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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Veteran Member
"An evangelical leader is calling on his army of followers to take action against a software company for allowing same sex relationships to be represented in a new Star Wars video game.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council — a hate group, according the the Southern Poverty Law Center — took to the radio to denounce Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game.

“In a new Star Wars game, the biggest threat to the empire may be homosexual activists!” Perkins announced during his daily radio commentary. “In a galaxy not so far far away, Star Wars gamers have already gone to the dark side. The new video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, has added a special feature: gay relationships.”
What could be worse, I ask you. What could be worse?


Wait, they've added the same-sex relationship option? YES! I've been waiting for my agent to be able to hook up with her companion for a while now. Also, hello, this was Bioware. They have a great track record of including ALL relationship options. In fact a Bioware employee shut down someone complaining about being exposed to all that diversity. (Can't remember if it was Mass Effect or Dragon Age that was the game in question.)

*checks article*

Dammit they're STILL not in the game. Stupid patch. *Twiddles fingers and pines for the love of Kaliyo...*
"An evangelical leader is calling on his army of followers to take action against a software company for allowing same sex relationships to be represented in a new Star Wars video game.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council — a hate group, according the the Southern Poverty Law Center — took to the radio to denounce Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game.

“In a new Star Wars game, the biggest threat to the empire may be homosexual activists!” Perkins announced during his daily radio commentary. “In a galaxy not so far far away, Star Wars gamers have already gone to the dark side. The new video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, has added a special feature: gay relationships.”
What could be worse, I ask you. What could be worse?
I'll stick with World of Warcraft, thank you very much. ;)


.45 Cal
Am I the only one that finds it strangely amusing when people who are advocates of sodomy liken their struggle to that of the black man? They use terms like "hate group" to decribe organizations committed to seeing that children actually have a mother and father as opposed to two "mothers" or "fathers". They describe their opponents as "bigots" for preaching about the need for sexual purity and for pushing back when others preach a message that's contrary to that. So many of these terms are borrowed from the civil rights era. I agree we need to crack down bigtime on bullying people because they engage in such behavior.


I think having a character designed to be tortured for the enjoyment of the player is something far more genuinely concerning.

Hit Star Wars game lets players 'own' and torment female sex slave with electric shock collar | Mail Online


WoW has a very large and open LGBT community. :cool:
She's not a sex slave. Thank you Daily Mail.
That particular companion is a slave and is given as a companion to the Sith Warriors. Sith are encouraged to be pretty damn evil however every character has an option about how to play their character - you can be a Light Sided Sith. Similarly you're encouraged to build reputation with your companions - this does open up romantic options. You can't get there if you're shocking her all the time.

Yeah it brings out the worst in people, but it's an option and only one companion out of a dozen. The companions on my characters besides 'Vette are an alien warrior who sees me as a sort of herald to his god.. because we kill things together - he's good friends with my Jedi's master, a slightly gun-crazy alien woman that my female agent totally has the hots for, but instead we're good friends, a male human ambassador that has "joined" an insectoid hive and sees himself as one of them. There's a droid, a younger Jedi companion who needs a bit of reining in by your character, etc.

WoW has several quests where you MUST torture someone, for example. SWTOR has added a lot of options - you can let someone go, bring them back to be tortured, kill them now and one or the other will be a light side or dark side choice.
Am I the only one that finds it strangely amusing when people who are advocates of sodomy
Never given or received oral sex? That's sodomy. Straight people have anal too. And unless you have the most boring sex life in the world, you've probably committed sodomy. Sodomy is fun, own it.

liken their struggle to that of the black man?
Funny you say "man" here.

They use terms like "hate group" to decribe organizations committed to seeing that children actually have a mother and father as opposed to two "mothers" or "fathers". They
No, the Southern Poverty Law Center describes groups that spread lies about gays and lesbians as hate groups. Because they are. They've never said that every Christian organization is a hate group. Please provide an example you disagree with.
Active Anti-Gay Groups | Southern Poverty Law Center

They describe their opponents as "bigots" for preaching about the need for sexual purity and for pushing back when others preach a message that's contrary to that.
For lying.
So many of these terms are borrowed from the civil rights era.
Because the last time we fought back against people being treated as less than equal was the Civil Rights movement. It's also within people's memories and therefore the most frequent comparison.
You point out the similarlity and decide that these "sodomites" are not right like the Civil Rights movement was, but instead must be usurping the language unjustly. I'd laugh if it weren't so disturbing to see that kind of cognitive dissonance.
I agree we need to crack down bigtime on bullying people because they engage in such behavior.
Patrick Wooden just made this same argument right? Lets see how he did:
Patrick Wooden, North Carolina Pastor, Claims Gay Men Need Diapers 'Because Of What Happens To The Male Anus' After Sex
Wooden warns that gay men shove cell phones, baseball bats and animals up their anuses – LGBTQ Nation

North Carolina activist Patrick Wooden has become a favorite of groups like the National Organization for Marriage, the Family Research Council and the American Family Association, and most recently joined Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality at a rally denouncing the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Oh the irony.

