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The most ANNOYING misconception about YOUR faith?


Custom User
Djamila said:
What, for you, is the most annoying misconception about your faith?

I don't really know where to begin. I suppose the most annoying misconception about Islam, to me, is that it hasn't played as significant a role as it did in the development of the world. So much, in terms of architecture, music, dance, and so on - styles found universally around the globe - owe their roots to Islam. So much science and literature, so many aspects of modern civilization.

It really saddens me that students in Paris, for example, learn about European inventors while students in Bosnia learn about the Arabs and Persians who invented the same things often centuries earlier. This misconception of world history, I think, also plays a role in the rare but present misconception that all Muslims are terrorists today.

Another misconception that bothers me relates to Muslim women. I am frustrated with the Arab world's implementation of scripture in countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, and frustrated with non-Muslim misconceptions about Muslim women. I notice when I'm in Norway that if I'm wearing a veil, people speak more slowly to me as though they somehow have this belief that I am stupid. It's not a mean thing, they're still extraordinarily polite, but still they speak as though they're talking to a child - and its not because I'm Bosnian, it never happens when I don't wear a veil.

Those would be it for me.

What's it for you?

I can say the same thing about Vedic culture, which predates Islam. Actually, there are ongoing controversies over the origin of certain architecture. For example, the Taj Mahal, commonly seen to be of Islamic origin, is considered by some scholars to actually have Vedic roots. And, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't singing and dancing forbidden in the Koran? I heard that somewhere. Maybe that is wrong though.

Anyway, what is probably the most annoying misconception in the Hare Krishna movement is that the followers are hippies. I hear (ignorant) people refer to or compare them to hippies. Actually, we are incredibly anti-hippy. This misconception comes about for a few reasons: 1) This Hare Krishna movement was presented to the U.S. in the mid 60's to 70's, 2) We are against unnecessary violence toward animals, 3) We engage in ecstatic dance and chanting of the "Hare Krishna" mantra. Hippies are characterised by laziness and free love (sex actually). They smoke peyote or ganja, drop acid, eat shrooms and trip the light fantastic. The Hare Krishna devotees follow four regulative principles: 1) No meat, fish or eggs, 2) No intoxication (including coffee and tea), 3) No illicit sex (only when married and for the purpose of procreation) , 4) No gambling.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
BFD_Zayl said:
oh i have a few more!

that we dig up corpses and have sex with em, that all we do is hex and curse and blow poison into peoples eyes (i can do this but..stilll...i dont do it all the time..it would be like "hello!" *whoosh* "GAHHH!! MY EYES!!" ...i this is all in parenthesis isnt it? ah well) oh and that we enjoy slicing our own flesh, just for craps and giggles.
I suppose its easy for uneducated people to confuse "necromancer" with "necrophiliac". Man, you definitely got the short end when it comes to religous misconsceptions.

ps. have you considered using glitter instead of poison? Its cheaper, legal, and hurts just as bad. :D

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Someone may have already noted this, but "Pagans worship the devil" is one I find fairly annoying- simply because it can be hard to explain that, no, I don't worship the devil because I, personally, don't believe in what you call the devil. (And I'm usually nitpicky enough to then try to explain why those who worship the devil are among the nicest people I've met, too.) Among those of my own path, a misconception about my particular 'branch' of it is that "Dianics only worship the goddess and believe that only women should be 'clergy'." I'm sure that there are some Dianic Pagans who believe this, but I'm not one of them.


Custom User
FeathersinHair said:
Someone may have already noted this, but "Pagans worship the devil" is one I find fairly annoying- simply because it can be hard to explain that, no, I don't worship the devil because I, personally, don't believe in what you call the devil. (And I'm usually nitpicky enough to then try to explain why those who worship the devil are among the nicest people I've met, too.) Among those of my own path, a misconception about my particular 'branch' of it is that "Dianics only worship the goddess and believe that only women should be 'clergy'." I'm sure that there are some Dianic Pagans who believe this, but I'm not one of them.

Although, this tactless Christian accusation has a bit of reason behind it. The idea is that one either serves/worships the Supreme Absolute Truth (aka God), or they don't. In the case that they don't, they are invariably serving/worshipping "the devil" since "the devil" constitutes ignorance of God. Though I do understand why this is annoying. I too am considered a pagan since my theology is not familiar to the Christian masses.


