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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Again, you guys are so to take a face value a 3 minute testimony that says what you want to hear. You guys know damn well that if he said what you didn't want to hear that you'd be thinking much more rationally and be much more discerning

LOL that's funny.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
I've already expressed my belief that you've demonstrated a willingness to put your own sexual gratification over the need to promote stability in families through your polyamorous lifestyle. I believe you're totally unfit to judge what's in the best interest of families. I believe when one's primary goal is sexual gratification they'll ignore or twist any data available which demonstrates that their desires are incompatible with promoting a stable family.

Yet you have shown absolutely no knowledge of any of the sources that you've posted. You've merely taken an argument because it fits what you want it to say and post it like it's a proven fact. How hypocritical :rolleyes:


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Jungle. When you actually do a thorough study of the sources you keep citing I feel no reason to respond to them. If you can find a good study to back up your point, rather than a completely biased article, then it'll be worth having this discussion


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Love it.

Divorce is occurring at what rate again? And the focus is on gay marriage and gay parenting as threats to the sanctity of marriage and family?

I'll be over here on the trampoline. :trampo:

Me Myself

Back to my username
Love it.

Divorce is occurring at what rate again? And the focus is on gay marriage and gay parenting as threats to the sanctity of marriage and family?

I'll be over here on the trampoline. :trampo:

Jungle. When you actually do a thorough study of the sources you keep citing I feel no reason to respond to them. If you can find a good study to back up your point, rather than a completely biased article, then it'll be worth having this discussion

pretty much


.45 Cal
Drolefille, give up. The person you are arguing with thinks that you are evil and routinely quotes biblical passages calling for your and my death. The only thing positive regarding this person I have to say is that at least he is an honest enough person to quote those parts of the bible (his ultimate source for his anti-lgbt hatred) that call for our deaths, instead of whitewashing his ultimate desire by only quoting Leviticus 18:22 as do most haters.

I would recommend using the handy ignore feature and feel less stress.

John 12:47 "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. "

The last thing I want is for people to die. I've probably posted biblical quotes that talk about a coming judgement for sin. I've prayed for many of the people I've argued with in this thread. I can admit that my tone is often too harsh and can come off as less than loving. For that I do apologize. The problem is that many people's version of love includes "tolerance" in the form of just standing by idly while other people preach a message that they find immoral or affect kids with a lifestyle they believe is wrong. The goal of most advocates of homosexuality is for their behavior to be accepted, to change our idea of what healthy relatioships look like:

"Paula Ettelbrick, former legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, has stated, "Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for doing so. . . . Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family, and in the process transforming the very fabric of society."61 "

This is not just about what people do in their own bedrooms, if it were, there'd be no qualm from me. This is about convincing all of us, including my loved ones, that what they're doing is o.k. When that is the agenda, don't be surprised when there is some pushback. People believe that preaching against a certain lifestyle is hateful. It's important to differentiate between a person and their deeds. We must love people, we're not called to necessarily love everything they do. And the reality is that I believe secular America has become so focused on finding sexual gratification. both gay and straight, that they're often not willing to listen to anyone that says those desires are often incompatible with healthy families. Why? Because I believe they want both to satisfy every sexual desire they have, no matter how perverse it may be, AND enjoy the blessings of motherhood/fatherhood. They want the second but won't give up the first. How many kids who are a product of promiscuity have had their lives practically ruined from the start, or aborted all together, because neither parent was selfless to worry abou the consequences of uncommited sex? I believe you're seeing a phenomenon in which people are surrounding themselves with teachers who are saying exactly what they want to hear in order to support the lifestyle they're determined to live regardless of whether there's any real merit to their argument. That way when someone calls them out, they can run to get a quote from some PHD who's hiding behind the guise of "objective science" but in reality has the same agenda as they do. Finding sexual gratification is often so important to people that they'll completely rearrange their life in order to obtain it, regardless of who suffers (usually the kids). How many such people do you really expect to be objective on the subject?
Last edited:

Me Myself

Back to my username
John 12:47 "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. "

The last thing I want is for people to die. I've probably posted biblical quotes that talk about a coming judgement for sin. I've prayed for many of the people I've argued with in this thread. I can admit that my tone is often too harsh and can come off as less than loving. For that I do apologize.


The problem is that many people's version of love includes "tolerance" in the form of just standing by idly while other people preach a message that they find immoral or affect kids with a lifestyle they believe is wrong.

If a powerful religion said that wearing blue in one´s clothing is moraly wrong and had legislation that said that people that wear this color often shouldn´t be allowed to adopt kids because they could teach them to wear this immoral color was on power were you lived and grew up. Wouldn´t you see as moral to preach that there is nothing wrong with the color blue and people who wear it shouldn´t be discriminated?

Now, you´ll say that this is pretty different, but quite honestly, it is different because you don´t deem wearing blue immoral because you see it harms nobody, while homosexuality according to you is immoral and does damage.

If people wearing blue wanted to argue a case of how it doesn´t damage, this would be moral as they want to teach how the belief that wearing blue is immoral is baseless.