On a recent appearance on LaBarbera’s radio show, Wooden called homosexuality a “wicked, deviant, immoral, self-destructive, anti-human sexual behavior” and should make people “literally gag.” Wooden added that gay men have “to wear a diaper or a butt plug just to be able to contain their bowels” by their “40s or 50s” as a result of “what happens to the male anus.”
Today, Wooden appeared on LaBarbera’s show and stood by his claims, going as far as to say that gay men regularly shove objects such as cellphones, baseball bats and animals up their anuses and that he personally knows a gay person who “literally died in diapers” because he “literally lost control of himself.”
“Even the homosexual lobby knows, those who are pro-homosexual, they know that they cannot win the argument describing what it is that these people actually do to each other, the objects, the animals in certain cases, the little gerbils,” Wooden said.
Wooden: Gay Men Need Diapers - YouTube

Wooden: Gays Shove Cellphones, Bats & Gerbils up their Anuses - YouTube
"Personal examples I know of..." turns into "one friend shared this with me."

Yeah, he's totally not hating gay people.
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.45 Cal
You're telling me he's lying about the need for diapers after years of trauma to the rectum? Also, it's true that plenty of black pastors don't appreciate the LGT community liken the two struggles together


ThrUU the Looking Glass
You're telling me he's lying about the need for diapers after years of trauma to the rectum? Also, it's true that plenty of black pastors don't appreciate the LGT community liken the two struggles together
Coretta Scott King, otoh, fully supports it.


Veteran Member
Am I the only one that finds it strangely amusing when people who are advocates of sodomy liken their struggle to that of the black man?
I hope so.
They use terms like "hate group" to decribe organizations committed to seeing that children actually have a mother and father as opposed to two "mothers" or "fathers".
Whoa! Gross generalization here. While I presume many organizations committed to seeing that children actually have a mother and father as opposed to two "mothers" or "fathers" are also hate groups, these "people" you speak don't typically lump the non-hate organizations committed to seeing that children actually have a mother and father as opposed to two "mothers" or "fathers, in with the former.

They describe their opponents as "bigots" for preaching about the need for sexual purity and for pushing back when others preach a message that's contrary to that.
Not sure I follow here, but as we both know there are plenty of bigots everywhere, and the anti- gay marriage folk are no exception; and when they come out with bigoted remarks they're called on it. e.g. HERE

So many of these terms are borrowed from the civil rights era.
Some, indeed, are.


You're telling me he's lying about the need for diapers after years of trauma to the rectum? Also, it's true that plenty of black pastors don't appreciate the LGT community liken the two struggles together

Sorry I think before we continue we need to know if you're a sodomite, because apparently that's relevant to the discussion. You brought it up.

The obsession with anal sex that anti-gay men in particular have reeks of gay panic. Anal sex is not all that gay men participate in, and plenty of straight women LOVE anal and manage not to end their lives in diapers.

If they had any sort of legitimate concern about the health of gays, it'd almost be a sweet misplaced worry, instead it's pretty much "LOOK HOW GROSS THEY ARE OMG."

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
You're telling me he's lying about the need for diapers after years of trauma to the rectum?

Yes, Its a lie !!! In 1997 study that was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no difference in levels of incontinence between homosexual men who engaged in anal sex and heterosexual men who did not.


.45 Cal
If they had any sort of legitimate concern about the health of gays, it'd almost be a sweet misplaced worry, instead it's pretty much "LOOK HOW GROSS THEY ARE OMG."[/quote]

You've made an excellent point. There's often so much anger in the Christian community surrounding the issue of gays pushing their values on us that it often doesn't come off in love when we push back. No doubt a lack of forgiveness is a the root of it.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
You've made an excellent point. There's often so much anger in the Christian community surrounding the issue of gays pushing their values on us that it often doesn't come off in love when we push back. No doubt a lack of forgiveness is a the root of it.

Christians have every right to believe that it is a sin to be Gay. As long as you keep it in your church. Just like a private club has the right not to let Jews join up (As long as they don't use government funds) This is called freedom. Now if a Christian owns an apartment complex and wants to kick out a Gay Couple thats a whole different story.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
You've made an excellent point. There's often so much anger in the Christian community surrounding the issue of gays pushing their values on us that it often doesn't come off in love when we push back. No doubt a lack of forgiveness is a the root of it.
Pushing our values on you? I think you just broke my irony meter.


You've made an excellent point. There's often so much anger in the Christian community surrounding the issue of gays pushing their values on us that it often doesn't come off in love when we push back. No doubt a lack of forgiveness is a the root of it.

When the laws ban straight people or Christian people from getting married, complain to me about gay values pushed on you. When sexual contact between a man and a woman is illegal, complain to me. When children are beaten and killed because they are hetero, complain to me.

Because frankly you're not having values pushed on you, you're feeling the push back against your values being considered the norm. You standard no longer is the standard for all and you're going to have to deal with that.

Now, you've been proven wrong about the need for diapers following anal sex, you've been given direct examples of why groups that LIE about homosexuality are considered hate groups, you've actually tried to use sodomy as some sort of slur without any understanding of the actual definition of the word. And studies have shown that children benefit from having two parents regardless of the gender.

Where, sir, have you shown the slightest bit of "love" in your posts here on this topic? Love isn't spreading misinformation and lies. Love isn't removing rights from people who do things we disagree with. LOVE is letting the bird go. Because if Christianity really is about love, then they need to let the rest of us go. If we "come back" to faith afterwards, with no coercion, no laws created on the basis of nothing but religion, no shame, etc. If we come back then it'll be because of true faith in God.

If we are only "moral" by your standards because the laws force us to be, or because you spread lies, or try to shame us into being moral, then not a single one of us is truly a Christian. Us for behaving only out of fear, and you for instilling that fear.