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The Me Generation


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Tell me about these laws you desire to have passed, please?
Well I'd like there to be no more forced proverty of the disabled. You know some people cant work cuz of disability and SSI stops you from being able to save more then $2000 or you get taken off of it. That's not livable. If you have a medical emergency or hell just need your house fixed cuz the roof on it has been destroyed. $2000 aint going to cut it. Not to mention the disabled have higher standards of living they need more money for medical equipment and will go into debt just trying to live and not die. I would like for the SSI restoration act to pass. I'd also like that law Kassa to be passed. Stop putting students in danger by restraining them. Oh and let's not forget it's legal to pay disabled people below minimum wage. Lets get that fixed shall we and stop having people paid 20 cents an hour at good will. Not to mention our healthcare is more expensive then most other countries. I'm trying to convince government officals to do something about that cuz people are dying for not being able to afford healthcare.


The Hungry Abyss
Do you deny other people their right to call themselves as they identify?
If a person are identifying as gender fluid, you want to refuse them their right to express their inner private feelings?

I don't care what you want to call yourself but I also have the right to call you crazy if what you call yourself is absurd. Expect me to call you something I'm not comfortable calling you? We have an issue. Make laws to force me to call you something I feel wrong about calling you? You have given me reason to declare war on you and everyone like you.


Veteran Member
Okay, so by identifying as autistic, you are changing how people interact with you? You wish to be treated differently because of your neurological differences?
Well er, yes, I imagine that's the idea.

I'm not sure what you object to. Being by nature a rather impatient person, as you seem also to be, I have given a hard time to a few people on different forums I subscribe to, only to find out later they were on the autistic spectrum. Once I knew that, I was able to make some allowance for how they expressed themselves and we all got on a lot better. We have several here, in fact, not to mention a very patient and resilient mother of at least one autistic child.

Everyone brings personal "baggage" of some kind to a discussion and, on the internet, where everyone is a stranger and we can't see one another, a lot of the usual clues are unavailable. So it can save a bit of grief and misunderstanding to give people some idea about us, or at least those things that might lead to problems.

Is that really something you disapprove of?


The Hungry Abyss
Well I'd like there to be no more forced proverty of the disabled. You know some people cant work cuz of disability and SSI stops you from being able to save more then $2000 or you get taken off of it. That's not livable. If you have a medical emergency or hell just need your house fixed cuz the roof on it has been destroyed. $2000 aint going to cut it. Not to mention the disabled have higher standards of living they need more money for medical equipment and will go into debt just trying to live and not die. I would like for the SSI restoration act to pass. I'd also like that law Kassa to be passed. Stop putting students in danger by restraining them. Oh and let's not forget it's legal to pay disabled people below minimum wage. Lets get that fixed shall we and stop having people paid 20 cents an hour at good will. Not to mention our healthcare is more expensive then most other countries. I'm trying to convince government officals to do something about that cuz people are dying for not being able to afford healthcare.

If you're suggesting giving disabled people more government funds, that's a hard no from me. I want to see almost all social programs go private. That is, charity needs to start supporting the needy, not government dollars. I agree with you about the wage issue. If you're disabled, you should be paid the same minimum wage as others are. As for healthcare, I don't support public healthcare. Perhaps a voucher system or something but socialized healthcare is a nightmare.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
I don't care what you want to call yourself but I also have the right to call you crazy if what you call yourself is absurd. Expect me to call you something I'm not comfortable calling you? We have an issue. Make laws to force me to call you something I feel wrong about calling you? You have given me reason to declare war on you and everyone like you.
Just to your information, identidy as a hetrosexual man (born a male, always been one)
But why should other people follow your wishes? Are you saying others has to be just like you for you to feel comfortable?


The Hungry Abyss
Well er, yes, I imagine that's the idea.

I'm not sure what you object to. Being by nature a rather impatient person, as you you seem also to be, I have given a hard time to a few people on different forums I subscribe to, only to find out later they were on the autistic spectrum. Once I knew that, I was able to make some allowance for how they expressed themselves and we all got on a lot better. We have several here, in fact, not to mention a very patient and resilient mother of at least one autistic child.

Everyone brings personal "baggage" of some kind to a discussion and, on the internet, where everyone is a stranger and we can't see one another, a lot of the usual cues are unavailable. So it can save a bit of grief and misunderstanding to give people some idea about us, or at least those things that might lead to problems.

Is that really something you disapprove of?

Right... so you want me to treat people differently, based on their status as being different. I dislike that, honestly, since the autistic people I know in real life do not want to be seen as different from regular people. I treat them like anyone else. Sometimes I have to repeat myself or speak a bit slower but that's not the same thing as walking on eggshells because they are autistic. Should I begin treating black people differently than white people, since black people on the internet feel the need to impress on me the fact they are black and somehow, that should mean something to me?


The Hungry Abyss
Just to your information, identidy as a hetrosexual man (born a male, always been one)
But why should other people follow your wishes? Are you saying others has to be just like you for you to feel comfortable?
If men want to roam about in dresses, wear makeup, and think that makes them a woman, that's fine. However, they need to stop expecting me to validate their misinformed view of themselves and appropriation of womanhood. I'll validate their appropriation as appropriation. How about that? Anyways... My point is no one should be forced by law to validate another's delusions.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
If men want to roam about in dresses, wear makeup, and think that makes them a woman, that's fine. However, they need to stop expecting me to validate their misinformed view of themselves and appropriation of womanhood. I'll validate their appropriation as appropriation. How about that? Anyways... My point is no one should be forced by law to validate another's delusions.
But are'nt you the one telling others "your standard" is the "wrong" one whereas your own is the "RIGHT" one, so you validate everyone else from your own label.