The goal of most advocates of homosexuality is for their behavior to be accepted, to change our idea of what healthy relatioships look like:

I would say "expand" instead of "change", because it would be more precise and less misleading. but take it as you may.

This is not just about what people do in their own bedrooms, if it were, there'd be no qualm from me. This is about convincing all of us, including my loved ones, that what they're doing is o.k. When that is the agenda, don't be surprised when there is some pushback. People believe that preaching against a certain lifestyle is hateful. It's important to differentiate between a person and their deeds. We must love people, we're not called to necessarily love everything they do. And the reality is that I believe secular America has become so focused on finding sexual gratification. both gay and straight, that they're often not willing to listen to anyone that says those desires are often incompatible with healthy families. Why? Because I believe they want both to satisfy every sexual desire they have, no matter how perverse it may be, AND enjoy the blessings of motherhood/fatherhood. They want the second but won't give up the first. How many kids who are a product of promiscuity have had their lives practically ruined from the start, or aborted all together, because neither parent was selfless to worry abou the consequences of uncommited sex? I believe you're seeing a phenomenon in which people are surrounding themselves with teachers who are saying exactly what they want to hear in order to support the lifestyle they're determined to live regardless of whether there's any real merit to their argument. That way when someone calls them out, they can run to get a quote from some PHD who's hiding behind the guise of "objective science" but in reality has the same agenda as they do. Finding sexual gratification is often so important to people that they'll completely rearrange their life in order to obtain it, regardless of who suffers (usually the kids). How many such people do you really expect to be objective on the subject?

The problem with all of this is that your beliefs are not founded on reaility.

You cannot support that in order for one to be homosexual sex needs to be top priority. Mostly because it´s not true. I have a bsexual friend, and trust me, sex is about his bottom concerns, wether with women or men right now.

Also to say it is "perversed" is completely founded on your belief and nothing else.

About believing who we want to believe: for sources to be reliable they need to now a *** about psychology,sociology and proper investigation. We need to see the proccess of the study and it needs not to be outdated.


.45 Cal

If a powerful religion said that wearing blue in one´s clothing is moraly wrong and had legislation that said that people that wear this color often shouldn´t be allowed to adopt kids because they could teach them to wear this immoral color was on power were you lived and grew up. Wouldn´t you see as moral to preach that there is nothing wrong with the color blue and people who wear it shouldn´t be discriminated?

Now, you´ll say that this is pretty different, but quite honestly, it is different because you don´t deem wearing blue immoral because you see it harms nobody, while homosexuality according to you is immoral and does damage.

If people wearing blue wanted to argue a case of how it doesn´t damage, this would be moral as they want to teach how the belief that wearing blue is immoral is baseless.

I would say "expand" instead of "change", because it would be more precise and less misleading. but take it as you may.

The problem with all of this is that your beliefs are not founded on reaility.

You cannot support that in order for one to be homosexual sex needs to be top priority. Mostly because it´s not true. I have a bsexual friend, and trust me, sex is about his bottom concerns, wether with women or men right now.

Also to say it is "perversed" is completely founded on your belief and nothing else.

About believing who we want to believe: for sources to be reliable they need to now a *** about psychology,sociology and proper investigation. We need to see the proccess of the study and it needs not to be outdated.

In my opinion, if you need proof that people are just surrounding themselves with teachers of are saying what they want to hear, look no further than that You Tube clip. A guy that no one knows anything about except what he's divulged to us is being used as some sort of authoritative argument. If I used a 3 minute testimony from You Tube to support anything but what you want to believe I'd run out of here.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That's interesting. Learn something new everyday. I wonder what Dr. King would have said, himself.
That all people are equal and should walk hand-in-hand? That perhaps we should be judged by character and not by skin?

If they had any sort of legitimate concern about the health of gays, it'd almost be a sweet misplaced worry, instead it's pretty much "LOOK HOW GROSS THEY ARE OMG."[/quote]

You've made an excellent point. There's often so much anger in the Christian community surrounding the issue of gays pushing their values on us that it often doesn't come off in love when we push back. No doubt a lack of forgiveness is a the root of it.
Excuse me?!?! We're not the ones insisting that your group is a worse threat to America than terrorist, that your group is trying to destroy the moral fabrics of society, and nor are you accusing your group of being deviants, child molesters, or morally corrupt. We aren't even trying to align people to our lifestyles. If you think that standing up and demanding you be treated equally, as we deserve to be and are entitled to be, is "pushing your values" on someone then your life must be miserable with so many groups "pushing their values" onto you, demanding to have the same equalities as white, heterosexual, Christian men.


Admiral Obvious
In my opinion, if you need proof that people are just surrounding themselves with teachers of are saying what they want to hear, look no further than that You Tube clip.
Your posts provide so many more examples of doing just that...

A guy that no one knows anything about except what he's divulged to us is being used as some sort of authoritative argument.
Sad that you still think this dead horse helps your credibility..

If I used a 3 minute testimony from You Tube to support anything but what you want to believe I'd run out of here.
I see you are still trying to milk that strawman.

