Except your desires are to "read every text as they are written" and not in the context of ancient people who lacked knowledge of how things are in reality. There is no rational reason to interpret the Bible literally. Even Jews don't interpret Genesis literally as many Christians do. Christians can't explain how their interpretation of the Torah is valid and the Jews are wrong given it is their book.I read every text as they are written, I don't twist their meaning to fit to my own desires.
Well educated minds that don't have a religious agenda, like you do, will examine the history of the people and how they created the Bible at various stages of cultural development. The Bible was created by humans, and the various edits, translations, and interpretations have been created by different people and groups over the lest few millennia. What believers like you believe in the 21st century has changed dramatically over time, and it is odd that whatever one sect believes they don't acknowledge they are a subset of the evolution of Judaism and Christianity.