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The Homosexuals Of Alderaan Want Your Children


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
The reality is that there are no doubt alot of heterosexuals coming to the defense of gay marriage and adoption.

It says something about gay marriage and adoption then. Doesn't it.

I've noticed something about many of those people. From how I've seen them live their lives and how they express their beliefs on sex, it appears they seem to hold litte value for committed sex in general,

Guess I'm the exception :facepalm:

whether gay or straight and by extesion has serious implications for child rearing

Sexuality has no affect on child rearing capabilities. You've yet to show this.

For instance, how many supports of this position have no qualms with sex outside of marriage, which is the REAL INDICATOR?

Whilst married I'd say no to sex outside of that relationship. In fact I say no to sex outside of a relationship.

How many here don't have a problem with one night stands?

What problem is there with one night stands? I've not had one myself but some people feel the need to have them.

How many have zero problem with abortion?

That has nothing to do with the ability to raise a child or homosexuality. Try to stay on topic

Who here has no problem with pornography?

I'm not into it myself, but I know many people who are.

How many people here see no problem with divorce for reasons other than infidelity?

I'd rather divorce than live in a hell hole.

My guess is that the answer to most of these questions is an affirmative. If that's the case, there is little chance you'll be swayed by any of these arguments.

Why? I don't see any of these things as directly relating to the topic at hand? Except maybe the sex outside of marriage and pornography ones.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Logical fallacy time now.

Which one?

So you seem to be saying that a drug abuser having their child taken away from them also means that a homosexual should do also.

No, she's showing how stupid it is to try and stop homosexuals being disallowed to adopt or raise children

How do you manage to link these two scenarios together?

Drug abusers aren't allow to keep or adopt children. So why should homosexuals be forced to have their's taken away? That's the link

They are completely different topics.

She was making a point


Not even close. I was busted for prostelytizing and for telling someone they talk out of their ***. You might notice that I've already repented as I now qualify my statements with "I believe..."
And yet your post personally attacking me is gone... hmmm...

Stating "I believe" doesn't change a thing. Stop lying about gay people.
It's not bigotry at all - it's just called having a different point of view.
A bigoted one.

You seem to think you must be right because you have the consensus of the board on your side - try having this debate out in the real world and it's a different story.
I do, and it's still bigotry.

I hate to rehash this because I take no pleasure in being harsh with you.
I take immense pleasure in you showing your prejudice to the world.
Since you refuse to let it go I will try to be gentle.
You have admitted to living a certain lifestyle
I'm proudly polyamorous
, a lifestyle that I believe to be less than conducive to maintining healthy families, to put it nicely.
A belief that isn't substantiated by anything other than your own bigotry.
If all your eductation has convinced you that this is o.k then, in my mind, it doesn't say much for your teachers.
As you said "in yor mind." On the plus side, my professors all hold PhDs, and I hold a Master's. What degrees do you hold again?

I can only assume that the people you quote as authoritative are like minded people
Just because you quote only people who agree with you doesn't mean everyone else does.
Your failure to think critically and to accept new information is your own fault, not the fault of the person who shared it with you.
The reality is that there are no doubt alot of heterosexuals coming to the defense of gay marriage and adoption. I've noticed something about many of those people. From how I've seen them live their lives and how they express their beliefs on sex, it appears they seem to hold litte value for committed sex in general.
They disagree with me, so they must be wrong!

This by extention has serious implications for child rearing. For instance, how many supports of this position have no qualms with sex outside of marriage, which is the REAL INDICATOR?
So we shouldn't let fornicators get married and adopt babies!

How many here don't have a problem with one night stands? How many have zero problem with abortion?
Fornicators and people who are OK with abortion shouldn't get married and adopt babies!

Who here has no problem with pornography?
People who don't want to ban porn shouldn't get married and adopt babies!

How many people here see no problem with divorce for reasons other than infidelity?
People who have been divorced shouldn't get married and adopt babies!

My guess is that the answer to most of these questions is an affirmative by those arguing for gay adoption and marriage. If that's the case, there is little chance you'll be swayed by any of these arguments
Because they're irrational arguments utterly unrelated to the welfare of children!

And I don't believe that is proves you don't care at all about the welfare of children. I do believe that it proves you're just a little more concerned with sexual gratification than you are about their welfare.
Because you are really concerned about the sex lives of other people whereas all those people you mentioned mostly don't give a damn what you are anyone else does in the bedroom. And we're the ones focused on sex? :sarcastic

Going to apologize for lying about gay people yet?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Just because you quote only people who agree with you doesn't mean everyone else does.
Your failure to think critically and to accept new information is your own fault, not the fault of the person who shared it with you.


