I do not hear it often, but I do occasionally hear it. Rarely I suppose. I say "mi-zor-e" for the most part unless I am being facetious. Neither of my parents were from the area, nor did we have family there. When I was growing up, I was a little envious that everyone was related in some way. Now. Not so much, but I still love the area and there are many people there that I care about.I remember one Lyft ride I gave, I explained I'm normally from Missouri, and some lady called me out for not saying "mi-zor-ugh." I did some poking around, and found its apparently a thing of state pride mostly done by politicians. My mom couldn't remember hearing it.
If I dont get moved onto other things and drive Lyft again, I'm gonna see what people's reaction is when I tell them I'm originally from here.