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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children

Me Myself

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Testimony from a so called expert witness in 2007 Iowa same sex marriage case

"Dr. Sharon Quick in an expert witness affidavit in the Iowa same-sex marriage case (posted on the FWI Web site) concluded:
Scientific studies on same-sex parenting are flawed…The body of research upon which [the AAP recommendation was made] consists largely of studies with methodological flaws significant enough to invalidate any conclusions…Contrary to the commonly stated conclusions that there are no significant differences in various outcomes for children of "homosexual" and "heterosexual" parents, many differences have been tabulated in the original studies. In fact, this same body of research contains findings and comments by the authors that raise concerns about the well-being of children in households with [same-sex] parents.5 "

From 2006.
Presented to the French National Assembly, Paris, January 26, 2006

Reviewing this same research, the French Parliamentary Commission Report on the Family and the Rights of Children found that:
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]During the
[commission’s] [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]deliberations, it was not formally demonstrated that approving legal filiation with two fathers or two mothers has no effect on the building of the child’s identity…These scientific basis and the representativeness of the population samples studied were widely criticized and disputed at the hearings…The lack of objectivity in this area is blatant.


In 2007, Dr. Alan Hawkins, Professor of Family Life at Brigham Young University, reviewed those
studies done since the evaluations by Drs. Rekers and Nock and concluded that:
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]With respect to woman/woman child-rearing and man/man child-rearing, a number of researchers have asserted that their studies show that children raised by homosexual persons or same-sex couples experience "no differences" in outcomes as compared to children raised by married couples. These child-rearing modes, however, have not been "adequately studied." In other words, that body of research has not yet matured to the point that they meet the high standards for reliability and validity that rationally sustains strong conclusions.
(Complete affidavit in the Iowa same-sex marriage case is posted on the FWI Web site.)

From 2001..the stone age

In an exhaustive scientific review of these studies, Dr. George Rekers, Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science, Research Director for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Chairman of Faculty in Psychology at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, characterized these studies this way:
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]…the few studies available are biased with regard to subject selection in that they generally report on a small group of research subjects which are not randomly selected and which do not constitute a scientifically representative sample of homosexual parents and their children. Furthermore, although the research designs of the available studies are replete with numerous other methodological deficiencies, many of the authors make illegitimate generalizations or unwarranted conclusions from their flawed research studies. Thus, although the available research to date essentially constitutes a number of poorly designed, exploratory pilot studies, both the authors of the studies and many reviewers of the studies have concluded substantially more from these methodologically flawed studies than was warranted scientifically[/FONT][/FONT].1
Dr. Rekers is not alone in pointing out the fatal flaws in all of this research. The late Dr. Steven Nock, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Marriage Matters Project at the University of Virginia said this in an expert witness affidavit filed in the 2001 Canadian [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Halperin [/FONT][/FONT]same-sex marriage case:
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]In sum, all the articles offered by Professor Bigner, [/FONT][/FONT][an academic citing all of this research] [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]including the study considered the most rigorous, cannot be taken as establishing the claim that scientific research shows no differences between the children of gay parents and the children of heterosexual parents in terms of gender identity or sexual orientation[/FONT][/FONT]. (Complete affidavit, which is a long and technical but a very good review of the accepted methodological practices for good social science research, is posted on FWI Web

Do you see how this game works? You run to your apologetic websites and I run to mine. Like I said before, we can play this all night

Were does any of those study say that Gay men and women cannot be found caring and loving parents regarding the appropiate social worker seems them to be fit?

All that I read only said that it cannot be proven that they are not bad.

Growing up in an orphanage is DEFINETELY bad. Social workers can determine proper circumstances for child raising in any couple of any sexual stand.

I see no evidence to discard gay people as good parents because they are gay.

Is it just your hunch feeling?

Because kids around the world need more than that.


.45 Cal
Were does any of those study say that Gay men and women cannot be found caring and loving parents regarding the appropiate social worker seems them to be fit?

All that I read only said that it cannot be proven that they are not bad.

Growing up in an orphanage is DEFINETELY bad. Social workers can determine proper circumstances for child raising in any couple of any sexual stand.

I see no evidence to discard gay people as good parents because they are gay.

Is it just your hunch feeling?

Because kids around the world need more than that.

Once again the concept of a thesis escapes you. If the thesis is "studies supporting gay parenting are wrought with methodological problems and therefore unreliable", then that is the extent of the argument. You asked for a response to your quote from the APAs. By the way, Dr. Quick, the so called expert witness in the Iowa case goes after your American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association, in addition to the American Academy of Pediatrics in the rest of her affidavit

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Me Myself

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Once again the concept of a thesis escapes you. If the thesis is "studies supporting gay parenting are wrought with methodological problems and therefore unreliable", then that is the extent of the argument. You asked for a response to your quote from the APAs. By the way, Dr. Quick, the so called expert witness in the Iowa case tears apart your American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association, in addition to the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Reading the summary, this again doesn´t say that same gendered parents cause any harm to children because of their sexuality.

This means that wouldn´t be a factor if all the other requirements are fulfilled, because as I said, we KNOW orphanages are bad for children.

Believing that maybe homosexuality in parents could affect the children because that´s what I believe and no one has proven otherwise shouldn´t separate a children from a proper home.


.45 Cal
Let me try to sum up your position. You feel it is better to subject a kid to a social experiment than leave them in an orphange, right?

