Yes but I don't believe anyone knows what the out come of any specific indoctrination will be.
Oh, I don't think it's that difficult. The doctrine of "every man for himself" would be pretty easy to extrapolate. That's why it's so often dressed up as "freedom", or as "natural law".
There or simple too many variables in the form of what folks take to valuing.
Actually, most people value pretty much the same things in life: peace, relative prosperity and equity, and to avoid unnecessary suffering. The problem is that there are always a few among us that want everything they can get, and when they get it, it still isn't going to be enough. And they don't care what anyone else wants or who else suffers from the lack.
So you can't really stand or push any particular ideology on the conviction that it is the best.
Sure we can. It's whichever ideology serves the most people in the best way. And the only ones among us that will object are those few that want it all, and will not rest until they get as much of it as they can take. Money, power, pleasure, control, ... everything.
It may be exactly the one that leads to that sick, oppressive and a horribly lopsided society.
We all know what leads to it. Greed, selfishness, hedonism, indifference to the suffering or desires of others.
Right now, I see capitalism as allowing the individual greater freedom to pursue their interests.
I'm sorry, but that's just plain false. The only interest being served by capitalism is the maximization the profit returned on the capital invested, to the capital investor. Everyone else involved in the commercial enterprise is there to serve that goal. And it doesn't matter at all what their interests are. Because the capital investor is in control, and he/she determines the course and purpose of the endeavor. And that is to serve his own needs and desires.
Certainly it needs to be better at this though. Capitalism needs to promote policy that allows for greater inclusion.
But that's not capitalism. By definition, capitalism is all and only about maintaining the power of money to capture more money. It doesn't care who has the money. Or how they got it. It simply gives whomever it is control over whatever enterprise they chose to invest it in. And that includes control over everyone else that's involved in or effected by whatever they've invested it in.
So everyone gets to enjoy the same freedom to pursue their own interests.
In fact, almost no one ever gets to pursue their interests. As they are spending all their time and energy helping the rich get richer, just to try ad enable their own survival. And even that is getting harder to do as the wealth continues to pile up in the hands of people that can't ever get enough of it, and that don't care who suffers as a result.
What in your opinion would be the benefits of socialism?
Socialism takes sole control of commercial enterprise away from the capital investor and shares it among all those involved and effected by it allowing them to protect themselves from capitalism's unremitting greed, and insert their own needs and desires into the commercial endeavor. Imagine a world where instead of our being inundated 24-7 by an endless barrage of commercial advertising pushing a mountain of useless material crap on us intended to keep us all feeding the bottomless greed of the capitalist's money pump we call "the economy" that we instead only produce the materials and services that work well, and last long, and make our lives better. And we can do all that working 20 hours a week instead of 50 because that's all it takes when we eliminate all the corporate duplication and warfare. And then we all really do have the time and energy to pursue those personal interests you're talking about.
If we can build machines to travel through outer space, I'm sure we could design a blueprint for commercial enterprise that gives everyone involved some say in how and when that enterprise is to be carried out. The investor will still gain a return on his investment, but the workers will become partners and gain some of the profits, too. While the consumers and the community will also have some say in how and what business is being conducted in their midst so as to protect their well-being, as well. There is nothing impossible about any of this. All it takes is that we stop worshipping and excusing our unmitigated greed, and start applying some common decency and common sense to the way we conduct our production and commerce.
The free markets of the "wild west" are gone, and they are not going to return. And to be honest, they weren't that great for most people, anyway. It's long past time we grew the **** up and set up a methodology for conducting business that serves and protects everyone involved, and without all the fighting and clawing at each other to gain the means of our survival. Like we're a bunch of dumb animals.