Eh, can't totally agree with you there. I think her opinion of bathrooms post-trans inclusiveness is rooted in fear.
Every prejudice is, when it comes down to it, ultimately rooted in some sense of irrational and unfounded fear about the "danger" posed to oneself or one's identity by those who are radically "different" and therefore perceived as "Other" to oneself in some way.
When a person thinks in such an unreasonable, emotional way, it is typical for them to ignore empirical and scientific evidence which de-mythologizes the basis for their prejudice.
Such is the case with JK and other "gender-critical feminists'" unfounded alaramism over transwomen being able to use female toilets and other traditionally sex segregated spaces.
The abundant evidence from studies on countries that have already adopted GRA reform demonstrates that transwomen pose no threat to ciswomen. Their enjoyment of such freedoms does not impinge upon the liberties of ciswomen.
But there is a deeper dimension to the TERF phobism - a deep rooted judgmentalism of other people based upon their genitalia and natal / biological / chromosomal sex, which as a @ADigitalArtist implies, causes them to prejudge all male-bodied individuals as potential sexual predators, simply due to their possession of a penis and testes.
So, of course, this fundamental misandry gets transferred to one of the most vulnerable and discriminated against minorities - transwomen, almost by default.
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