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The last post is the WINNER!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Sunny day win!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not at all surprised..... likely your olfactory sense senses are long since gone due to your extended time with your arm in the toilet....and of course...being a Scott
Ya joke about stink'n of doodoo.
Well suck an egg, Yogi! Now who do
you think that you are
ya smelly old bar!
Clogged terlits smell better'n wet Booboo!

Limericks composed in less than 60 seconds are seldom any good.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I might be insulted...if that came from one who actually had a sense of smell..... but you don't so.......I will just take the EASY win.....

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I win for listening to early music expertly sung. A song? You'll need to read French and google translate fails but it's a perfect example of how bawdy songs can be musically very fun.

Entre vous filles de qunze ans
ne venes plus a la fountaine
car trop eves les yeulx frians
tetin poignant
bouche riant
connin mouflant
le cueur plus gay qu' une mistaine
enter vous filles de quinze ans
ne venes plus la fountaine.
But a hint:

You fifteen-year old girls,
don't come to the fountain anymore.
Your eyes are too hungry,
your... too pert,
your mouths too smiling
your... too cosy.
your hearts more playful than a kitten's​

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I win by having a bear-free home. I don't care how much they offer for rent, I'll have no bear boarders.
If a bear shows up, rally the troops as "La Guerre" celebrated French victory:

Good comrades, be valiant
France! Courage, give blows
Courage, strike out, trash out
draw blades, 'eat' them up. to arms! to arms!
They are running away! They are showing their heels!
Kill, kill, kill, chip, chop, torch, leer
To death! To death!
Give chase! Strike out, thrash out, they are defeated.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
If a bear shows up, rally the troops as "La Guerre" celebrated French victory:

Good comrades, be valiant
France! Courage, give blows
Courage, strike out, trash out
draw blades, 'eat' them up. to arms! to arms!
They are running away! They are showing their heels!
Kill, kill, kill, chip, chop, torch, leer
To death! To death!
Give chase! Strike out, thrash out, they are defeated.
That reminds me of this....

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I win by being faster than any bear that chased me while snowboarding.
(Bears are terrible boarders.)

True, but we're GREAT on snowmobiles...

I win by having a bear-free home. I don't care how much they offer for rent, I'll have no bear boarders.

Well that is certainly discriminatory....I think I shall have to report you to ASPCU American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ursidaes

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
If a bear shows up, rally the troops as "La Guerre" celebrated French victory:

Good comrades, be valiant
France! Courage, give blows
Courage, strike out, trash out
draw blades, 'eat' them up. to arms! to arms!
They are running away! They are showing their heels!
Kill, kill, kill, chip, chop, torch, leer
To death! To death!
Give chase! Strike out, thrash out, they are defeated.

ooooh French food


Premium Member
Well that is certainly discriminatory....I think I shall have to report you to ASPCU American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ursidaes
Oh, alright. If you think it's so cruel, I'll mend my ways.

I'll tell you what...if you want to be a bear boarder we can do that. We'll even set it up so we have some activities, just to make sure everyone is well taken care of. We'll start with:

1. Share Your Feelings Hour (every evening.)

2. Hug Therapy on Saturday mornings.

3. An "Outbursts Management" plan, where we all agree to support each other to only say and do kind things, by practicing the Stop, Drop and Eye Roll response to all negative impulses. That's when one feels a negative impulse, stop all activity, drop one's gaze down, and then roll one's eyes for as long as it takes for the "negatives" to go bye-bye.

We'll add more after we get a chance to do some bonding-brain-storming. It'll be such fun!