Here is the asked for "evidence" of design. I provide it in the form of order, patterns of consistency and complexity with many parts that serve different functions. Then i do what ALL science does, i use INFERERENCE and infer actual design.
So, then you ask, whos the designer. Ok, NOW i dive into giving you a PHILOSOPHICAL answer to that. There also is a science called the philosophy of science. But, going into WHO the designer is, does not do away with the ACTUAL evidence and inference for design itself.
Wait, hold, he cannot. Remember, you asked me WHO the designer is. Ok, the who is NOT the kind of God you just described. Atleast not according to my philosophical answer.
i dont believe God can do just anything. That makes no logical sense. Heres why: if God could do anything, then he could make himself non existent. But, that makes zero sense. I dont believe, on philosophical grounds that God can do that. Can God make a rock so big that he cannot lift it? Again, no he cannot. Can God give free will and yet fully know what we will do with it? Again, no. He can predict based on factors, but no absolute knowledge, unless he took the will away and made robots. Can God create and design a universe (design has order, complexity and many functioning parts) and then make it LOOK like its simple, with no parts, no order? Again, no, God CANNOT do that. That makes no sense and would make God appear rediculious. Theres no soundness to the philosophical idea that God can do anything like that. The God i believe in, the "who is the designer" is NOT that kind of God your describing.
Yes, there is, look at the hallmarks of design in the world.
I agree with this now. God COULD have created everything simple. But, if he did that, we wouldent be here talking about it. Why? Because we are complex.
I completely and wholeheartedly disagree with that. With all my might and soul do i disagree.
Not only would that be illogical, plus, impossible, it would also make God a deciever too. On so many grounds this makes no sense. To add, there is no conceivable motive for God to create everything complex, then make it appear like its simple. What motive would God have that you posit here?
Only if he sliced off the surface of earth and made another one, or made a new earth and put noah on it.
Again, motive?
I dont doubt your sincerely in discussing these things, i really dont, but, this philosophical argument i think is unsound. Theres no motive, its illogical and impossible.
And everything ive said, combined together is evidence that God did it.
But, heres the crux of the matter, "evolutionary theory" is a euphemism for "nothing+chance+time" did it.
That's fine for a religious belief, but it's a non-starter for science. "Nothing+chance+time" simply is not scientifically testable. While I appreciate the effort you put into your post, there really isn't anything more to this.
Thats akin to an artist throwing paint on a canvas and hoping without guiding, that it creates mountains, bunnies and deer and a log cabin.
Again, because there's nothing "nothing+chance+time" cannot do, there cannot be anything that falsifies "nothing+chance+time" did it. And therefore "nothing+chance+time" cannot be science.
But, yes, i did mention something can falsify God. If science could prove "nothing+chance+time" did it, this would falsify God did it.
Ever hear of the coin flippin machine? Everytime we flip a coin we say 50/50 chance it lands on heads or tails. But this coin flippin machine was engineered to flip a coin and cause it to land the same side up, the same distence EVERY SINGLE TIME.
The point? Chance dont exist, only FACTORS DO.