Because you are really concerned about the sex lives of other people whereas all those people you mentioned mostly don't give a damn what you are anyone else does in the bedroom. And we're the ones focused on sex? :sarcastic

Ironic ain't it?

Going to apologize for lying about gay people yet?

I wouldn't bet on it


.45 Cal

That has nothing to do with the ability to raise a child or homosexuality. Try to stay on topic


My comment on abortion has everything to do with the discussion. You see, In our culture I know that it can be easy to forget that sex is more than just a toy.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
My comment on abortion has everything to do with the discussion. You see, In our culture I know that it can be easy to forget that sex is more than just a toy.

Abortion has nothing to do with the ability to raise a child. What is the reason you feel that abortion does have an impact on the ability to be a good parent?


.45 Cal
Abortion has nothing to do with the ability to raise a child. What is the reason you feel that abortion does have an impact on the ability to be a good parent?

Because it shows a propensity to put sexual gratification over taking responsibility for your actions


Well-Known Member
RE:Originally Posted by nnmartin
Who has said anything about homosexuals having their children taken away?

We have. Because Jungle has implied that homosexuals can't raise children

But how are these two ideas linked?

I have not seen anyone say on this thread that children born to gay parents should have their children taken away.

So this is just linkage of the fallacious kind.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Because it shows a propensity to put sexual gratification over taking responsibility for your actions

And how does that affect the ability to raise a child? Also what If someone has an abortion due to the life of the mother being put at risk? Are they then bad parents for aborting? Ridiculous. I can agree that having an abortion because someone accidently got pregnant could show a sign of immaturity, but people have the ability to change and will eventually be mature enough to raise a child.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
RE:Originally Posted by nnmartin
Who has said anything about homosexuals having their children taken away?

But how are these two ideas linked?

I have not seen anyone say on this thread that children born to gay parents should have their children taken away.

So this is just linkage of the fallacious kind.

It's a conclusion that follows logically from Jungle's argument. If they can't adopt children then surely they can't raise children. It follows that any children they raise should be taken away for the benefit of the child.


Well-Known Member
I see you ignored what Drole was responding to

it was this sentence by Jungle:

If all your eductation has convinced you that this is o.k then, in my mind, it doesn't say much for your teachers.

I think that is a fair point as courses in the Education and Counselling field are notoriously biased towards the Liberal cause.

And as far as Degrees are concerned many of them actively encourage you to sit on the fence.


.45 Cal
And how does that affect the ability to raise a child? Also what If someone has an abortion due to the life of the mother being put at risk? Are they then bad parents for aborting? Ridiculous. I can agree that having an abortion because someone accidently got pregnant could show a sign of immaturity, but people have the ability to change and will eventually be mature enough to raise a child.

Because creating a stable environment for a child takes work. HARD WORK. It requires people to sometimes make sacrifices that they don't feel like making. People who have sex outside of marriage show they'd rather satisfy their own desires than provide the most stable environment for the possible offspring. If you agree with this type of sex, then there's no way you'll be swayed by how I argued against gay marriage and adoption.


Well-Known Member
It's a conclusion that follows logically from Jungle's argument. If they can't adopt children then surely they can't raise children. It follows that any children they raise should be taken away for the benefit of the child.

That is complete garbage and you know it!:facepalm:

It is your fabricated conclusion which is quite simply the most erroneous and inane one I've seen on this entire thread.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Because creating a stable environment for a child takes work. HARD WORK. It requires people to sometimes make sacrifices that they don't feel like making. People who have sex outside of marriage show they'd rather satisfy their own desires than provide the most stable environment for the possible offspring. If you agree with this type of sex, then there's no way you'll be swayed by how I argued against gay marriage and adoption.

You clearly forgot my response. I'm AGAINST sex outside of marriage. Or sex outside of a relationship. A relationship is a commitment and having a child is an even bigger commitment. I like how you switched from abortion to sex outside of marriage and wrongly assumed my position though. A new low perhaps?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
That is complete garbage and you know it!:facepalm:

Really? Then show me. Show me how Homosexuals being unable to be good parents doesn't necessitate us stopping them from raising children. If it's true then it's the moral thing to do for the children

It is your fabricated conclusion which is quite simply the most erroneous and inane one I've seen on this entire thread.

No, it's a logical conclusion that follows from an argument that homosexuals can't raise children. Again, If you think it's garbage then show me.