This is a badly produced movie with a 15 million dollar budget but today it actually became quite famous. I was honestly waiting to see someone bring it up because it was inevitable. I think it was the protests that made it so famous. The actors are pretty meagre in my opinion and the production is not very good. So the Sunni protests helped the Shii director famous, and they helped promoting the film immensely. Almost every single person I have come across speaking about this movie got to know about it because the protests were discussed in the media. So the Shii director should be happy.
Mind you, Shii ayatollah's have condemned the movie because of it's instigation.
I don't agree with the protests because all it did was to promote the movie. But I am no analyst in that so maybe it has done some good. This is my personal feeling that protests like this are just useless. It's like playing the game someone started like an idiot.
Have you seen the movie? Think about it. There are some historical figures who Shii's consider as political enemies. Why do you think they hired black actors for the enemies? Does the colour of skin depict good guys and bad guys? This is the dirty mentality of the producer. This is demonising the black skin. But you should see Ali in that. White skin, graceful, dresses like an angel. But see, they are all from the same tribe. How could the good guy be white, and the bad guys be black?
Why have they equated their so called early black dirty guys equated to the ISIS?
When you watch it it's easily seen that they are intentionally instigating trouble. On purpose. Lets say someone made a movie about the holocaust and they are "holocaust deniers"? How would the government respond? How will people respond? But when it comes to Muslims, anything is fine.
Sad. Cheap and hypocritical.