What is it about kindness that makes it such an invaluable commodity in our world?
When we give out kindness, there is no physical exchange. We can’t see it coming out of us, nor can we see it being accepted. However, there is something about kindness that warms our world and makes it glow a little brighter – as if when we bear witness to it, a sun rises inside of us.
Why is it then, that with all the good that comes from kindness, it is often all too hard to do? When it feels easier to be rude, to be cruel, or to snap; that’s when it takes courage to be kind. Sometimes the decision to be kind takes all the strength we can muster. It seems that all too often our default setting is negativity. Yet no matter how hard it may be to convince yourself to be kind, once it’s done, kindness is something you will never regret giving out. We need to find a way to be braver in kindness.
Have we forgotten about the true power of kindness in the pursuit of success, safety and relationships?