This is well known among Shia scholars, that there is two days of risings talked about in Quran for example, and two hours, and when it talks about days of God, there is the days like Moses overthrows Pharaoh (the days like Ad is destroyed, etc), then there is the Mahdi rising (because it's like Moses' day but on a universal world stage), and then there is the day of judgment (I will bring those hadiths).
This was no secret, it's just Baha'allah made it all talk about day of judgment was all metaphoric. This was too far. There is two hours referred to in Quran. Quran talks about the Mahdi true and talks about that day of rising true, but it doesn't mean there is no day of literal resurrection of humanity, it talks about both.
I will focus on this from Quran and ahadith.
In Hadithes, there are 3 Days, which are Days of God. They occur in this sequence:
1. Day of Rise of Qaim
2. Day of Return (رجعه)
3. Day of Judgement
Now, I will explain each of these Days, and how in Bahai view they are fulfilled:
In recorded traditions there are two promised ones. One is a Person whose lineage is from Muhammad, and is known as the 12th Imam, who rules for 7 years. In our view this Person is the Bab, and the number of years matches with period of His messengership!
Second Day, is the Day of return, which is symbolic return (I will prove it from Hadithes and Quran!...). Since all prophets are one and the same in Spiritual sense, when the Qaim and His companions come, it is as if, all Imams, and prophets of the past appeared. Likewise, anyone who disbelieves and fights with them, is, as if he is the return of infidles of past ages!
The third Day, is Day of Resurrection, or the Judgement Day. On that Day, Humanity meets with the Lord! But when we look at traditions, the Imams have said, humanity meets the Qaim! That is because, God is invisible and has no form, thus, His words and commands manifests from the Qaim. In Bahai view, this is fulfilled by Bahaullah، whose mission began after that Bab, and lasted for 40 years. In hadithes, it is said, after the 12th imam, Hussein returns, and rules for 40 years. It matches precisely with duration of mission of Bahaullah!
I completely see, the Hadithes and Quran compatible with Bahai Faith.
I understand, you would have more objections, and that is ok. I will be more than happy to give more clarification so we understand each others view better.
And if you think, anything I said, contredicts with Quran and Hadith, please point it out, then, I will bring evidence from sources of Islam.
But, here is another evidence from Quran and Hadithes:
القمي: ج 2 ص 245 - أخبرنا أحمد بن إدريس قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد، عن محمد بن يونس، عن رجل، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قول الله تبارك وتعالى: فأنظرني إلى يوم يبعثون قال فإنك من المنظرين إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم، قال: - * * *
يوم الوقت المعلوم هو يوم ظهور المهدي عليه السلام
According to above Hadith, Abi Abdullah said, the Promised Day (یوم الوقت المعلوم) is the Day Mahdi manifests!
Here is another Hadith from Imam Rida:
- (الامام الرضا عليه السلام) " لا دين لمن لا ورع له، ولا إيمان لمن لا تقية له إن أكرمكم عند الله أعملكم بالتقية، فقيل له: يا ابن رسول الله إلى متى ؟ قال: إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم، وهو يوم خروج قائمنا أهل البيت فمن ترك التقية قبل خروج قائمنا فليس منا.
Here also Imam Rida says, the Promised Day is the Day of Rise of Our Qaim.
Now, here is another Hadith from Abi Abdullah, who says, The Promised Day is the Day of blowing the trumpet, and resurrection:
قال :
ويوم الوقت المعلوم يوم ينفخ في الصور نفخة واحدة فيموت إبليس ما بين النفخة الاولى والثانية. وأما « ن » فكان نهرا في الجنة أشد بياضا من الثلج ، وأحلى من العسل ، قال الله عزوجل له : كن مدادا ، فكان مدادا ، ثم أخذ شجرة فغرسها بيده. ثم قال : واليد القوة ، وليس بحيث تذهب إليه المشبهة ثم قال لها : كوني قلما ، ثم قال له : اكتب ، فقال : يا رب وما أكتب؟ قال :
ما هو كائن إلى يوم القيامة. ففعل ذلك ، ثم ختم عليه ، وقال : لا تنطقن إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم
Thus, the Promised Day, the Day the Trmpet blows, and Day of Resurrction are the same. These terms are used interchangeably!
In our view, whenever the Quran and traditions talk about Resurrection of the Dead, they only mean in a spiritual sense! That is, when a guidance comes from God through the Qaim, the disbelievers are guided. This is symbolically expressed as Resurrection of the Dead. Here are more proves from Quran and traditions:
وقال الله عز وجل: " يخرج الحي من الميت ومخرج الميت من الحي
[4] " فالحي: المؤمن الذي تخرج طينته من طينة الكافر والميت الذي يخرج من الحي: هو الكافر الذي يخرج من طينة المؤمن فالحي: المؤمن، والميت: الكافر وذلك قوله عز وجل: " أو من كان ميتا فأحييناه
This Hadith is from Imam Sadiq. With regards to the verse 30:19 (He brings the Dead out of living....), Imam said, it means, the 'believer is the living', and the 'disbeliever is the dead'...He will cause the attributes of believer to appear in a disbeliever!
Now, here is the complete verse:
"He brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living. He gives life to the earth after its death, and
you shall be raised to life in the same way." 30:19
We notice, "He gives life to earth after its death", according to Hadithes means, when the earth if filled with injustice, the Qaim will bring justice (I already quoted Hadithes for this, in this thread).
Now, last part of the verse says, 'you shall be raised to life in the same way', meaning, you (humanity), will receive a new guidance when Qaim comes, and is guided to the right path!
So, as we see, resurrection of the dead has a spiritual meaning. Nothing physical. In other places of Quran, it may appear physical, but in our view, those verses are also Mutishabihat!