Obstructor of justice
Paraprakrti said:
Although, this tactless Christian accusation has a bit of reason behind it. The idea is that one either serves/worships the Supreme Absolute Truth (aka God), or they don't. In the case that they don't, they are invariably serving/worshipping "the devil" since "the devil" constitutes ignorance of God. Though I do understand why this is annoying. I too am considered a pagan since my theology is not familiar to the Christian masses.

But, see that's not really the issue. When most people who claim Pagans worship the devil, they don't necessarily man in it this context. They mean it in the "midnight naked orgy in the forest chanting to the devil" kind of worshipping Satan. Sometimes, even people who see worshipping satan in the context you suggest DO believe that anyone who is not Christian or Jewish is actively worshipping Satan in the way I have suggested.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
MaddLlama put it better than I did. :) 'Pagan', in this sense, is used as a specific nature-celebrating tradition, as opposed to the 'non-Christian' sense. The misconception is not exclusively Christian, either.


Custom User
MaddLlama said:
But, see that's not really the issue. When most people who claim Pagans worship the devil, they don't necessarily man in it this context. They mean it in the "midnight naked orgy in the forest chanting to the devil" kind of worshipping Satan.

Yes. This may be the case initially. But once you explain to them that you don't partake in the "midnight naked orgy in the forest chanting to the devil", they ultimately resort to the reasoning I gave; i.e. "you either worship God or you worship the devil".

MaddLlama said:
Sometimes, even people who see worshipping satan in the context you suggest DO believe that anyone who is not Christian or Jewish is actively worshipping Satan in the way I have suggested.

I know what you're saying. Christians place sectarian designations on a transcendental God. That is the problem.


Obstructor of justice
Paraprakrti said:
Yes. This may be the case initially. But once you explain to them that you don't partake in the "midnight naked orgy in the forest chanting to the devil", they ultimately resort to the reasoning I gave; i.e. "you either worship God or you worship the devil".

Which just goes back to my second argument, more often than not. I haven't met in person very many Christians who actually believe that modern Pagans don't actively worship the devil. I can't tell you how many times I have had that exact conversation, only for them to respond with "you either worship God or you worship the devil, and the "gods" you talk about are just a cover-up".
It's a misconception that plenty have, and leads to such others as "those Wiccans will kidnap your children and eat them". I would really like to think that it's just a sectarian thing, but more often than not, it isn't. Unfortunate, but true.


Custom User
MaddLlama said:
Which just goes back to my second argument, more often than not. I haven't met in person very many Christians who actually believe that modern Pagans don't actively worship the devil. I can't tell you how many times I have had that exact conversation, only for them to respond with "you either worship God or you worship the devil, and the "gods" you talk about are just a cover-up".
It's a misconception that plenty have, and leads to such others as "those Wiccans will kidnap your children and eat them". I would really like to think that it's just a sectarian thing, but more often than not, it isn't. Unfortunate, but true.

Well, it is a sectarian thing because they think God is a "Christian" God. Actually, God is not a Christian God, nor a Muslim God, nor a Hindu God, nor a Pagan God. These are foolish designations. God is transcendental.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
Y'know, I've been posting in this thread, but I haven't answered the OP yet.

I get pretty annoyed when people assume that becuase I believe in evolution I don't believe in God.
Otherwise, I have not had any serious misconception, except where people choose to be purposefully cruel.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Just as a general reminder (not to you, Sorceror, you just happen to be above this post) please use this thread to clear up misconceptions about your own faith. Debating about whether or not this is or is not founded is better saved for another thread. Thanks!


Wonder Woman
What annoys me? That Wicca might as well mean "crazy person that actually believes they can hex people." Hmmm...let's see...

I have all kinds of spells and will do them for anyone who asks
That I worship grass and rocks
That we're into some kind of evil stuff (love when people freak out seeing my altar:rolleyes: )
We believe that we have some great powers (like in the movies - goes with the "crazy" thought)
That I'm Jewish (mistaking my pentacle for the Star of David - which just shows how little the person knows since the Star of David has no circle around it:rolleyes: ) at least that isn't so bad.


