Of course......
Our JWs still deliver the odd message or mag to our post boxes, and so when we saw them cycling on to our driveway we went out to them and gestured to chairs put outside for visitors. Had the most pleasant meeting and chat without breaking any rules. Where we live cycling was permitted right through the lockdown as a means of exercise, so out came the JW bikes.
So good to hear that OB. It highlights that when a door closes, a window of opportunity opens. What a great idea!
The Witnesses have grown here, so quickly that the (fairly new and large) Kingdom Hall is much too small and the congregation is split in to East and West groups. These two groups rotate their meeting times between morning and afternoon congregations.
Yes, I am in a shared Kingdom Hall myself. And I am in a rural area. Too many for one Kingdom Hall. We are having our meetings via the internet at the moment. The second wave is hitting hard as people continue to ignore the safety precautions. This virus is very real. We have lost some of our own to it.
Our increase is not surprising to us as people see what’s happening in the world and they wonder what these “Job-like” and seemingly endless string of horrendous disasters, mean....and with political instability shaping up for more senseless conflict.....they are seeking answers.....we believe that the Bible has the answers and more importantly, it has the solution and speaks of a wonderful future that takes us beyond the present troubles. People need hope in what appears to be a hopeless situation.
And to you and yours....All the best,