Who gave you the right answer to how everone else should be, feel, behave""


Veteran Member
Right... so you want me to treat people differently, based on their status as being different. I dislike that, honestly, since the autistic people I know in real life do not want to be seen as different from regular people. I treat them like anyone else. Sometimes I have to repeat myself or speak a bit slower but that's not the same thing as walking on eggshells because they are autistic. Should I begin treating black people differently than white people, since black people on the internet feel the need to impress on me the fact they are black and somehow, that should mean something to me?
No need to guy what I said. Who mentioned eggshells? Or black people? I'm talking about autism. Just be prepared for a different conversational style and don't take offence when someone communicates something in a slightly odd fashion.

I would quite agree that on, say, a science forum (I belong to several) there is no expectation that manifest nonsense, or insults, should be tolerated just because someone is autistic. Moderation deals with that if need be (and there are some individuals who have been banned for filling those forums with crap). But there is no point getting into an argument with someone because of something about the way they are wired up and which they can't help.


The Hungry Abyss
But are'nt you the one telling others "your standard" is the "wrong" one whereas your own is the "RIGHT" one, so you validate everyone else from your own label.

Who gave you the right answer to how everone else should be, feel, behave""

That doesn't make sense...


The Hungry Abyss
No need to guy what I said. Who mentioned eggshells? Or black people? I'm talking about autism. Just be prepared for a different conversational style and don't take offence when someone communicates something in a slightly odd fashion.

I would quite agree that on, say, a science forum (I belong to several) there is no expectation that manifest nonsense, or insults, should be tolerated just because someone is autistic. Moderation deals with that if need be (and there are some individuals who have been banned for filling those forums with crap). But there is no point getting into an argument with someone because of something about the way they are wired up and which they can't help.

I tend to favor the follow the rules or get out mentality. Your disability or brain differences, aren't going to excuse you from the rules. If you're yelling in class, you're yelling in class. If you yell because you have x disorder, then you still get sent to the principals office like anyone else. In the workplace, you do what the boss says and follow the rules. If you can't, then you get fired. It's simple.


Veteran Member
I tend to favor the follow the rules or get out mentality. Your disability or brain differences, aren't going to excuse you from the rules. If you're yelling in class, you're yelling in class. If you yell because you have x disorder, then you still get sent to the principals office like anyone else. In the workplace, you do what the boss says and follow the rules. If you can't, then you get fired. It's simple.
I have not suggested anyone is exempt from the rules. People don't tell you they are on the autistic spectrum in the expectation of being exempt from rules.
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Veteran Member
We should move to Scottish/Australian pronouns for all. Just the 'C' word for every situation. Radical pronoun equality.


The Hungry Abyss
I have not suggested anyone is exempt from the rules. People don't tell you they are on the autistic spectrum in the expecation of being exempt from rules.
They tell me because they want special understanding from me and special treatment. Isn't that true?
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Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I tend to favor the follow the rules or get out mentality. Your disability or brain differences, aren't going to excuse you from the rules. If you're yelling in class, you're yelling in class. If you yell because you have x disorder, then you still get sent to the principals office like anyone else. In the workplace, you do what the boss says and follow the rules. If you can't, then you get fired. It's simple.

It's a good thing there are laws that protect disabled folks and provide accommodations for them in school or work then.


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something here because when I was growing up, this wasn't a thing.

Well, I am 36, and I know what you mean: in our generation there was a lot of absent analysis perhaps, on the mainstream level. And we millennials probably represent one of the last generations where that was the case, I guess. As for me, I was merely shunted in spec ed. departments for about 8 years. The elementary school psychologist thought I had autism. I was developing in a way that was socially abnormal. I didn't make a lot of friends in the k-12 years, except abusive ones, and often wandered the playground alone, for example

I was not ever officially diagnosed with that, but in middle school, I think it was adhd that they wanted to label me with. But by the end of high school, they really wanted to phase me out of all this. Largely, I felt like I was simply 'observed' during those years, more than I was the subject of any kind of more active management. (well in elementary school, there was the trampoline I sometimes was sent to go on)

I have made a few extensive posts on my experience here, but don't really dwell on it. I have read a few books on it though, because the brain is obviously complicated, and puzzle-like, and one probably should read a few books about brain/mind stuff in any case

So you might be able to see from this, why I might want to think about, or read about neurology or psychology stuff at least a little bit. It does bother me if people don't believe that various variations in psychology exist - something like autism can seem invisible to a lot of people, for example. It can even sometimes be quite a puzzle, I think, for the person experiencing it, to get a clear objective view of it
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Veteran Member
There isn't anything to be done other than what none of us really want to see done. However, that doesn't stop me from releasing a bit of stress here, having a debate on the topic while this utterly hard r generation gives the other totalitarians every excuse to bring back fascism. By the way, I dislike both futures, to be honest. Far right and far left are still totalitarianism and I really don't like totalitarianism.
The left side is not trying to be "totalitarian". It's trying to be "inclusive". It's trying to be accommodating of our diversity. But unfortunately it becomes a bit militant about it when faced with any 'push-back'. It's ironic, I know, but people are people.

I remember the push for civil rights back in the 60s and 70s. There was plenty of militant selfishness involved in that, too. But regardless, they were causes that needed to be addressed. And we are a better people, now, because these issues were forced into our conscious reality. And like it or not, the same is true of LGBTQ people and of people with unique cognitive function, today. They want to be recognized for who they are and brought into our cultural consciousness. And they have a right to be.

To be invisible in our culture is dangerous. And often injurious to our health. So a part of that "I'm me, see me" phenomena that seems to be so prevalent these days is a matter of survival. Especially in a land and time where the government, the corporations, and even our fellow citizens are happily oblivious unless we deliberately make ourselves a nuisance that they can't ignore.