt philosophies. This is blatant wickedness.

The OP made it seem as though you actually wanted to know what the term "Holy Spirit" meant. Now I see you are only looking for an opportunity to denounce people who believe in Him. I suppose I should never take your questions at face value...