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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
Usually, we look away when we see someone suffering. Their pain brings up our fear or anger; it brings up our resistance and confusion. So we can also do tonglen for all the people just like ourselves—all those who wish to be compassionate but instead are afraid, who wish to be brave but instead are cowardly. Rather than beating ourselves up, we can use our personal stuckness as a stepping stone to understanding what people are up against all over the world. Breathe in for all of us and breathe out for all of us. Use what seems like poison as medicine. We can use our personal suffering as the path to compassion for all beings.

How to Practice Tonglen



Resident megalomaniac
The True Meaning of Kindness

What does kindness mean to you? When I was younger, I thought I knew what kindness meant. It involves being nice to other people, making them happy, and doing the right thing and the good thing as often as possible.


Well, not exactly. As I’ve grown older and gained more life experience, I’ve discovered that kindness comes in many forms that don’t always look “kind.” I’ve also discovered what counts as “right” and “good” to one person might not to the next.

The True Meaning of Kindness — Becoming Who You Are



Resident megalomaniac
Practicing the skill of risk taking is helpful when it comes to being kinder because that often comes with stepping out of our comfort zones and talking to people that we don’t know too well. It’s very easy for us to be kind and generous to our family, friends and people who are close to us, but not so much when it comes to strangers and people we don’t know very well, especially when it’s deliberate and intentional rather than by convenience.

Comes from this list -

25 Ways to Become a Better Person



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness In Religions Points to Our Inherent Good

Kindness in religion shows up in many ways and is the recognition of the fundamental importance of caring, loving, and cooperation for millennia. Buddhists might call this fundamental giving our Buddha nature. Christians might see this sense of giving as the image of God inherent in each of us. The importance the world’s major religions ascribe to our connections with others is captured by the following quotes about the Golden Rule also found in the Feedkindness theme song. Our formulation of the Golden Rule is that we give the same loving-kindness to others that we would like to receive ourselves.

Comes from this site -

Kindness In Religions: How Kindness Grew From World Religions



Resident megalomaniac
Make kindness your religion -

One of the wonderful teachings of the Dalai Lama, something he says quite regularly, is “My religion is kindness.” When we hear that, it resonates, because it points to something at the core of all spiritual and humanistic paths. If we just dedicated our lives to kindness, to the qualities of friendliness and care, we would be directly serving peace on earth. We’d be serving social justice and the healing of our environment. Imagine it—the world that would emerge if we all committed ourselves to cultivating kind hearts.

My Religion Is Kindness



Resident megalomaniac
I have always believed in kindness no matter what. Kindness to myself, to my family, to my friends, to other human beings and to animals as well. Sometimes I don’t get kindness right but I always strive to be kind and not right.

Kindness goes hand in hand with compassion. The definition of compassion is the feeling that arises when you witness another’s suffering and you want to help to relieve that suffering.

The Dalai Lama said “compassion is the pathway to happiness.” In fact studies have shown that being kind and helping others can protect you from heart disease – twice as much as Asprin!

The reason I am writing about kindness and compassion is because I saw it in action last week, weaving its magic. I thought by sharing this story with you it would bring kindness into your focus and remind you how powerful kindness can be.

Why kindness is key! - Happiness Bank

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Another great article -

Is kindness “compassion in action?” While there are distinctions made between kindness, empathy, compassion and altruism, most people experience kindness as action.

With kindness we take our cognitive experience of kindly thoughts and act on them. Regardless of our intentions, acts of kindness put those thoughts and feelings into the world.

You’ve likely heard stories of organized and “random acts of kindness,” – the Robin Hooders that replenish parking meters, the pay-it forward movements that pop up in coffee shops and restaurants, the upscale hair stylist who spends his Sundays giving free haircuts to the homeless, and the college graduate, Tommy Lukrich, who traveled across the U.S. handing out $100 bills to generous strangers who help him. More recently there are kindness travelers like Leon Logothetis, who has driven across continents with the simple goal of reaching as many strangers as possible with acts of unconditional kindness in his popular Netflix series, The Kindness Diaries.

Amid the seemingly relentless bad news of the day, gracious and generous acts of kindness keep patching up the global social fabric in touching and often surprising ways. We’re often surprised because many of us have lowered our expectations of our fellow humankind. Too many of us have grown cynical and despairing. Perhaps some of us are a bit judgmental, even suspicious of these altruistic motivations.

Writing on kindness, author and Buddhist teacher, Sharon Salzberg reflects the concern, “On the face of it, kindness can seem wimpy, a cop-out, an excuse to do just a little bit to try to make a difference when so very much needs to be done.” Indeed, feeding parking meters and paying for the next guy’s coffee in the face of headlines that scream 35 million people now enslaved across the world, can feel a bit pathetic.

Read much more -

Seeking Human Kindness



Resident megalomaniac
The Kindness Diaries is a documentary television series on Netflix. The series stars former broker Leon Logothetis and debuted in 2017. In a Facebook Live, Leon announced the show would be renewed for a third season. In the series, Logothetis travels around the world relying only on the kindness of strangers for food, shelter, and gas. In the first season, he uses a vintage Chang Jiang motorcycle and sidecar he calls Kindness 1, after The Motorcycle Diaries, which served as an inspiration for his journey. In season 2, he uses a vintage Volkswagen Beetle convertible, which he names Kindness 2. His journey in season 2 moves from Alaska to Argentina.

Cheers ...


Resident megalomaniac
Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Just thought I’d give all of you a nice list of things to think about. This isn’t an in-depth post, but more of a thought for the day — is there someone you’d like to make happy today?

Making others happy is one of the best ways to have a great day yourself. It can brighten the world around you.

This list is just to spark some ideas, and please note that not every item on this list is appropriate for every person in your life. I trust you to figure out which actions go with which people.

32 Ways to Make Someone Happy Today : zen habits



Resident megalomaniac
Gary Zukav kindness -

Last week our granddaughter graduated from Oregon State University. Linda and I were thrilled. The guest speaker surprised everyone. Instead of the usual encouragement to climb mountains and follow dreams, he suggested that the graduates be kind. “As you grow older,” said this wise and accomplished Turkish businessman who also has founded a four-year university in Turkey, “you will find that your most fulfilling moments will be times of giving or receiving kindness.” I agree. Dreams, aspirations, and successful ventures are not difficult to accomplish compared with developing kindness toward others and toward yourself. When you are encapsulated in a frightened part of your personality – such as anger, jealousy, despair, superiority and entitlement, inferiority and need to please – how can you experience kindness for others or for yourself? How can you experience kindness when a frightened part of your personality wants to kill someone or kill itself?

Kindness | Gary Zukav Linda Francis Seat of the Soul Institute authentic power spiritual partnership

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac

Click here for loads more -

Fun & Inspiring Archives - Tiny Buddha



Well-Known Member
What is kindness?

Kindness is behaviour marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without having an expectation of praise or reward.

Kindness is a topic in the Bible.

In Book II of "Rhetoric", Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped".

Nietzsche considered kindness and love to be the "most curative herbs and agents in human intercourse".

Kindness is considered to be one of the Knightly Virtues.

In Meher Baba's teachings, God is synonymous with kindness:

"God is so kind that it is impossible to imagine His unbounded kindness!"

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