Me Myself

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So children in every place that adoption is banned for homosexuals are just a hunch feeling away to get a lot of new applicants for daddies and mommies and a good home with people that love them?

That´s.... so.... sad :(

Me Myself

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Let me try to sum up your position. You feel it is better to subject a kid to a social experiment than leave them in an orphange, right?

the social experiment of a set of parents that have been judged emotionaly stable economicaly capable?

Well... yes? Every adoption is a "social experiment" if you wanna put in in those terms.


.45 Cal
Speaking of social experiments, let's do one right now. Let's use anecdotal testimony of a girl who grew up with gay parents who talks of what she felt were harmful effects of growing up in that environment. Mind you, this is testimony which supports some of the studies Dailey quoted regarding sexual and gender identity confusion. You have to watch for about a minute before it starts. Let's see how many people here give a flying f about what she has to say

Dangers of Gay Adoption - YouTube

Me Myself

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Speaking of social experiments, let's do one right now. Let's use anecdotal testimony of a girl who grew up with gay parents who talks of what she felt were harmful effects of growing up in that environment. Mind you, this is testimony which supports some of the studies Dailey quoted regarding sexual and gender identity confusion. You have to watch for about a minute before it starts. Let's see how many people here give a flying f about what she has to say

Dangers of Gay Adoption - YouTube

If I find you a video about someone who had a bad heterosexual parent, would you think all heterosexual parents are bad?


.45 Cal
If I find you a video about someone who had a bad heterosexual parent, would you think all heterosexual parents are bad?

Except this video appears to be supporting findings from earlier studies showing of a higher rate of specific problems found in these types of households.

Me Myself

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Except this video appears to be supporting findings from earlier studies showing of a higher rate of specific problems found in these types of households.

very early studies.

You cite one case about one gay parent that failed.

We are abogating them being "normal" not ifalible. No one here is saying that no gay parent commits mistakes or even themistakes that are supposedly common on them. What we are saying is that every kind of parent is a risk and that homosexuals are nogreater risk for the sake of being homosexual.

Not because one gay parent effs up, that means no homosexual is fit to give orphanage children a better home than orphanate.


.45 Cal
very early studies.

You cite one case about one gay parent that failed.

We are abogating them being "normal" not ifalible. No one here is saying that no gay parent commits mistakes or even themistakes that are supposedly common on them. What we are saying is that every kind of parent is a risk and that homosexuals are nogreater risk for the sake of being homosexual.

Not because one gay parent effs up, that means no homosexual is fit to give orphanage children a better home than orphanate.

Yeah, from 1780


.45 Cal
You are asserting 'rate' from a single case. Dishonest.

This goes back to a bunch of other studies I quoted like 10 pages ago and a You Tube video some people I'm arguing with posted. Basically, my entire point is that we don't base anything off such videos as we can't verify anything about them
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.45 Cal
did I say very early?

Change that to painfully early, as in painfully irrelevant.

Actually one of the most recent studies from that whole 2003 article was used to make the point about gender and sexual identity confusion

59 Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz, "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter," American Sociological Review 66 (2001): 174, 179.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
This goes back to a bunch of other studies I quoted like 10 pages ago and a You Tube video some people I'm arguing with posted. Basically, my entire point is that we don't base anything off such videos as we can't verify anything about them

None of those studies is aplicable as you know by now.

So my entire post is that then we have no reason to believe homosexuality in parents damages the children.

As such, the persons meeting all the conditions that are required in any good social service institution of this that determines wheter the persons are fit or unfit to be parents are far better to take care of the kids than the state, wheter they are homosexual or bisexual or straight.

Given that none of your sources as you know can say anything against it on a reliable way.

You say that it´s okay for thousands of children worldwide to not have a home because you belief maybe they would be damaged because that is what you believe that will definetely happen because you are really sure about it.

A hunch feeling

And its sad

Me Myself

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Actually one of the most recent studies from that whole 2003 article was used to make the point about gender and sexual identity confusion

59 Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz, "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter," American Sociological Review 66 (2001): 174, 179.

You are clearly desparate:

Judith Stacey is an author, and Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and Sociology at NYU.[1] Her primary focus areas include family studies, gender studies, queer studies, and sexuality. Her latest book, Unhitched, explores social "family" configurations that deviate from the standard Western "marriage" idea, including polygamous families in South Africa, gay men's diverse forms of intimacy and parenthood in [Los Angeles], and the Mosuo people in southwestern China. She has published many works.[2] Her paper, co-authored with Timothy Biblarz, "How Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" argues that children of lesbian and gay parents develop at least as well as those with straight parents, but are more likely themselves to be open to different kinds of relationships.[3] Judith Stacey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


.45 Cal
You are clearly desparate:

Judith Stacey is an author, and Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and Sociology at NYU.[1] Her primary focus areas include family studies, gender studies, queer studies, and sexuality. Her latest book, Unhitched, explores social "family" configurations that deviate from the standard Western "marriage" idea, including polygamous families in South Africa, gay men's diverse forms of intimacy and parenthood in [Los Angeles], and the Mosuo people in southwestern China. She has published many works.[2] Her paper, co-authored with Timothy Biblarz, "How Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" argues that children of lesbian and gay parents develop at least as well as those with straight parents, but are more likely themselves to be open to different kinds of relationships.[3] Judith Stacey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a nice way of saying they have a higher rate of bisexuality and homosexuality. If you feel it's right to subject a child to that then there's not much left to say.