My own religion
I wasn't referring to any sort of understanding of nature, but the facts of how what we experience and function happens to be. Take your mind and interpretation out of it.
If you get cancer, that isn't dictated by any understanding, or philosophy, or illusion, it happens to be something real as you experience life as a natural being.
Real it is.
Imagine a small body of water, a pond. It is not real, but it is real, that you can imagine it. In it are 2 ducks. A real duck and a decoy duck, The decoy dock is not a real duck, but it is a real decoy duck.
You are so proud that you know that brains can "play tricks" with humans and that you are not one of them. Well, you are. We all are including me.
The problem with the word "real" is that is an a cognitive abstract and dependent on actual individual cognition. but you treat it as a property of things, but you can't describe what real looks like. That is the problem.
It is the same problem with existence.
The same with natural and being. You are doing old school philosophy.