Anybody who has done even a cursory reading in historical Jesus scholarship would be aware that we have more information confirming (at the least) Jesus' historicity than for the vast majority of ancient historical figures. This is why the skeptics are so few and largely non-experts. There is simply too much material attesting to his existence.
You will find exactly what you are looking if you are merely ratifying your beliefs.
Of course, this works both ways.
Did a man named Jesus live during the appropriate time period?
I would be highly surprised if there wasn't at least one man named Jesus back then.
But the thing is...
So what?
So it isn't hard to believe that someone named Jesus lived then.
In fact, Based on the likes of
David Koresh,
Charles Manson,
Jim Jones, Etc. I do not find it difficult at all to believe that the man named Jesus had a cult following.
In fact, given the superstitious nature of people back then, I do not find it difficult to believe that the followers of the Jesus led cult believed 100% that he was the son of god/god himself.
Though the interesting thing is that I do not put much stock in the appeal to popularity/divinity argument.