Me Myself

Back to my username
In my opinion, if you need proof that people are just surrounding themselves with teachers of are saying what they want to hear, look no further than that You Tube clip. A guy that no one knows anything about except what he's divulged to us is being used as some sort of authoritative argument. If I used a 3 minute testimony from You Tube to support anything but what you want to believe I'd run out of here.

He is talking about himself there, he has degrees, a good education. The fact that he is taking the stance and I´ve found no wrongdoing of him by a quick google search means he is pretty much a good citizen, because anyone taking the stance he just took would be scrutinized his guts out by every homophobic person out there trying to stop homosexuals adopting.

Your opinion is NOT an unpopular (unfortunately), this means that if he had skeletons in his closet, even posible skeletons in his closet, they would be published online already. I haven´t seen them.

So he is a person with a good job, good inteligence, who took on a cause that requires great emotional inteligence to uphold in the way he is upholding and great willpower and character.

Furthermore and in complete difference to what your source has:

He has real life experience. He is the living proof that gay parents can raise good children. He is not saying all gays do, because not all humans do wheter they are straight or not. So one single case is enough. Now when you try to say NOT ONE SINGLE homosexual couple can raise children properly, then you need a lot more through studies, because you want to put on an universal law .

Do you understand the difference?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
In my opinion, if you need proof that people are just surrounding themselves with teachers of are saying what they want to hear, look no further than that You Tube clip. A guy that no one knows anything about except what he's divulged to us is being used as some sort of authoritative argument. If I used a 3 minute testimony from You Tube to support anything but what you want to believe I'd run out of here.

You seem to be against homosexual adoption. I'm assuming that it's mainly because you think homosexuality is wrong. The main argument is that homosexuals can't raise kids as kids need both mother and father to be raised properly. The man who made the 3 minute video is very successful with a good moral basis and has been raised by 2 women. Argument debunked.


Wonder Woman
All this railing against adoption by homosexual couples. What of those who have their own biological children? Should they not be allowed to raise them? You want to forbid gays from marrying and forbid them from adopting, what about having their own children? Do you just not allow them to reproduce at all? Where do you want to draw the line? At what point is it beyond ridiculous and turning into downright scary? How far can you trample the rights of people before you become a monster?


Admiral Obvious
How far can you trample the rights of people before you become a monster?
Are you, like, insane or something!?
I mean gee whiz.
To think that those who speak for God almighty himself could ever become monsters...


.45 Cal
He is talking about himself there, he has degrees, a good education. The fact that he is taking the stance and I´ve found no wrongdoing of him by a quick google search means he is pretty much a good citizen, because anyone taking the stance he just took would be scrutinized his guts out by every homophobic person out there trying to stop homosexuals adopting.

Your opinion is NOT an unpopular (unfortunately), this means that if he had skeletons in his closet, even posible skeletons in his closet, they would be published online already. I haven´t seen them.

So he is a person with a good job, good inteligence, who took on a cause that requires great emotional inteligence to uphold in the way he is upholding and great willpower and character.

Furthermore and in complete difference to what your source has:

He has real life experience. He is the living proof that gay parents can raise good children. He is not saying all gays do, because not all humans do wheter they are straight or not. So one single case is enough. Now when you try to say NOT ONE SINGLE homosexual couple can raise children properly, then you need a lot more through studies, because you want to put on an universal law .

Do you understand the difference?

Is this how you typically judge someone's character? By taking their own testimony of their character at face value? When was the last time you heard someone say, "you know, I'm a piece of garbage, a filthy, hateful human being, and I wouldn't want to know me if I was someone else. I'm a worthless degenerate in my personal life though I know how to clean up well and put on a good face."? My guess is probably never. If your method of judging character is as thorough as it is this case then there's not much left to say.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Is this how you typically judge someone's character? By taking their own testimony of their character at face value? When was the last time you heard someone say, "you know, I'm a piece of garbage, a filthy, hateful human being, and I wouldn't want to know me if I was someone else. I'm a worthless degenerate in my personal life though I know how to clean up well and put on a good face."? My guess is probably never. If your method of judging character is as thorough as it is this case then there's not much left to say.

and If you judge everyone like that where do you get? scepticism. And a pretty strong one at that. Although you seem fine with the article you posted, despite not knowing anything about the author whatsoever.


.45 Cal
and If you judge everyone like that where do you get? scepticism. And a pretty strong one at that. Although you seem fine with the article you posted, despite not knowing anything about the author whatsoever.

The argument in that article hinged on the integrity of the studies used to support it, not the testimony of one individual.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
The argument in that article hinged on the integrity of the studies used to support it, not the testimony of one individual.

No, the article used the studies to try and back up a point. Either a view held before or after doing thorough study. Still, why trust him when you know less about him than the 3 minute video posted?

Me Myself

Back to my username
The argument in that article hinged on the integrity of the studies used to support it, not the testimony of one individual.

most of those studies are irrelevant today, and if the article backs up those studies, at least one of them says:

children raised by gay parents are at least as well cared as those raised by straigth parents.