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
What annoys me? That Wicca might as well mean "crazy person that actually believes they can hex people." Hmmm...let's see...

I have all kinds of spells and will do them for anyone who asks
That I worship grass and rocks
That we're into some kind of evil stuff (love when people freak out seeing my altar:rolleyes: )
We believe that we have some great powers (like in the movies - goes with the "crazy" thought)
That I'm Jewish (mistaking my pentacle for the Star of David - which just shows how little the person knows since the Star of David has no circle around it:rolleyes: ) at least that isn't so bad.
ive had that happene before..i forgot what else i was gonna say...sorry lol i just drank an entire mason jar of yarrow tea, im havin trouble remembering where i am right now:D


BFD_Zayl said:
sorry lol i just drank an entire mason jar of yarrow tea, im havin trouble remembering where i am right now :D

hahaha! that's great. what's the stuff like?

back to the OP... a friend of mine is a devout Buddhist who, unfortunately, grew up with very unkind relatives who were also professed Christians. as a result he has a very prejudiced view of Christianity and of Theism in general. he harbors the belief that if a person adheres to a Theistic faith (specifically to Christianity), they are less likely to be reasonable people, less likely to have working knowelege of their faith, and less likely to be intelligent.

:eek: :( :cover:


Well-Known Member
gracie said:
hahaha! that's great. what's the stuff like?

back to the OP... a friend of mine is a devout Buddhist who, unfortunately, grew up with very unkind relatives who were also professed Christians. as a result he has a very prejudiced view of Christianity and of Theism in general. he harbors the belief that if a person adheres to a Theistic faith (specifically to Christianity), they are less likely to be reasonable people, less likely to have working knowelege of their faith, and less likely to be intelligent.

:eek: :( :cover:
well, it tastes like reg tea, albeit a bit more gamey, makes your muscles go lax, and your mind relax completly...thats one cup, now a mason jar which is about 10 cups worth....you get the idea

and i dont blame your buddhist friend, alot of people have that misconception due to lack of exposure.


well, it tastes like reg tea, albeit a bit more gamey, makes your muscles go lax, and your mind relax completly...thats one cup, now a mason jar which is about 10 cups worth....you get the idea

and i dont blame your buddhist friend, alot of people have that misconception due to lack of exposure.

oh my lord! sounds like you're describing something quite different from tea! hehe, it sounds great though.

understanably a person can be ignorant of another's faith because of lack of exposure, and can harbor prejudices and cling these prejudices because of the actions of self-professed adherents to a faith. but to continue to cling to negative ideas and to block out dialogue with willing and knowlegable people is a mistake and a pity.

[/off topic aside]

mostly harmless

Endlessly amused
Djamila said:
What, for you, is the most annoying misconception about your faith?

That I haven't any.

People seem to think that not believing all the dogma or not believing in a lot of other things means that I don't believe in God.


Done here.
Booko said:
Oh, it's that extreme alright. In my hometown, many people refered to Pentacostals by the derogatory title "holy rollers." And then they would roll their eyes.
When we were growing up, we always referred to Pentecostals as holy rollers -- and my great-grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher. (Pentecostalism came in with the third wife, though; none of his children or grandchildren were Pentecostals.)

Most common misconceptions about Quakers:
  • That all Quakers are Christians.
  • "You must eat a lot of oatmeal." (Actually, I do, but the two aren't related.)
  • "So, you can't drink or dance or anything?"
  • "That's like Amish, right?"
Most common misconceptions about atheism:
  • That atheists have no ethics or morals.
  • That atheists don't care about anything on a deep level.
  • That atheists are angry at God.
  • That atheists must have been hurt or disillusioned by a member of the clergy.
  • That atheists must have been brainwashed by professors at college.
  • That atheists, having no eternal bliss with Jesus to look forward to, are (or ought to be) grim and joyless.


Active Member
What, for you, is the most annoying misconception about your faith?

Oh boy, where do I start; We're all:
criminals (people have posted threads with statistics trying to prove that one:rolleyes: )
without any real problems
gay haters
trying to make everybody believe what we believe
war starters



Almighty Tallest
I'ld say for Agnostics it's "We're confused" or "It's the same thing as Atheism" which in turn generates the same misconceptions as Atheists get.